Research Article
Ihab Ahmad Awad Alomari** , Burhan Mahmoud Awad Alomari*
Corresponding Author: *Ihab Ahmad Awad Alomari, Department of Tourism and Hotel Science, Al- Balqa Applied University Aqaba University College, Jordan, **Burhan Mahmoud Awad Alomari, Associate Professor, Middle East University, UAE-RAK, UAE, College Dean
Received: 14 September 2020; Revised: 04 October 2020; Accepted: 02 October 2020 Available Online: March 21, 2021
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This paper looks beyond the corona beyond in the world, as the situation for this epidemic is not the same as before or during the pandemic. In Jordan and some of the countries that announced the green flag of the Corona Corvette 19 pandemic, this does not seem true, as the social divergence, the abolition of large wedding parties and the decline in the number of mourners in the funerals may continue, due to the positives on societies and the lack of exposure of individuals to this pervasive disease. Where the new Corona virus that swept the world has traces on every detail of life. In Jordan, effects on social traditions related to solace and wedding occasions can be observed, and avoiding gatherings in all their forms and behaviors that may lead to HIV infection. Since the beginning of last March, many peoples, especially Jordanians, have been forced to postpone celebration of joy occasions, such as engagement and marriage in these difficult circumstances, and in conjunction with official statements that warned of the danger of gatherings, at a time when condolences were limited to social networking sites, The participation of very few numbers of people close to the burial ceremony to this day. As a researcher, I say that Jordanian society and some civilized societies have reached a stage of full awareness about this virus and how it is transmitted from one person to another, by moving away from the customs, traditions and behaviors that may harm citizens.

       The outbreak of the newly created Corona virus (COVID-19) had many challenges that struck the chest of countries around the world and the response patterns of these countries as well as the levels of success they achieved in confronting the virus varied, while Jordan represented a successful model through its efforts Since the start of this pandemic, where most of the countries and Jordan set clear policies and strict procedures through its cells managing crises that have performed well and with all efficacy, and worked dynamically and effectively, which enabled them to efficiently and efficiently manage the crisis by taking the necessary decisions urgently and without delay while ensuring the speedy implementation of them, by activating the defense law, and this was done. All under the leadership of His Majesty King (Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein), the daily follow-up of every small and large, in full view of everyone during the stages of the development of the crisis, as Jordan witnessed many difficult matters and challenges in the beginning while dealing with a pandemic, little is known about it and there is no universal experience in dealing with it With the exception of the Chinese experience at the time, where the pandemic started and claimed thousands of Chinese and human lives in the world later.


Corona and tourism

An enemy that destroys the economy without affecting infrastructure, researchers may think that talking about tourism - in these circumstances - is a luxury, but it should not be missed that it is one of the most important sectors that employ more than 60 thousand who work directly or indirectly in the sector in Jordan. In addition to its contribution to supporting the Jordanian economy by about five billion dollars last year 2018; So it is self-evident to think of solutions to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the tourism sector and preserve it in order to be ready for launch if the world recovers from the effects of Corona.The tourism sector is one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic; As the World Tourism Organization expected the number of tourists to decrease by more than 30%-50%, and this number is expected to increase depending on developments and this decline would cause losses exceeding 450 billion dollars during the year 2020.

The council also expected the loss of more than 50 million jobs worldwide, and that the recovery of the tourism sector needs about ten months from the time the pandemic was overcome. The aviation sector will also be negatively affected, ranging from 32% to 46%. Overcoming the pandemic does not mean that the sector will return to work as it was before and it will not be easy to return confidence in some tourist destinations as it was previously, just as the decline in global economic indicators, the loss of many of their jobs and the exit of many jobs from the market means low global demand for Tourism on the one hand, and reordering of priorities and patterns on the other hand. The entertainment sector is expected to be the last to return to the market, while the first is expected to recover. Travel for business, conferences and medical tourism. Also, the mechanism and the level of services and their cost will not be the same as they were, the number of passengers or tourists who will be transported by air, land or sea will be less in order to find a spacing between people and thus increase the cost, as there will be no provision of meals on the plane; with the aim of reducing human friction. There will be a heavy reliance on Internet services to search for information and purchase services.

In addition to the number of tourists within a single tourist group and safety conditions that will be imposed at visiting sites and above all the conditions of the country of the tourist and the country receiving tourists with regard to safety and health measures and the time taken to finish these procedures at airports. The researchers believe that what is required here from the tourism sector in Jordan is to read the developments due to the Corona pandemic and prepare for that new stage. As for service providers for tourists, including tourism and transport offices, hotels and tourist performances, among others; To overcome this stage, researchers suggested that the Ministry of Tourism agree that some of them, such as tourist offices and tour guides, conduct other business without obtaining licenses; As allowing them to provide training, studies and consulting services, and to be assigned to support work for the government sector as is the case, for example, with the Royal Jordanian as the official national carrier. The statistical details about the spread of corona virus in the country of Jordan is shown in the Figure 1. As is the case by distributing advertisements to the daily newspapers, so that those who are qualified are assigned to translation work, for example, and any services that the government and the private sector currently need, and that it be restricted until it exceeds this stage. The infrastructure supporting the tourism sector is available and an opportunity - currently - to develop and build on it in preparation for the return of tourism with its full activity, which - as I expect, and according to the data - to be during the year 2023.

