It is Time for a New Approach to Cancer Treatment: The Modulating of Biological Events by the Delivery of “Correct Energy Frequencies” as Innovation in Medical Practice
Abrahám A Embí
Corresponding Author: Abrahám A Embí, Formerly Affiliated with VA Hospital, University of Miami, 13442 SW 102 Lane, Miami, Florida, 33186, USA
Received: November 27, 2019; Revised: January 03, 2020; Accepted: January 01, 2020
Citation: Embí AA. (2020) It is Time for a New Approach to Cancer Treatment: The Modulating of Biological Events by the Delivery of “Correct Energy Frequencies” as Innovation in Medical Practice. J Cancer Sci Treatment, 2(3): 126-131.
Copyrights: ©2020 Embí AA. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Biophysics is the science of the application of the laws of physics to biological phenomena. It is also known that molecular science, especially intra and inter cellular signaling also plays a role in biological phenomena.

The main purpose of this commentary is to shed some additional light in said mechanism by now correlating recently published findings that in this author opinion could explain the role of the breakdown of H2O2 molecules in DNA damage that could induce diseases geneses, such as in multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer up to cancer.

Recent advances in biophysical modulation affecting cells molecular signaling; this via published peer reviewed studies documenting biophysics as modulator of biological events in the human body. Relevant references can be easily retrieved from the published literature. Examples are: results from simple optical microscopy methodologies of in vitro experiments that show molecular changes by biomagnetic fields modulation in human tissue, occurring while the human hair was imbedded in fresh human blood (Figure 1) [1]. The blood coagulation was triggered only by the one-sided electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of the hair shaft. Other publications shows or the deformation of prokaryotic cells (RBCs) by magnetic fields emitted by magnetized magnetite fragments and iron filings (Figures 2 and 3) [2], to a more complex study where ion cyclotron resonance was used to achieve the modulation of biological events by Biophysics, as stated in that study “The delivery of correct frequencies has the potential to become a safe, very affordable, and effective therapeutic modality that is amenable to being integrated with pharmacological drugs, thus representing a substantial innovation in medical practice” [3].


As previously published in 2015, a manuscript was introduced hypothesizing a biophysical energy transduction occurring during cellular respiration as additional factor in cancer genesis. As published “Seven decades ago, a seminal paper by Dr. Denham Harman, introduced a theory stating that there are good reasons for assuming that endogenous irradiation in the living cells could lead to cancer via an obscure mechanism. The main purpose of this manuscript is to shed some light in said mechanism by proposing a five-step eukaryotic cell cancer triggering cycle. In other words, a new factor is introduced, namely the recently found emissions of electromagnetic forces (EMFs) as a possible causing agent in diseases, including cancer” [4]. Three years later, the validation continues by demonstrating via in vitro studies the modulation of molecular signals resulting from exogenous or endogenous biophysical energy resulting from H2O2 decomposition. Some examples are: The rodent whiskers EMFs modulating brain signaling [5], oxidative stress via H2O2 decomposition as factor in Alopecia areata [6], the transduction of cellular membrane proteins and structural cell membrane alterations induced by exogenous energy waves energizing lipid droplets as the proposed underlying mechanism in very intensive pressure pulses treatments claims to a cancer cure [7]; and water H2O2 levels as factor in swimmer melanoma [8], leading to a mini-review entitled  “The secondary role of UV light in swimmers melanoma genesis”[9].


Some of the above mentioned articles would not have been possible without slowing the transfer of H2O2 molecules into human tissue. The slowing of that translocation allowed for the introduction of details previously obscured due to the explosive nature of that reaction (Figure 4).


Image showing removed magnetite fragment on fresh blood (Figures 1-4)

The risk for “swimmers melanoma” was explained as follows: “The formation of hydrogen peroxide results principally from the UV portion of sunlight exciting humid substances in the water and thereby leads to the formation of superoxide ion, which reacts with itself to form H2O2”. In a subsequent experiment, the gradual transfer of H2O2 molecules technique was validated; in that case, the absence of H2O2 breakdown in the human hair shaft medulla was demonstrated. That finding is documented in Figure 3 [10].


