Research Article
Respirable Air Pollution Particulates and Cancer: The Magnetite Connection
Abrahám A Embí
Corresponding Author: Abrahám A Embí, Formerly Affiliated with VA Hospital, University of Miami, 13442 SW 102 Lane, Miami, Florida, 33186, USA
Received: November 25, 2019; Revised: May 24, 2020; Accepted: December 09, 2019
Citation: Embí AA. (2020) Respirable Air Pollution Particulates and Cancer: The Magnetite Connection. J Cancer Sci Treatment, 2(2): 121-125.
Copyrights: ©2020 Embí AA. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Background: The main purpose of this manuscript is to bring awareness to in vitro experiments demonstrating respirable air pollution magnetite as a factor in cell deformation and the increase in intensity (range) surrounding the foreign material observed at the end of the human blood coagulation cascade. Also to introduce a possible mechanism as a factor in cancer genesis. Magnetite is a rock mineral and one in the oxides of iron and is the most magnetic or all naturally occurring minerals on Earth; its origins could be Biogenic (produced or brought about by living organisms) or Anthropogenic (chiefly of environmental pollution and pollutants originating in human activity). These nano-sized particles penetrate the nasal mucosa and invade the lung tissue, subsequently migrating via the circulating blood throughout our bodies. At present, the mechanism involved in cancer genesis is unknown of importance is that there is a strong correlation in cancer incidence and air pollution respirable particulates.

Materials and methods: Images and video recordings from recent unpublished and previous in vitro experiments by this author are presented.

Results and conclusion: In this manuscript, only qualitative visual results are shown. The images show that when magnetite fragments are imbedded in fresh blood smears, cells deformations (red blood cells) occur. When metal iron filings are in contact with fresh blood, blood coagulation or cell deformations also occur. It is concluded that based on the visual images herein presented, magnetite magnetic field reaches consistently causes cell deformation and a greater range in blood coagulation; whereas the iron particles have a dual effect on blood tissue namely, cell deformations as well as a lesser coagulation effect. An additional observation is that whenever the metal iron filings are within magnetite magnetic reach; there is also an increase in the coagulation area. Cell deformations are identified as a possible factor in cancer genesis.


Keywords: Magnetite, Metal iron filings, Cells deformation, Human blood coagulation


Epidemiological studies have correlated cancer with the breathing of nano-sized air pollution particulates a.k.a. particulate matter (PM) [1,2]; and matched to their size, for example, a particle measuring 10 nm is labeled PM10. Another characteristic is the molecular composition of the PM; they are described as magnetite like biospheres with a biogenic origin (produced or brought about by living organisms) or anthropogenic (chiefly of environmental pollution and pollutants originating in human activity) [3]. “They arise as combustion-derived, iron-rich particles, often associated with other transition metal particles, which condense and/or oxidize upon airborne release. Those magnetite pollutant particles which are <200 nm in diameter can enter the brain (or other organs) directly via the olfactory bulb” [4,5]. “The occurrence of magnetite in cell tissues therefore represents an intriguing dichotomy: on the one hand, the mineral can play a key role in magneto-reception and navigation, and thus survival, of various types of organisms and on the other hand, it can impart deleterious effects in humans, especially when they are exposed to high PM concentrations in polluted urban environments” [6]. At present, the deleterious effect mechanism is unknown.


An optical microscopy method temporarily preserving human blood tissue properties on a glass slide smear was developed and introduced. This technique is referred by the acronym (TIBS) for Temporary In Vivo Blood Smear [7-9]. Amongst  the  utility of  this  method  was  allowing  for  the detection of energy changes attributed to molecular changes occurring during the human blood coagulation cascade. A literature search showed that when foreign particles are in contact with fresh blood tissue, adhesion occurs, thus initiating a blood coagulation cascade (Figures 1-3) [10-13] and video links. In my initial experiments with metal iron filings particles, energy emissions in the form of light were observed during the coagulation cascade. At the time, the light emissions were hypothesized to be either from a fibrin burst or a piezoelectric effect caused by the sudden mechanical compression of blood tissue at the end of coagulation (Supplementary Figure 4) [14].


The dual effect of metal iron filings on fresh blood - Compressed blood tissue identified as blood clots (Figure 1)

The dual effect of metal iron filings on fresh blood - The demonstration of cells deformation by iron particles in fresh blood (Figure 2)

The dual effect of iron particles - The dual effect of iron particles a side by side comparison in same slide (Figures 3 and 4)

Compare both iron filings below and observe two different effects. Coagulated blood surrounding the iron to the left, and deformed RBCs surrounding the iron to the right. The dual mechanisms for these different finding remains unexplained at present

For additional details please link to: or scan QR code in right upper corner of image.

The effect of magnetite fragment on fresh blood: Red blood cells deformation

Subsequent experiments with magnetized magnetite rocks fragments showed not only color changes displays throughout the coagulation stage; but ultimately an increase in coagulated blood surrounding the magnetized fragments and Figures 5-7 and video links.

Magnetite Magnetic Reach Effect on Iron Filings in Fresh Blood - Increase in blood coagulation (Figures 8-10)


The TIBS methodology has allowed for documentation of the effects of fragments of both, metal iron filings and magnetite rocks fragments placed on fresh human blood smears. There are two types of effects: the first are persistent cells deformations by magnetite and a dual effect of metal iron filings. Additionally, there is an increase in blood coagulation surrounding the magnetized magnetite fragment and iron particles when within the magnetite magnetic reach (Figures 7-9).


There has been numerous papers describing the various properties of Magnetite, they range from remainence in multidomain materials magnetization of multidomain particles of magnetite [15], Magnetite as a semiconductor [16], identifying magnetite as an efficient catalyst for the degradation of organic materials [17], amongst others. The published literature, also lists papers describing the interaction of blood components and blood cells with foreign surfaces, by stating that “Within seconds body foreign surfaces will be covered by blood products to varying extent depending on physicochemical characteristics of the biomaterial surface…Is important to note that negatively charged biomaterial surfaces exhibit a strong tendency to activate the contact activation of blood plasma coagulation” [12,18]. An extensive literature search failed to show magnetite as a factor in cell deformation. There is a solo paper found where magnetite is used as a tool for speeding the blood coagulation cascade [19].

In conclusion, the data presented is in support of magnetite magnetic reach and metal iron particles as factors in cells deformation. Those findings paired with an increase in the observed blood coagulation cascade and range behooves additional research in the cancer war.

The question arises

Could Biogenic or Anthropogenic Magnetite nanoparticles induce cellular changes in other than prokaryotic cells?


Yes, but further research needed to duplicate the findings in this manuscript, why? Because, again, the published literature seems to support a positive answer to the question as follows: “It has also been reported that treatment with trace amounts of ferrous ions in the cell culture medium and exposure to a static magnetic field increases DNA damage, which is detected using the comet assay...In addition, many studies have found a strong magnetic field can induce orientation phenomena in cell culture” [20].

In this manuscript Figures 4-6 show that when iron is present in a magnetite fragment, cells deformation occurs. 

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