Research Article
Processed Food and Cancer: The Catalase Connection the Dual Role of Catalase as Probable cause in Cancer Genesis
Abrahám A Embi
Corresponding Author: Abrahám A Embí, Citizen Scientist, Miami, Florida, 33186, USA
Received: January 24, 2020; Revised: February 7, 2020; Accepted: February 5, 2020
Citation: Embí AA. (2020) Processed Food and Cancer: The Catalase Connection - The Dual Role of Catalase as Probable cause in Cancer Genesis. J Cancer Sci Treatment, 2(3): 141-149.
Copyrights: ©2020 Embí AA. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Hair follicles have been described as mini-organs having a wide range of functions and relying in tightly regulated molecular signaling for its metabolism and extensively described to emit bio magnetic fields (BMFs). The ubiquitous enzyme catalase is essential for the eukaryotic cells to maintain toxic reactive oxygen species (such as H2O2) in equilibrium. This manuscript presents a novel optical microscopy technique that utilizes a glass slide sandwich (SDW) where drops of fresh human blood are trapped. Drops of water are placed on the top slide of the SDW, in which a freshly plucked human hair follicle is immersed triggering magnetic profiles (MP). When hairs are immersed in 35% H2O2 oxygen bubbles (O2) are displayed due to the H2O2 breakdown by the enzyme catalase. When the O2 breakdown ceases is theorized that tissue death has occurred. Results are presented of images and video-recordings correlating the absence of catalase with cessation of MPs.

Keywords: Catalase, Cancer, Magnetic profiles, Human hair follicle, Prussian blue stain, Destructive interference


CAT: Protein enzyme catalase; Diamagnetic: Property of substance that repels magnetic fields; DP: Dermal papilla; EMFs: Electromagnetic fields; Fe2: Iron molecule; 4K: Two parts fine iron particles 2000 nanometers in diameter; PBS: Prussian blue stain; H2O2: Hydrogen peroxide; Nanometer: Unit of measurement equals to 1 millionths of a meter; PBS: Prussian blue stain; PBS Fe2 4K: Working solution containing iron particles used to detect EMFs


Cellular apoptosis causes inhibition of magnetic profiles

The human hair follicle has been classified as a mini organ possessing its own metabolism and spontaneously undergoing replacement cycles of growth or phases. These cycles have been labeled as growth or “Anagen”, an apoptosis driven regression “Catagen”, and a relative quiescence “Telogen” [1]. Due to its prevalence in the human body, it becomes an easy target for harvesting in toto by plucking via tweezers. The introduction of a tabletop glass slides optical microscopy methodology for imaging the electromagnetic energy in plant and animal tissue [2,3] has allowed for the publication of several citable papers documenting the inherent electromagnetic energy and properties from isolated human hairs [4].

Climbing the step ladder of research

It could be stated that new finding could support others, which is the approach used in this commentary. The utility of previous findings allow for the introduction of new ones, for example the aforementioned table top technique served as a platform for adding additional steps to the research ladder, i.e. demonstration of human hair follicle bio magnetic penetration through glass barriers [5]. This finding, some found unworthy of publication, because “it was common knowledge” that electromagnetic energy was known to penetrate barriers; the question arose: What about bio magnetism? Therefore it was published! Amongst other papers, there is one that also serves as the basis for supporting the dual role of catalase concept in this commentary [6] that is the disruption of Prussian blue stain (PBS) crystals formation by the destructive electromagnetic interference of catalase penetrating a 25x75x1 mm glass slide (Figure 1).

Catalase as emitter of electromagnetic energy


Does the protein enzyme catalase play a dual role in cancer?: Basically, the catalase conundrum is whether catalase behaves as an anticancer agent by neutralizing toxic reactive oxygen species such as H2O2; or as a cancer producing one; this due to its own demonstrated electromagnetic fields emissions (Figure 2). The latter is supported in a recently introduced paper where antioxidants (catalase being one) are shown as essential for the maintenance of cellular life. A second paper also identifies enzymes such as catalase to be an emitter of electric fields [7]. The purpose of reproducing the abstract below is to facilitate the reader to duplicate the magnetic profiles methodology. The abstract of that paper is attached since it explains the technique in detail [8].



Both the hair and the blood maintain magnetic profiles and re piezoelectric, i.e., convert EM to mechanical vibrations and vice versa. The linear extensions viewed represent Lorentz Forces as a result of the Hall Effect. There is a cross sectional EMF induced secondary to the electromagnetic fields of the light which is oriented at right angles to the planes of the blood and hair. The Hall Effect accounts for the accumulation of charges at the edges. The image that shows circumferential lines is a product of cyclotron resonance, which is caused by the curving of charges in a magnetic field as the electrical field changes polarity across the conductive bodies (Figures 3 and 4).



