Image Article
The Huge L5 S1 Disc Herniation Disappeared With Conservative Treatment
Ai Min Wu, Fang Ming Mao, Xiang Yang Wang, Yong Long Chi, Wen Fei Ni*
Corresponding Author: Wei Fei Ni MD PhD, Department of Spinal Surgery, Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Zhejiang Spine Center, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, Peoples Republic of China. Email:, Phone number: 86 0577 88002814, Fax number: 86 0577 88002823.
Received: October 12, 2016; Revised: October 25, 2016 ; Accepted: October 21, 2016
Citation: Wu A M, Mao F M, Wang X Y, Chi Y L & Ni W F (2016). The Huge L5-S1 Disc Herniation Disappeared With Conservative Treatment. J Neurosurg Imaging Techniques, 1(3): 100-101.
Copyrights: ©2016 Wu A M, Mao F M, Wang X Y, Chi Y L & Ni W F. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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A 26 years old women without medical history presented left leg pain after lifting a heavy object. She can’t stand up because of the sciatic pain, and also complained with numbness of the bottom of left foot. Straight-leg-Raising test showed only 30 degree, and MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) showed a huge L5-S1 disc herniation, and nerve root was compressed (A and B, arrow). Conservative treatment with rest on bed with lumbar traction, combined with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine. She had a good compliance at first four weeks. Then, she back to work with mild sciatic pain, and come to outpatient clinic one year after first interview, she said without leg pain now and free to normal work life. The MRI of one year follow up showed the previous huge L5-S1 disc herniation was disappeared (C and D, arrow). Current trials found that surgery may be had an earlier relief of pain, however, few differences were observed in pain and disability between surgical and conservative treatment after one year. Additionally, conservative treatment have advantage of cost saving.



FDA device/drug status: Not applicable.


Author disclosures: AM Wu: Nothing to disclose. FM M: Nothing to disclose. XYW: Nothing to disclose. YL Chi: Nothing to disclose. WF Ni: Nothing to disclose.


This work was partly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81501933 AMW, 81372014 YLC).