The researcher believes through what happened in Jordan and the world that Jordanians will maintain the positive habits they have acquired and accompany them during the crisis of the spread of the new Corona virus, and will abandon those that have negative effects on health and the family economy for financial and social reasons, expected that there will be a major change in social rituals and commitment with that health. A complete revolution is expected by about 80 percent of Jordanians and other peoples affected by the pandemic on old customs, while adhering to those that accompanied the Corona pandemic. Reports show that about 20 per cent of Jordanian society will not have any change, based on a study conducted by the Center for Strategic Studies at the University of Jordan, which revealed that about 20 per cent of Jordanians are not convinced of the seriousness of the disease and its implications, and do not consider it to be a serious threat to their lives. They are also not convinced of all the measures the government is taking to counter the spread of the virus, and therefore will not change their behavior. And that there is a wide category of the Jordanian people, as is the case in neighboring countries affected by social traditions, especially in terms of large spending during events, which are forced to keep up with society in the costly social rituals of joys and sorrows. And these people will try to maintain their new behavior even after controlling the pandemic, as the income of three quarters of employees and retirees in the Kingdom, according to the reports of the Jordanian Department of Statistics, is less than 4/5/2020 less than 500 dinars (700 dollars), and these are the most affected by the costly habits physically.

Effective questions and discussions to reach effective solutions to the Corona crisis 19/20
  1. What is the impact of Corona virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on women and girls?
  2. What is the impact of Corona on digital investment and is it necessary to recover from the Corona pandemic?
  3. What is the importance of the recovery of the tourism sector in light of the Corona crisis around the world?
  4. Is there a positive social and economic impact of COVID-19-20 on policies?
  5. Is Corona biological warfare more effective?
  6. What is the impact of Corona virus Disease 2019-20 (COVID-19-20)? Its impact on the countries of the world and taking into account Europe and the Arab countries?
Corona pandemic stopped life in the whole of Jordan during the Corona crisis

Whereas, the financial needs and the difficult circumstances that Jordanians are currently going through will eliminate the remaining blemish culture, and that preventing the use of cars and the commitment of citizens to walk will entrench a new pattern of behavior related to walking, offering congratulations and condolences from a distance, indicating that the pandemic has increased family bonding Generally. Individuals have become more attached to the small family due to sitting together for long hours, in addition to the extended family. According to the Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed newspaper on 2020, the journalist, Iman Abu Qaoud, who is interested in social affairs, believes in her talk to Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed (that there are major changes that will include rituals related to social events after the end of the Corona pandemic, and the majority of citizens will go to reduce Large gatherings, for example, marriage ceremonies that witnessed the participation of thousands, will be limited to first-degree relatives, and some may have initiated writing on invitation cards “handshake only” as was previously written “Please do not fire bullets”, or "not accompany Children.” And she noted that this “will be an important change after kissing on such occasions was an indication of the warm congratulations”.

A Jordanian association called for postponing the payment of house rents due to Corona for three months “In light of the spread of the new Corona virus, marriage ceremonies have become confined to taking the husband and his wife from the home of her family and this means that marriage does not need all these exaggerations and those that preceded the engagement, which are among the important aspects of society,” the journalist adds. She says: “As for mourning and funeral occasions, it is clear that a big change can take place, and it is expected that social media will have the largest role in offering condolences, and hence no large gatherings.” She noted that what happened during the epidemic and that a small number of people performed burial ceremonies may continue, which will contribute to saving a lot of effort and time and entrenching healthy behaviors through social distancing. Abu Qaoud suggested that this pandemic would contribute to reducing costs in social events, not renting large expensive halls, and limiting the holding of banquets at weddings and solace occasions. This is what led to limiting the internal and external tourist movement from Jordan, as is the case in many countries.

Jordan obliged its population of ten million to stay in their homes, in a total curfew for one day, or on Friday and sometimes Saturday, which led to a complete halt in public life in the context of intensifying attempts to address the spread of the Corona virus. The government said in its remarks through the problem crisis cell, which is headed by either the king or a deputy, that the 24-hour curfew that started midnight on Thursday, closed shops and bakeries, and even pharmacies and left hospitals open and emergency services only, was necessary in order for Jordan to avoid an outbreak of the disease. Prime Minister (Omar al-Razazfi) said more than a statement to state television, “We saw it through a comprehensive ban applied Friday and sometimes Saturday completely to measure our ability to commit and prepare ourselves for the worse. “We see those around the world seeing the gravity of the epidemic if it spreads out where it is difficult to control. We must prepare for a period that is not short and a permanent readiness to confront it”. This is what affected the internal and external tourism movement from Jordan, as is the case in many countries.

In the early part of the crisis, the Minister of Agriculture in Jordan and a number of officials resigned due to administrative errors during the Corona crisis, where the Jordanian King Abdullah II issued approval of the resignation of the Minister of Agriculture Ibrahim Al-Shehadeh and assigning the bag to Environment Minister Saleh Al-Kharabsheh and the heads of local councils for not performing their duties or wasting public money. The account of the Jordanian Prime Minister’s account on Facebook had been published early in the crisis that the Minister of Agriculture placed his resignation in the hands of the Prime Minister, “in a commitment to political and moral responsibility, and as a result of administrative mistakes that occurred in some agricultural directorates in the governorates. The Jordanian Prime Minister, Dr. Omar Al-Razzaz, submitted the resignation to King Abdullah II, on the basis of his approval.

