Research Article
The Symmetry of Curving Microtubules During Mitosis and Similarity with In Vitro Curving Lorentz Forces: A Curious Observation of Supernumerary Centrosomes Induced Asymmetry of Lorentz Images and Possible Implications in Cancerous Cells Uncontrolled Division
Abrahám A Embi*
Corresponding Author: Abrahám A Embí, Citizen Scientist, Miami, Florida, 33186, USA
Received: February 17, 2020; Revised: February 28, 2020; Accepted: February 26, 2020
Citation: Embí AA. (2020) The Symmetry of Curving Microtubules During Mitosis and Similarity with In Vitro Curving Lorentz Forces: A Curious Observation of Supernumerary Centrosomes Induced Asymmetry of Lorentz Images and Possible Implications in Cancerous Cells Uncontrolled Division. J Cancer Sci Treatment, 2(3): 155-163.
Copyrights: ©2020 Embí AA. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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During animal cells division, there is an equal sharing of chromosomes between the two daughter cells. This occurs when curved spindles microtubules are attracted to the chromosome. The mechanism behind the attachment is a biophysical phenomenon whereby the positive end of a complex protein structure in the chromosome (known as kinetrosomes) is electrostatically attracted to the negative end of the curving microtubule. The main purpose of this communication is to introduce an observation from in vitro experiments by this author comparing the architectural similarities between curved spindle microtubules during mitosis with curving Lorentz forces magnetic profiles between individuals fronted hair follicles.

Keywords: Cancer cells immortality, Mitosis, Multiple centrosomes, Curving Lorentz forces, Asymmetry of Lorentz forces, Magnetic profiles


Cell Division as an Electrical Phenomenon

During animal cells division, there is an equal sharing of chromosomes between the two daughter cells. This occurs when curved spindles microtubules are attracted to the chromosome. The mechanism behind the attachment is a biophysical phenomenon whereby the positive end of a complex protein structure in the chromosome (known as kinetrosomes) is electrostatically attracted to the negative end of the curving microtubule. The main purpose of this communication is to introduce an observation from in vitro experiments by this author comparing the architectural similarities between curved spindle microtubules during mitosis with curving Lorentz forces magnetic profiles observed in vitro between fronted individuals human hair follicles (Figures 1 and 2) [1]. In a paper published in PNAS in 1999 by Zhao M et al. [2] addressing cell division, a similar observation was reported, the authors stated “endogenous physiological electric fields (EFs) may play important roles in some or all of these processes by regulating the axis of cell division and, hence, the positioning of daughter cells”. Both aforementioned observations are in support for the introduction of a new paradigm correlating an observed biophysical mechanism during mitosis with cancer progression. Said mechanism could be identified to be supported by endogenous “Lorentz forces” attributed to the presence of molecular energy in the centrosomes anatomical areas where a greater concentration of S100 proteins is prevalent. The energy of the S100 proteins has been shown to convert molecular energy into electromagnetic fields (EMFs) (at the dermal papilla distal end of the hair follicle (Figure 3) [3].


Magnetic profile technique

Optical microscopy method.



Sandwich (SDW) of two glass slides 25x75x1 mm trapping blood drops, on surface of top slide, one drop distilled water and materials tested, i.e., human hair follicle. As focus changes, magnetic profiles are seen (Lorentz Force and Cyclotron Resonance (Figure 4). There has been detailed narratives describing the “magnetic profiles” [1].



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The metaphase stage and curving microtubules

The reader will now be introduced to an important observation, which is the “curving” of spindles microtubules (MTs) structures seen during the Metaphase stage of mitosis. The figure below (Figure 6) shows a side-by-side comparison of curving structures. This was accomplished by a photo shop compression of (Figure 2) above and position next to a drawing (below) of the metaphase stage of mitosis.

A note must be included at this point regarding the labeling of positive charges at the end of microtubules in (Figure 9) below. Recent findings are contradicting the positive charge reported at the end of microtubules electrostatic forces charges driving pole ward chromosome motions at kinetochores, I quote, “Recent experiments in force generation at kinetochores for chromosome motions have prompted speculation about possible models for interactions between positively charged molecules at kinetochores and negative charge at and near the plus ends of microtubules” [4].


During mitosis the animal cell undergoes an architectural change, how? By having five different stages called: interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. This process of division ends after cytokinesis, which is the duplication of the “mother” cell. In this manuscript, the emphasis is placed on the metaphase stage, why? Because is when the curving of the microtubules occurs as seen in (Figure 6).