The essentiality of catalase in life was demonstrated due to recently introduced in vitro slide assembly techniques allowing for the display of “magnetic profiles” from living tissue. These profiles have been correlated with the presence of catalase as shown in Figure 5.



It could also be stated that molecular biochemical energy is linked to the activity of the S-100 proteins. This protein is mainly prevalent at the distal end of the hair follicle or dermal papilla (DP) [9] (Figures 7-10).


Two different experiments were done to validate the magnetic profiles approach


Anatomically, the human hair follicle basically consists of a follicle and shaft. The hair shaft consists of terminally differentiated keratinocytes that are produced by the hair follicle. Hair follicle development takes place during fetal skin development and relies on tightly regulated ectodermal-mesodermal interactions. After birth, mature and actively growing hair follicles eventually become anchored in the subcutis, and periodically regenerate by spontaneously undergoing repetitive cycles of growth (anagen), apoptosis-driven regression (catagen) and relative quiescence (telogen)[1] (Figures 11 and 12).


In concluding, I would like to re-introduce to the readers a link to a paper entitled “Catalase intrinsic emissions of electromagnetic fields as probable cause in cancer genesis from consumption of red and processed meat” [10].

In the referenced paper [10], it is stated that: “In this manuscript we expand the research on the disruptive effect of the diamagnetic protein enzyme catalase (CAT) EMFs penetrating a glass barrier on a biological tissue sample. In this manuscript the role of CAT proper as an emitter of EMFs is reintroduced and hypothesized to be a factor in cancer genesis”.


Since the data introduced showed the presence of catalase in the processed meat samples tested, such as Salami, it behooves to find out whether there are governmental inspections (in my case the USA) monitoring this area: The following questions were asked via an email dated December 22, 2015 and addressed to the United States Food Safety and Inspection Services (FSIS). Original communication on file.

Question 1: Is the level of catalase “regulated” or “inspected” by your department (either during manufacturing or as a final product) in processed meats?

Answer: Yes, is regulated as indicated in the listing in FSIS Directive 7120.1.

Question 2: I have also read that catalase levels are inspected in “cooked meat” since it is always present in raw foods.

Answer: Catalase test is conducted on cooked meat products for detecting under-processing when the product is scheduled to be heated to the proper temperature.

By reading the answers, one may interpret that catalase levels are inspected in “cooked” meat products only. In “processed meat products” catalase is regulated.


The data herein presented in this commentary, demonstrated that the ubiquitous protein enzyme catalase is an emitter of electromagnetic energy, perhaps that energy is linked to the intrinsic electric fields present during the enzyme catalysis. After all, electricity and magnetism are interrelated. In addition, in vitro unpublished experiments by this author demonstrated that a processed meat sample placed between two glass slides has the same disruptive effect as seen in Figure 13.


To Dr Jerry I. Jacobson for his invaluable help in interpreting the magnetic profiles (MP) phenomenon observed in my experiments.

Also to Laura Embí for the help in designing the artwork in Exhibit I.



1.     Schneider MR, Schmidt-Ullrich R, Paus R (2009) The hair follicle as a dynamic miniorgan. Curr Biol 19: R132-142.

2.     Scherlag BJ, Huang B, Zhang L, Sahoo K, Towner R, et al. (2015) Imaging the electromagnetic field of plants (vigna radiata) using iron particles: Qualitative and quantitative correlates. J Nature Sci 1: e61.

3.     Scherlag BJ, Sahoo K, Embi AA (2016) A novel and simplified method for imaging the electromagnetic energy in plant and animal tissue. J Nanosci Nanoeng 1: 6-9.

4.     Embi AA, Jacobson JI, Sahoo K, Scherlag BJ (2015) Demonstration of inherent electromagnetic energy emanating from isolated human hairs. J Nature Sci 3: e55.

5.     Embi AA, Scherlag BJ (2016) Demonstration of human hair follicle bio magnetic penetration through glass barriers. Int J Mater Chem Phy pp: 71-74.

6.     Embi AA, Scherlag BJ (2016) Demonstration of bio magnetic responses of paired human hair follicles using nano-size iron particles solution: Inhibition of diamagnetic crystallization. Int J Mater Chem Phy 2: 84-87.

7.     Fried SD, Boxer SG (2017) Electric felds and enzyme catalysis. Annu Rev Biochem 86: 387-415.

8.     Embi AA (2018) Introducing antioxidants as essential for the maintenance of tissue life as demonstrated in human hair follicles. Int J Res-Granthaalayah 6: 263-271.

9.     Mitoma C, Kohda F, Mizote Y, Miake A, Ijichi A, et al. (2014) Localization of S100A2, S100A4, S100A6, S100A7 and S100P in the human hair follicle. Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi 105: 148-156.

10. Embi AA (2018) Catalase intrinsic emissions of electromagnetic fields as probable cause in cancerogenesis from consumption of red and processed meat. Int J Res-Granthaalayah 6: 33-40.