Five countries offer exemplary anti-Corona lessons, including Jordan: This is what may restore the internal and external tourism movement from Jordan, as is the case in many countries that have recovered from the pandemic.

Jordan beyond Corona the future lies in self-reliance and calls for launching a comprehensive government strategy and dedicating production policy: While the national economy has been in a state of near paralysis for more than four months, the calls of various sectors have floated to the surface calling for the necessity of adopting a comprehensive government strategy to deal with the current circumstance that will make the safety of people from the Corona virus on the one hand and the Kingdom’s economy and the livelihoods of citizens on the other hand. Experts in vital sectors, including tourism, communications, trade, industry, energy, and others, initially called for the necessity of dealing immediately with the crisis with measures that guarantee the stability of the middle and poor classes, then moving directly to devoting the stage of self-reliance in key sectors such as domestic tourism, catering, energy and agriculture because the world will change after Corona.

Tourism in light of the crisis/losses during the peak months
Since the crisis of the Corona pandemic began in Jordan, through the closure of Jordanian airports and borders on the seventeenth of March, attention has been paid to workers in the tourism sector, and statements have come to the attention that the sector will be “the first sector affected and the last to recover”. Since then, tourism workers have been watching the Jordanian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, and some of them lost their jobs.

A month passed until the Ministry issued the first permit related to the plan to support the tourism sector, on the thirteenth of April, the Jordanian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, (Shweikeh, 2020), announced that the country allocated 30 million dinars to support the sector in its current crisis, and companies and workers were exempt from licensing renewal fees for the year 2020, with tourist guides covering a soft loan program worth five thousand dinars, and the minister said that coordination had been made with major international e-commerce companies to contribute to the marketing and provision of a specialized platform for Jordanian traditional craft products and the Dead Sea products.

The government did not present any recovery plan, and none of the decisions was what relieved the tourist body, which is now blown away by the closure, unemployment and layoffs. On 7/5/2020, five of the six heads of tourism societies in Jordan submitted a sudden collective resignation, in a textbook submitted to the Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, explaining the resignation that “the government did not present any recovery plan, and none of the decisions was what comforted the tourist body, which He is now on the verge of closure, unemployment and layoffs”, announcing their objections to government policies in dealing with the sector most affected by the Corona pandemic crisis. The Ministry did not comment on the issue of collective resignations except as stated by the Secretary General of the Ministry in an interview with Kingdom TV on 1/6/2020 and the text is transmitted: “In war there is what they call friendly fire, and we are one team, we are not two teams.” The heads of tourism associations did not stop playing their role, as communication channels are still open between them and the ministry to communicate the point of view of workers in the sector more, according to the statement of the President of the Association of Tourism and Travel Agents, Mohamed (Lahbir, 2020).

State losses from the sector halt
In Jordan, the timing of the crisis coincided with the peak months of the sector, as tourism companies flourish in March and April (spring), then five and six months, and now in the eighth month of 2020, then during the period from August to November (autumn). In other months, the numbers of tourists are divided between family visits, business and treatment visits only.

Last year, Jordan recorded a 10.2% increase in tourism income from 2018, to reach about 4.11 billion Jordanian dinars, which is affected by the growth of the sector in the world, as international tourism witnessed continuous growth in previous years, particularly after the relapse of the economic and financial crisis Worldwide in 2009. Based on the increases in the number of international tourists, the World Tourism Organization estimated, earlier, that these numbers will grow between 3% and 4% in 2020, but quickly adjusted its forecasts in this regard after the outbreak of the Corona virus, to Decrease in the level of growth between 1% and 3%, which could result in a loss of between 30 to 50 billion dollars in international visitor spending.

Corona virus: The safe travel stamp is a tributary of the tourism sector in light of the pandemic
On June 27, 2020, after Jordan obtained the stamp of safe tourism for Jordan, workers in foreign tourism unanimously agreed that Jordan’s obtaining the “Safe Travel” is a positive and important step for tourism.

The president of the Jordanian Association for Incoming Tourism, Awni Qaawarib, said the same date, that obtaining a safe travel stamp for the Kingdom is a positive step. Stressing that Jordan's accreditation as a safe body within the safe countries of the Corona virus is a good indicator. Kawar pointed out that opening the doors to medical tourism is the beginning of the solution for tourism, expressing his hope that tourism of all kinds will be opened during the coming period, and that it will have tangible positive developments on the tourism sector most affected between the various sectors.

Kawar pointed out that we are awaiting the opening of airports for foreign tourism to revive tourism and the economy, adding that as long as there is a ban, there will be no tourism, as the lifting of the ban is directly related to tourism.

The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities recently announced that the World Travel and Tourism Council granted Jordan the travel security stamp as a green country based on the strict procedures and safety and public health protocols that were followed in Jordan, especially as it was preparing to resume receiving international visitors again. The ministry also indicated that this stamp is considered an international initiative that allows travelers to define destinations that follow the highest health and safety standards compatible with global protocols to ensure the health of travelers in light of the current conditions caused by the emerging Corona virus as a benefit of the country ability of handling corona virus 19.

