Risk Assessment of Breast Cancer Among Pakistani Women and Mammography
Jamil Anjum*, Jamil Razia and Ghafoor Hammad
Corresponding Author: Jamil Anjum, School of life sciences, Zhengzhou University, 100 Science Avenue, Zhengzhou, Henan, 450001, P. R. China
Received: June 23, 2020; Accepted: July 3, 2020 Available Online: July 29, 2020
Citation: Anjum J, Razia J & Hammad G. (2020) Risk Assessment of Breast Cancer Among Pakistani Women and Mammography. Int J Radiography Imaging Radiat Ther, 2(2): 94-95.
Copyrights: ©2020 Anjum J, Razia J & Hammad G. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Non-communicable disorder one of the more emerging cause of death around the globe, several diseases put the world into a dynamic equilibrium of death and live and carrier, one of them is the breast cancer, it’s the malignancy of the breast tissue which has to be the second immediate cause of death in the world after lung cancer in adult women, about one in nine women in UK and US may lead to death due to this disorder [1]. One of the most susceptible countries has been predominated being south Europe, France, Germany and US, while less affected are Asia, Southeast Africa and others [2] WHO visualized the situation and declared 1.2 million of the world population had been infected with breast cancer [3]. The diseases have predominantly been affected around the globe due to involvement of some etiological factors, included, age, genetics, environmental, alcohol intake, obesity, family history, physical inactivity and some physiological parameters may trigger disease overwhelming such as hormonal imbalance, estrogen insufficiency especially in old age women [4].

It has been overviewed that developed countries have been getting in economic trouble due to persistence of breast cancer attack. Moreover, Pakistan has been gradually increasing with the cases of breast cancer in a different district, one of nine women had been admitted due to breast cancer, and Pakistan ranked third in Asia due to unpredictable disease [5]. Pathogenic factors correlate with the involvement of a gene (P13K/AKT, RAS, MEK/ERK) that controlled the healthy cells dividing in the breast tissue and maintain the apoptosis when no need of the cells to separate further, any abnormality in above mentioned genes may lead to the nonstop division of the cells, and uncontrolled position of the cells may lead to malignancies, cells may shift their opinion, it could have been travel into a different position of the milk duct and trigger the production of cancerous cells [6].


Recent research manipulates the reduction of breast cancer among women especially in Europe countries, due to adaptation of mammography technology, the computerized based techniques that put the analysis on a yearly basis and have been a concern with 90% sure result without a false negative, due to early detection breast cancer would have controllable. In contrast, we have been talking about Pakistan the mortality ratio two out of nine women, it’s too high, make the country the big threat to economically and facilitation had not been provided. The risk factors which are associated with the pandemic of breast cancer in Pakistan is following of these. Early detection failure, menarche [6] no each women has concise to pay attention on early basis, by getting maturity, lack of awareness, knowledge, pathogenesis, transmission pattern, uncovered losses, these are cumulative uncertainty being make the women to be interrupted in cases of breast cancer, lack of early detection facilities [7-9], mammography has not been available in each hospital of Pakistan, so early detection would have not been possible, only Karachi and Islamabad has been provided with mammography technology, rest of the failure to establish, may lead to death unchecked,  other primary cause, the rural areas and population Pakistan is quite high than urban , so the cases have been much high in villages, due to unauthentic use of diagnostic test, traditional test, which has been courage by a simple technician in the communities may lead to false result, last cause of pandemic involvement in the early menarche, women getting maturity at eleven year of age it’s too early, it could have been increased the chances of breast cancer [6].


My article has demonstrated the back through knowledge of breast cancer and role of Pakistan in the conflict of breast cancer and in the predevelopment of cancer among all ages women in Pakistan, necessity should have been given by using mammography technology, that could be helpful for early detection and treatment followed by low mortality, so please be aware of early detection of breast cancer otherwise it put Pakistan into a deliberate condition in coming days, because most of the women imposed to death unchecked, and the most crucial consideration is to keep a distance from cousin marriages in Pakistan, that’s the significant risk factors of cancer, because its genetic disorder, recessive alleles accumulate into one progeny and may lead severity of illness and this condition prolonged successively in other generation by taking cousin marriages [10]. Our universities have been arranging some workshop in carrying out mammography technology for early detection and how it might be implacable, any kind of easy access to mammography is available in my university, next year we would have been arranged the seminar to conduct a different diagnosis of Pakistani women by using mammography technology, so be vigilant regarding early detection care, and be looking at the recent workshop would have been arranged for mammography.


Non communicable disorder is the main threatening concern in all countries both developed and underdeveloped, but Pakistan got much access on getting such type of disorders. In Pakistan, surety of infection may lead up to 2.5 times more than the all over Asian Countries [11], that’s an alarming situation, that put the country into too far to getting full of elimination by this disorder, Only twenty hospital of cancer has been working in Pakistan with lack of standardized protocol, [3] followed by false positive result.


The need of the day is to apply strategical implementation to cope up the such diseases, Pakistani Government has been established different plans to get rid of the outcome, such as awareness strategies have been developed in the form of telecommunication, small diagnosis center has been forwarded in mostly rural areas, where technician has been provided to cover up proper diagnosis. Early diagnosis should have been established, so that small size tumor could have been controllable, restriction about cousin marriages to overcome the recessive alleles gene pool. Conventional techniques would have been discouraging for use especially in rural areas, seminars would have been provided in those areas, where there is less access of the government to be part. Make the things happen in a good way, by establishing a collaboration platform between layman and specialists, so that routine checkup could be done without consultation If Pakistan could have been established such strategical supplementation then, the non-communicable diseases would have been easily overcome, and future prospective would have been access with great success. 

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