It has been said that multipolar foci (centrosomes) are a hallmark of cancer cells. “The presence of supernumerary centrosomes is a hallmark of human tumors. Recent work in animal models suggests that extra centrosomes are not just bystanders in cancer but can accelerate tumourogenesis in the absence of the tumor suppressor p53 (Figure 7). Centrosome amplification could indeed actively participate in tumor progression through the induction of chromosome instability, disruption of tissue architecture and promoting cell invasion” [5].



In vitro experiments mimicking multipolar magnetic foci fronting hair follicles and shaft (Figure 8)


In vitro reports support a concept where “the orientation of cell division is directed by endogenous physiological electric fields (EF)” [1], in this commentary, curving Lorentz forces are proposed to be the unidentified endogenous EF mechanism orienting cell division during mitosis.

The images presented of “curving” Lorentz forces proposed to act as an architectural agent in mitosis were possible by utilizing a newly introduced magnetic profiles table-top microscopy technique. The hair follicle has been classified as a mini-organ with its own cellular division, metabolism and an emitter of EMFs. When a singular hair follicle showing singular magnetic foci was tested, the Lorentz forces are displayed as linear extensions (Figure 9). With the presence of bipolar magnetic foci (Figures 10 and 11), the curving of Lorentz forces was demonstrated and reproduced in 20+ experiments. The presence of multiple magnetic foci (>2) induced areas where a chaotic merging of Lorentz forces was documented (Figure 8). Recent work in animal models suggests that extra centrosomes are not just bystanders in cancer but can accelerate tumourogenesis.



Lorentz forces as stimulator of ionic currents

The literature shows that electric currents are produced by ion flow of sodium, potassium and calcium ion channels [6]. It is now recognized that the most energy-dependent processes inside of cells are stimulated by increasing the inward ionic flow [7], mitotic spindle disruption could be caused by altering electric fields and cell behavior has been controlled by electricity [8]. Additionally, Lorentz force has been demonstrated as a factor in the stimulation of ionic currents [9]; and regarding microtubules I quote “Overall, these recent results suggest that ions, condensed around the surface of the major filaments of the cytoskeleton, flow along and through microtubules in the presence of potential differences, thus acting as transmission lines propagating intracellular signals in a given cell” [10,11] then:

Since the role(s) of Lorentz forces have been identifies as factors in stimulating ionic currents; and ions flow along microtubules; and endogenous physiological electric fields (read Lorentz forces) are shown curving in a bipolar or supernumerary centrosomes environment, then the following comment is in order:


The endogenous electric field regulating the axis of cell division is attributed to Lorentz forces and independently of the mechanical curving of the microtubules, when Lorentz Forces are fronted in a multipolar environment a disturbed electric field ensues that could play a role in the perpetuation of cancerous cells divisions.


Mathematical equations work very well to describe the laws of nature in the physical world that are manifested by the symmetry of visual images surrounding us. Examples are found in our faces and smaller structures like viruses and DNA. In the standard model of symmetry rules, the laws are dictated in their form, by requiring tremendous amounts of symmetry. Cell divisions or Mitosis requires strict adherence to the laws of nature in regard to symmetry.

The role of symmetry in fundamental physics was explained as follows: “it is hard to imagine that much progress could have been made in deducing the laws of nature without the existence of certain symmetries. The ability to repeat experiments at different places and at different times is based on the invariance of the laws of nature under space-time translations. Maxwell’s equations, formulated in 1865, embodied both Lorentz invariance and gauge invariance. But these symmetries of electrodynamics were not fully appreciated for over 40 years or more” [12].


As published in 1890, Hansemann [13,14] observed asymmetrical nuclear divisions in human epithelial cancers. In these abnormal, but bipolar, divisions, a fraction of the chromosomes fails to segregate properly. Hansemann carefully documented the occurrence of asymmetric divisions in a wide variety of tumors. However, he remained a lifelong skeptic with regard to whether such events could be considered the underlying cause of tumors.

The endogenous electric field regulating the axis of cell division is attributed to Lorentz forces and independently of the mechanical curving of the microtubules, when Lorentz forces are fronted in a multipolar environment a disturbed asymmetrical electric field ensues that could play a role in the perpetuation of cancerous cells divisions.



In vitro images of a chaotic electrical forces environment is present when >2 magnetic foci are close to each other (Figure 8). It could be theorized that this scenario occurs when >2 centrosomes are present during mitosis. It is known that cancer cells exhibit supernumerary centrosomes that could reproduce a chaotic Lorentz forces environment creating a propitious niche influencing uncontrolled cell division. This author is recommending further research geared towards the neutralization of that chaotic environment by delivering exogenous signals at “the correct energy frequencies” with the aim of modulating the unwanted Lorentz forces [15,16].

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