The Director General of Business Development for Travon Holding Group said on the same date that Jordan and the Arab Gulf Paolo Nocherino, that Jordan’s obtaining the safe travel stamp is a positive and important step in the tourism sector, Nowsherino stressed that the effect will be direct and tangible, as soon as the airports open to foreign tourism, especially from green countries which calling on all concerned parties of the importance of opening airports for tourism coming from safe and green countries. And he indicated that coinciding with the government's recent decision to open the door for medical tourism, the door should have been wide open for all types of tourism for tourists coming from green and epidemic countries, within arrangements, organization and checks to ensure that there are no patients from tourists carrying the Corona epidemic, adding that the tourist coming from those countries must undergo a new examination before entering the Kingdom, and be examined upon his arrival at the airport, and everyone is known to his tourism program, and this will lead to concrete activity in various economic sectors and not only at the level of the tourism sector.

On the date of 15/6/2020, now Sherino explained that putting the kingdom in dealing with the Corona virus under control as the concerned authorities dealt with every craft to limit its spread and succeeded in that, saying, “This is a real promotion to attract large numbers of tourists to the kingdom.” He pointed out, “the company attracted about 125,000 tourists from several countries, indicating that last year about 28 ships arrived at the ports of Aqaba carrying foreign tourists.”

At the time, the Minister of State for Media Affairs and the government’s spokesperson, (Amjad Al-Adayleh), announced recently that the government is considering opening tourism completely too green countries in an epidemiological manner, and within Jordanian standards exclusively to deal with tourists. An employee of an expatriate tourism company, (Amjad Khalid), agreed that following the Kingdom's obtaining a safe travel stamp, the tourism sector would be strengthened.

Khaled stressed that the safe seal will restore tourism life to normal as soon as the airports are opened to foreign tourism. The number of tourists who visited the Kingdom during the past year increased to 5.4 million, an increase of 8.9% over the previous year, according to central bank data. This rise led to a growth in the Kingdom's tourism income to 4.1 billion dinars in 2019, and an increase of 10.2% over 2018.

Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Majd Shweikeh in (Amman, August 23- met with hotel managers and owners in the Kingdom, and discussed with them the possibility of increasing the number of hotel rooms designated for quarantine, as part of the ongoing process for the return and reception of the largest number of Jordanian citizens and expatriates from abroad, after direct instructions from the President Minister Omar Razzaz). During the meeting, which was attended by the Secretary-General of the Ministry Imad Hijazin, and the President of the Jordanian Hotel Association, (Al-Hindi & Shweikeh, 2020) discussed the latest developments regarding the emerging corona virus (COVID-19), noting that the expatriate quarantine process will take place according to the procedures followed and the protocol approved by the Ministry of Health.

Shweikeh listened from the attendees to their comments and suggestions, and how many hotel rooms they have, which can be used in the process of returning the largest number of citizens and expatriates from abroad, and the participants expressed their willingness to participate more in the government's efforts to return the Jordanian expatriates from abroad. In the view of researchers, the Ministry of Tourism is (the leadership of tourism development in partnership with the private sector to maximize the economic and social return from tourism).

The researchers believe that the vision of the ministry revolves around the following (a distinguished ministry with a pioneering role in leading, supporting and developing sustainable tourism to enhance its role in the national economy and Jordanian society). Its mission is represented by (tourism, which we seek out of its intention to activate the role of the tourism industry - with the aim of shedding light on the magic of Jordan and distinguishing Jordan as a distinguished tourist destination), and this is an appreciation of the contributions of tourism to the national income through supplying the market with foreign currencies, and in faith in the important role of the private sector in Investment and development. The ministry must work towards developing tourism through a comprehensive and integrated approach that expresses the nation’s heritage, culture, history, heritage, successive civilizations and economic prosperity, in addition to promoting noble human values based on peace and mutual respect among peoples. But its tasks revolve around (achieving a number of strategic objectives of the ministry, which are summarized as follows:
The goal: To lead the tourism development.
Objective: Ensuring the efficiency of the institutional framework and developing its capabilities to meet the requirements of its tourism sector to be modern and effective on a global level.
The goal: To support and direct efforts to promote Jordanian tourism locally and internationally.
  1. Objective: The strategic objective is to protect visitors by ensuring the quality of tourism services and products.
  2. Objective: Developing tourism products and services and stimulating investment and the labor market. Sixth Objective: Promote sustainable tourism, environmental conservation and local community development.
The Ministry of Tourism calls on the participating establishments Jordan to carry out complete sterilization operations to meet the needs of tourists and their environmental security and health safety. This is due to the decline in tourism in Jordan, equivalent to 80% due to Corona, as tourism activity in Jordan decreased by 80% in the past two months, due to the outbreak of the Corona virus again, according to sources working in the tourism sector, especially those coming from neighboring countries such as Syria specifically and some coming from European countries And America, on 24/8/2020/ Health Minister (Jaber, 2020) announced to the Kingdom's TV that Jordan is heading to reopen the airport for regular international flights within “health conditions that are the toughest in the world,” in light of the continuing escalation of the number of globally recorded infections with the new Corona virus. Jaber explained to the “Voice of the Kingdom” program that is broadcast on (Al-MamlakaTV, 2020) Channel: There is no clear and explicit decision, but things are most likely going towards opening the airport within health conditions that are the harshest in the world. “And as he said, those coming to Jordan will be subject to quarantine for 14 days, if they return from a country classified by the Kingdom on the red list, according to Jaber, who stated that "travelers coming from a yellow country will be subject to quarantine for 7 days, while those returning from a green country will enter directly. “Our request will remain to examine Corona before traveling to Jordan, and the person will be examined at the airport,” according to Jaber. He said, “that Jordan is seriously considering bringing Jordanians from the Emirates as a green country”. Jaber mentioned that “medical tourism in Jordan” continues, but we have not reached 200 people.

