Do Stress and Resilience Among Undergraduate Nursing Students Exist?
Priscilla Roselyn Sam* and Premila Lee
Corresponding Author: Priscilla Roselyn Sam, Professor, College of Nursing, Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore, India.
Revised: February 05, 2021;
Citation: PR & Lee P. (2021) Do Stress and Resilience Among Undergraduate Nursing Students Exist? J Womens Health Safety Res, 5(S1): 15.
Copyrights: ©2021 Sam PR & Lee P. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Nursing students face developmental challenges as all other college students do and in addition experience unique stress due to exposure to clinical area that intensifies stress. These stressors can either contribute negatively and cause psychological harm or make them resilient. The aim of this study was to assess perceived stress and resilience levels of nursing students. There were 700 undergraduate nursing students studying in the college of whom 620 participants who gave their consent and fulfilled the sampling criteria were taken for the study. Perceived stress and the resilience scales were self administered to collect data from the study participants. The data obtained was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Study of perceived stress showed that 45.7% of them had severe stress. Study on resilience showed that 55% of them had low resilience. The study revealed a significant weak negative correlation (r=-0.236, p=<0.001) between perceived stress and resilience. These findings suggest that resilience measures be adapted and made an intrinsic part of the educational program. This would give the students the needed strength and endurance to face the profession with confidence.
Keywords: Perceived stress, Resilience, Education, Profession, Undergraduate nursing students