Let’s Engage with Menstruation!
Ana Maria Pires*and Ana Cláudia de Sousa
Corresponding Author: Ana Maria Pires, Atlântica – University Institute, Antiga Fábrica da Pólvora de Barcarena, 2730-036 Barcarena, Portugal
Revised: February 05, 2021;
Citation: Pires AM & de Sousa AC. (2021) Let’s Engage with Menstruation! J Womens Health Safety Res, 5(S1): 01.
Copyrights: ©2021 Pires AM & de Sousa AC. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Menstruation has always been present in the human species, but its significance varies substantially between societies, where women can be considered sacred and powerful or dirty and impure. This incomprehension, inequality and discrimination only can be reversed with the increase of menstruation literacy. Even being a common physiological process, perhaps because it involves bleeding, is one of the oldest non-issues among humanity. It is important to clarify that in humans, this uterine epithelium provides the needed nutrients for the first steps of the embryological development and when not needed, this tissue and blood are released during menstruation. It is not impure, dirty or toxic! Understanding behavior and body changes minimize discrimination and taboos that persist for millennia and decrease the gap between generations, cultures, religions and genders.

Being a part of an international project, this work intends to help on menstruation issues such as menstrual perception practices, helping to break down taboos and look into menstruation as a normal issue. Spreading reliable knowledge across the world on a video format, taking advantage of the extremely popular digital tools among youth, this work intents to contribute to the acceptance of differences, tolerance, respect and humanity. The video address physiological and social issues of menstruation, in a didactic, comprehensive and inclusive approach, overlapping the dominant preconceptions. The use of non-formal learning with comics set, intends to increase the engagement and motivation of boys and girls for this issue.

Menstruation is natural, it must be an issue and not a taboo.
Keywords: Menstruation, Youth, Menstrual issue, Comics video