The former Minister of Education A (Dr. Azmi governorate on 2020), stated that the epidemiological situation in Jordan is good, and injuries in the past weeks are expected, stressing the closure and the ban will not help confront Corona, and the solution is to coexist with the epidemic. A governorate said in an interview with “Pulse Al-Balad” on the Ruya channel on Saturday evening, “We must admit that there is a societal spread of the Corona virus in Jordan.” He stressed that the solution is to coexist with “Corona”, and not to mention the closure and the comprehensive ban that negatively affects economic life. He called for dealing with Corona realistically, by adhering to public health and safety measures, and adhering to non-contact in light of the spread of local injuries. A governorate stressed that preventing the spread of the epidemic is impossible “that cannot be achieved”, but the number of injuries can be reduced by controlling the whereabouts of the injured and adhering to public safety measures. He pointed out that the one-day comprehensive ban is not a solution to confront local infections in Corona, especially in light of the rush to commercial stores before the ban, and flee from the governorates covered by the ban to other governorates, which may cause the spread of infection in various regions of the Kingdom. For his part, Dr. said. Ministry Al-Belbisi - a specialist in microbial infections, the recording of 24 cases in Corona in Jordan on Saturday is a positive matter that calls for optimism that the number of injuries in Jordan has decreased after its spread again, as the injuries arrived for days in a row to become 87 and 70 days, and today corresponding to 28/8/2020. Al-Belbeisi called for supporting epidemiological investigation teams and reducing mixing among citizens.

On August 21, Bazou confirmed in an interview with (Al-Dustour) Newspaper the Jordanian constitution" that the Jordanian employment in the tourism sector constitutes 59.5%. Badhdou said that the Jordan University College for Tourism and Hotel Education enriches the graduate’s practical side.The Jordan University College for Tourism and Hotel Education is one of the most important components of the success of the national income infrastructure and hotel tourism in Jordan, as it helps build a new generation with local blood in the Jordanian tourism market. Al-Dustour interviewed Dr. Ibrahim Khalil Bazzo (2020) at the Jordan University College for Tourism and Hotel Education, who spoke about the most important matters concerning tourism and its development.

Jordan is now facing the pandemic again two weeks ago and it has increased in cases and closures of some cities, including the infallibility of what and the other city with the size of the population, and giving instructions to wear masks and violating all individuals or private and governmental institutions who do not implement these instructions. An informed source told Kingdom TV that Jordan is close to moving to the yellow zone, “of medium risk, after it has fully recovered for a period of the epidemic.” For the sixth consecutive day, he is in (Sameha, Amman, Irbid & Zarqa, 2020) “moderately dangerous”, and Jordan moved to it in mid-June. According to the Corona Pandemic Management Matrix, to move to the “medium-risk” yellow area, “the number of local cases should be between 10-20 for more than 7 consecutive days, or 1% -2% of positive test results”. “A member of the National Committee for Epidemiology, Bassam Al-Hijjawi, told “The Kingdom”, Friday, “The seventh and eighth days remain, and it is necessary to look at seven days and nights, but in the event of a transfer, there will be other considerations”.

Jordan recorded, during the last six days, more than 10 injuries as follows, August 21 - 25 local cases, August 20 - 14 local cases, August 19 - 43 local cases, August 18 - 30 local cases, 17 August - 16 local cases, 16 August - 31 local cases, 15 August - 9 local cases. But in the official announcement of the government, there were many more casualties, which reached at the end of the month eight, 66, 50, etc. According to the matrix, moving to the yellow zone requires the application of “a comprehensive ban for one day during the week, and the permitted movement dates except for the day of the comprehensive ban are 8 am - 10 pm daily. “As for social activities, “up to 20 people” are permitted, and "movement between governorates is permitted for permit holders only within the same region.”

However, Minister of State for Media Affairs, Amjad Al-Adaileh, spoke to the “Kingdom”, on Thursday, about a government approach to change the strategy of dealing with the epidemic by not imposing a comprehensive ban at the current stage, and moving towards imposing field measures that preserve the health and safety of citizens, and at the same time ensure the sustainability of the wheel of the economy and life and taking into account the delicate balance that takes into account ensuring the health priorities of citizens and residents. And the minister announced Thursday that the government has identified a set of measures that it may have to implement during the next week at the governorate, district or city level, after an alarming increase in the number of locally recorded infections with the emerging coronavirus. The measures include “imposing a comprehensive curfew on fridays at the governorate, district or hotspot level, which is witnessing a rise in cases and a spread of several hotspots, as well as reducing the number of hours allowed for the movement of citizens and the activity of facilities at night. And the temporary closure of schools, educational facilities, mosques, churches and popular markets, parks and parks at the governorate, district, or city level that may witness the spread of the epidemic or outposts. “As for public schools, they will operate in the doubles system for one day and the other day for the individual system, especially in schools where there are many students in the halls and private schools through remote teaching, and lost a number of their students for this new academic year 2020/2021.