Why H2O2 amongst other antioxidants?

First, the commercial availability of hydrogen peroxide in different concentrations to independent citizen scientists; and the ease of tissue acquisition from their own bodies, i.e., human hairs, skin keratin plaques, blood samples via finger sticks amongst others. Second, the prevalence of published papers; and the fact that H2O2 has been found to convey signaling across cellular membranes in plants and animals [11-14].

Proposed mechanism explaining H2O2 breakdown and cancer

The DNA binding with lipid droplets: It is known that shockwaves arising from ROS breakdown create oxygen bubbles. That these bubbles rupture and emit energy in the form of shockwaves (Figure 5). That when a surge of electrons reach a lipid droplet energy transfer ensues. Presented herein are shockwaves inducing a luminescence phenomenon seen in lipid droplets once an energy saturation point is achieved. Lipids are categorized as a “regenerative substance” this property is confirmed by data demonstrating the recurrent discharging of energy by lipids as long as the endogenous energy from shockwaves persist [15] (Figure 6). Proposed is that the luminescence occurs to maintain the intracellular space in equilibrium, thus possibly causing damage to surrounding structures including DNA. The biophysical mechanism described above is “a fit” in explaining DNA damage resulting from ROS decompositions. After all DNA has been reported to bind to lipid droplets [16] (Figure 7).


The hair shaft skin junction as entry site of water bound H2O2 (Figures 8 and 9)

Validation of H2O2 molecules gradual transfer technique


Additional Example of oxygen bubble resulting from H2O2 molecules gradual transfer into an injured (transected) hair follicle. The slow and gradual transfer of H2O2 molecules allowing for the detection of presence/absence of catalase in the hair follicle inner structures (Figure 10).


Published reports demonstrate that “H2O2 forms by the conversion of dissolved organic matter by the sun UV light in fresh or salt-water bodies” [17]. Experimental data identifies the hair shaft/skin junction as a point of entry for water bound H2O2 molecules (Figure 8). Theorized is that in swimmers, melanoma tumor cells are then formed by the decomposition of H2O2 by catalase; and the malignant cells then spread into the surrounding tissues. This is supported by published peer reviewed experiments demonstrating that when the H2O2 molecule is decomposed in tissue EMFs deformed cells. That these EMFs could modulate molecular signaling in tissue. That this modulation could lead to cancer genesis or other inflammatory diseases. Images were presented of endogenous and exogenous electromagnetic energy causing cells deformations and affecting the lipid droplets membranes. In this author’s opinion in the cancer war, is time for further research to identify “the correct frequency” to neutralize O2 bursting unwanted or nefarious biophysical signaling causing unwanted cells deformations or metabolic changes.


In skin melanomas, this author recommends for experimentation the animals of choice to be pig or mice, since their skin proliferation (melanomas) “begin in the hair follicle and then spread into surrounding connective tissue, sweat glands, sub dermal connective tissue and fat” [18,19]. Which raises a few questions: The first being, would the topical application of antioxidants in pig inhibit the generation of melanoma or affect tumor regression? This question arises since the goal is to neutralize the H2O2 molecule prior to entry into the hair infundibulum. If positive results, that would shed some light on the cutaneous melanomas conundrum; and then emphasis could be placed on how to counteract the oxygen molecule shockwave energy as a tool to modulate biological changes. It is clear that despite the dollars invested in research and development, we are still far from achieving the mission: a cure for cancer. “Increasing numbers of studies have revealed that many oncogenic-signaling elements show double faces, in which they can promote or suppress cancer pathogenesis depending on tissue type, cancer stage, gene dosage and their interaction with other players in carcinogenesis” [20].

Could it be that the bursting O2 molecule has also a dual role; and could also lead towards a cancer cure?

Would the bursting O2 molecule be a factor affecting the double face of “oncogenic signaling elements”?


The above questions are supported by reports of a molecular “dual role” of H2O2 in cancer [21].

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