  1. It was noted that the mitigation of the effects of the crisis on the tourism sector and its workers was not done properly. It was also noted that the governments did not work to raise the health awareness of workers in the tourism sector. Full preparation for the post-crisis or second stage of the crisis and how to quickly deal with the new situation and create the appropriate environment to receive tourists if the epidemic situation improves. Governments should carry out tourism promotion using modern technology such as virtual tours. The participation of tourism transport companies temporarily in modern transportation companies to provide distinct transportation services to citizens to reduce congestion in public transport, provided that it is at a distinct cost to preserve the assets of these companies. The use of tour guides in preparing about archaeological areas and narrating some heritage stories and placing them in a promotional platform for tourism in Jordan. Benefiting from workers in travel agencies in the procedures for facing the Corona crisis by making use of their expertise in different languages by making call centers to provide services and information about the crisis to many countries, such as the technical support services provided by Microsoft in the United States. Arab governments should establish a regional fund for social solidarity. The impact of the Corona virus on food security and the increase in poverty, especially in third world societies, and Jordan is part of it. The impact of the Corona virus on the Arab and Jordanian economies, and foreign direct investment to aid recovery from the disease. The power of investing in the digital economy, digital investment is a necessity to recover from the Corona pandemic, and governments should encourage the trend of traditional companies into the digital world and enable investment in digital infrastructure.
  2. Prioritizing job preservation during the corona virus pandemic in the Middle East. Today, the world is witnessing an unprecedented freeze of work and production in Jordan and the Middle East countries and even in North Africa, due to the repercussions of the spread of the Corona virus (COVID-19) and the measures taken to contain it. Although the health impacts of the pandemic remain uncertain, the recovery may provide MENA countries an opportunity to reform their economic systems, connect with more workers and businesses, and boost their digital economy activities.
The virus affects jobs through its effect on the labor supply, especially through the health of workers, their ability to move and move, and its impact on the activities of business enterprises. It weakens the demand for goods and services, reduces the supply of production inputs, and leads to restricted liquidity, and increases uncertainty and uncertainty. This situation may create significant challenges, especially for the region, for several reasons:
  1. Weakness of the private sector as a result of the state’s dominance of economic activity and limited competition. Widespread informal economic activity in the areas of production (estimated at 16-35% of GDP) and employment (estimated at 50-74% of total labor). To make matters worse, many in the region work in the service sector, which has been severely affected by the pandemic.
  2. The digital economy in the region is in its infancy, and businesses and people face obstacles in using technology productively.
  3. The region depends on imports, which are estimated at 39% of GDP, which is a larger share than that of any other developing region, and the percentage of foodstuffs in imported goods is 12%, which is also the highest among developing regions. Global value chain shocks can have severe ramifications and consequences for consumption and food security.
  4. The drop-in oil prices affect the oil-exporting countries in the region by reducing the value of their exports and restricting the financial space available to them to spend. These factors make it more necessary than ever to support workers and businesses and support the digital economy in the future to mitigate the effects of the economic recession.
Corona goes to the recovery achieved by the tourism sector
10 thousand employees in the tourism sector are threatened with dismissal in Jordan and thousands of people around of world. Since the Corona pandemic crisis began in the world and Jordan in particular, through the closure of airports and the Jordanian, Arab and scientific borders in March-2019, all eyes have shifted to workers in the tourism sector, and statements have continued to emerge that are aware that the sector will be "the first sector to be affected and the last to recover". Since then, tourism workers have been awaiting the movements of the ministries of tourism and antiquities in their countries.

The Corona crisis threatens the fate of 10 thousand employees working in tourism, Hajj and Umrah companies, after their work was stopped months ago and that there are more than 800 offices in all governorates of the Kingdom that have stopped. He was completely devoted to it since the borders were closed, pointing out that the damage will extend to more than that until further notice. And that most companies depend on foreign inbound tourism, Hajj, Umrah, ticket sales, etc., indicating that most countries have a Corona virus epidemic, and countries will not allow them to open their borders.

            A month passed until the governments issued various statements related to a plan to support the tourism sector. In April, some ministries of tourism and antiquities in most countries of the world and Jordan announced that they had allocated billions of dollars to support the sector in its current crisis. And workers from the license renewal fees for the year 2020, with the inclusion of tourist guides in a soft loan program, and coordination has been made with major global e-commerce companies to contribute to the marketing and provision of a specialized platform for Jordanian traditional craft products, Dead Sea products and medical treatments.

The National Planning Institute in Jordan issued a research study entitled the implications of the emerging corona virus crisis on the Egyptian tourism sector. It was developed in 3 scenarios if the Corona virus continues in Egypt until the end of 2020, and the tourism sector does not recover until the end of the year, so the number of tourists and revenues will be zero in the second quarter and the third of 2020.
The study included 7 proposals and recommendations to mitigate the effects of the crisis on the tourism sector and its workers, which came as follows: -
  1. Benefiting from workers in travel agencies in the procedures for facing the Corona crisis by making use of their expertise in different languages by making call centers to provide services and information about the crisis to many countries, such as technical support services provided by India to Microsoft in the United States.
  2. Benefiting from tour guides in preparing videos about archaeological areas and narrating some heritage stories and placing them in a promotional platform for tourism.
  3. The participation of tourism transport companies temporarily in modern transportation companies to provide distinct transportation services to citizens to reduce congestion in public transport, provided that it is at a distinct cost to preserve the assets of these companies.
  4. Tourism promotion using modern technological means such as virtual tours.
  5. Working on documenting and promoting the distinctive signs of each type of heritage craft, such as what was provided by the government “Atlas of Handicrafts”.
  6. To be fully prepared for after the crisis and how to quickly deal with the new situation and create the appropriate environment to receive tourists.
  7. Raising the health awareness of workers in the tourism sector.
The study comes in light of a series of research studies adopted by the National Planning Institute as a national expertise house and as a think-tank for all state agencies and institutions in general, and the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development in particular, issuing a series of policy papers on the possible repercussions of the Corona crisis on the Egyptian economy as a scientific and practical initiative aimed at studying The potential impacts and repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Egyptian economy, by analyzing the various dimensions of this global pandemic, discussing and assessing the potential repercussions of this global health crisis on Egypt, and proposing alternatives to different policies, based on possible scenarios within certain time periods, with the aim of supporting policy makers and decision makers.

Corona's economic impact: Heavy losses, small and temporary gains
The economic effects of the spread of the new Corona virus are numerous and profound, as it is expected that the growth rates of the Jordanian economy will decline, as is the case in the global economy, as a result of three main channels. First: The supply side is affected due to production disruption due to HIV infections, especially in its re-emergence in Jordan, as well as measures to contain it. Second, the demand side is affected globally, especially in the tourism and entertainment industry. Third: The spread of these effects globally as a result of the virus’s transmission across borders as it happens with the Syrian-Jordanian border, which led to a decline in tourism, as well as a result of the decline in global demand rates in the major industrial countries and China. Arab economies will be negatively affected through several channels, the most important of which are tourism and oil export revenues. There are also some beneficiaries from the spread of the Corona virus, as carbon dioxide emissions have decreased due to the decline in global industrial activity, as well as the possibility of many other sectors benefiting such as: Pharmaceuticals, telecommunications and e-commerce companies. Countries and economic institutions will need a set of policies that will mitigate the negative economic impacts of the spread of the new Corona virus.

Is Corona a biological warfare?
In the view of the researchers, there is no doubt that the viruses that have recently invaded the world were manufactured with high technology, and this proved that the next war is not a conventional war by launching missiles, cannons, and warplanes, wearing military uniforms and engaging with weapons closely. It is a biological warfare in which science, modern technologies and scientific research are known to be one of its tools and weapons in destroying the economy and global tourism.

What is the impact of Corona virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on women and girls?
There is a UN warning of an escalation of violence against women during home quarantine, and the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres' reverence of a terrifying global escalation of domestic violence amid the outbreak of the Corona epidemic and urged governments to intensify their efforts to prevent violence against women. This did not and will not happen in Jordan because the Jordanian people respect the rights of women and respect them in a very decent manner.

There is suffering and anguish experienced by Syrian refugees, especially women in Jordan, in light of precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the Corona virus. This country recorded - according to the latest census- 449 cases of the virus, including 351 recoveries, and 8 deaths. To besiege the epidemic, the authorities closed the capital, Amman, isolated the Irbid governorate (north), and imposed a partial curfew, allowing residents to move during specific hours. The Syrian refugees were not immune to this crisis, especially women, as the virus exacerbated their suffering and burdened them even more since the beginning of the last month of March and until the publication of this research paper. The following are the why. The ways in which Syrians are treated in Jordan:
  1. With masks made of worn cloth and a curfew- this is how Syrian refugees face Corona in Jordan.
  2. Jordan and the Syrian refugees on a date with a stifling crisis.
  3. 70% of the Syrian refugees in Jordan suffer from psychological trauma, especially women.
Recent protective cases of Corona-19-20 for some countries of the world, including European and Arab countries

Why is Greece the best European holiday destination in the shadow of coronavirus? If a tourist wonders about how the emerging coronavirus pandemic will affect his dream vacation in Greece, the answer is, it did not affect it significantly compared to other countries. Greece has worked hard to enable its tourism offerings to cope in the light of the “COVID-19” virus. This is what tourists reported when visiting Greece now, as the beaches of the Peloponnese region are not crowded. Santorini is waiting for tourism with enthusiasm tinged with fear and it seems that Greece is reaping its fruits, even as the threat of a second wave of infections in various European destinations. This is thanks in part to the fact that the country has seen only a few cases so far, and therefore, when a tourist visits Greece now, the tourist feels that he visited a place that the “COVID-19” virus had never reached. Nobody can visit Greece at the moment, as it has opened its borders to travelers from European Union countries, and some other countries.


In light of Corona ... Why is Greece the best European holiday destination now?
First, it has a blue sky, a bluer sea, and a dream vacation in Greece is still waiting for all tourists. Visitors need to complete documents before traveling to Greece, with details of their place of residence, and they may be subject to isolation for 14 days in the event that one of the passengers on the plane with them is infected with the Corona virus.

Hotels and guest homes strive to make guests feel safe. Hotels go to great lengths to make guests feel safe during their holidays. And check-in desks have been placed behind protective barriers, and staff wear masks, and sometimes gloves and face shields as well. Sterilizers are available everywhere, such as hotel lobbies, and inside rooms. Signs and signs are on the ground reminding people of the need to adhere to social distancing, which is not practical all the time.

A traditional welcome
Hand sanitizers are everywhere to prevent the emerging corona virus. And it appears that the Greek spirit of hospitality has not been affected by the virus, even with some restrictions.

Greek hotels often cover their TV remote controls or air conditioners with new plastic wrap when a new guest arrives. For the Greeks, not being able to shake hands is like suffering from a severed arm, said Takis Zoutos, who runs a guest house called “Pension Marianna” in the southern Greek peninsula of Peloponnese. Restaurants are also taking precautions, as tables are sprayed with disinfectants, and hand sanitizer packages are found alongside salt and pepper.

Low risk
Many historical monuments in Greece, such as the ancient theater of Epidaurus, are now empty. On the streets, you won't see landmarks that remind you of a global pandemic. Whether you are in tourist areas or normal areas, few people wear face masks, and not everyone is committed to social distancing. However, most shopkeepers do.
There are many destinations that do not require wearing face masks. Therefore, it is easy to find a secluded place to go swimming on your own in Greece. And the rules that stipulate the wearing of face masks must be adhered to in many historical monuments in Greece, or in any indoor exhibitions in the country. But it is worth noting that most of these places are largely empty due to the Corona virus. While it may be tragic for the Greek travel sector, it is a magical affair for visitors exploring the ancient wonders that are usually crowded with people.

Empty beaches
It is not difficult for a tourist to find himself alone on the beach in the Mani Peninsula, Greece. Wearing masks is not a must on Greek beaches. And with the number of visitors now low, there are no major concerns about social distancing. This may become a problem in some small islands in the country, or destinations that have a rich tourist scene, but when it comes to the Peloponnese Peninsula, most of its coastlines are occupied by a few Greeks. Greece may witness crowded beaches, as happened in Spain and other parts of Europe, and may witness a new increase in virus cases as a result of the opening of the borders. But at the moment, Greece is the ideal haven compared to anywhere else in the world.

Tourism in Croatia remains the pandemic in Croatia and after the emerging corona virus
In comparison with another country such as Croatia, which hopes to open the doors of Tourism? For example, despite the crisis in the tourism sector in Croatia due to the Corona virus, some in the tourism industry see a glimmer of hope in the midst of the crisis during summer 2020.

Tourism in Croatia is subject to a difficult test, as the European Union announced its intention to “gradually and partially” lift the restrictions imposed on travel outside the borders of the bloc, as of July 01, as thousands of small hotel owners in Croatia await the summer season mixed with hope and panic, from the Corona pandemic. Predictions are difficult, Nedeljko Penzic said, as the owner of a family hotel on the island of Krk in the northern Adriatic Sea and president of the association that collects similar projects at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce.

Global tourism: Corona's horror is causing us losses that exceed the impact of the epidemic itself, as he added in an interview with the German News Agency by phone: “European countries are racing to open their doors to foreign visitors, while taking steps to keep their internal tourists.”

Under these circumstances, Croatian hoteliers cannot predict with certainty who might come or when, but they do not expect a flood of tourists from the first day. “People are cautious and want to be confident that travel is safe,” says Penzic. This means that there can be no cases of corona in the destination country, there must be health care available for tourists, and there must be a possibility to return in the event of another wave of an outbreak. With a coastline of 1,700 km long, in addition to more than 1,200 islands, Croatia is a huge destination for tourists, most of whom are Germans, as well as citizens of Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Britain, the Czech Republic and Poland.
More than half of the services needed by hotels are provided by small family enterprises, such as the Penzic Family Hotel, which finds a glimmer of hope to restore the normal life of tourism in the country. Given that many tourists visit again because of the hospitality and attractiveness of the hosts and given that most of them can go to and from Croatia with their cars, this gives hope that the year can be good. “We all hope that the main tourist season, which runs from June 15 to September 15, when Croatia witnesses nearly 80% of turnover, will help ease the crisis,” says Penzic.      
Global tourism numbers are fighting the virus and bewildering questions about the future
Penzic explains that not many large or small hotels have collapsed, praising the government’s reduction of taxes and other privileges that have led to the raising or delaying of some debts and expenses.

The source of the Croatian concern
As for the biggest source of concern today, he said: “In Croatia, as it is everywhere in the region, the greatest concern is a possible new outbreak that will bring us back to ground zero.” Experts believe that it would be a great success if the tourism sector in Croatia this year achieved half of what it did from last year's profits, which amounted to 10.5 billion euros. The number of new infections with the Corona virus has decreased sharply in Croatia in recent times, as it has witnessed days without completely infection or one infection was recorded. Croatia recorded a total of 2,246 cases of coronavirus and 106 deaths, with 2,130 cases recovered, according to World Meter. On May 28, the Croatian government decided to allow citizens of ten European Union countries to enter without providing proof of the reason for their entry, which raises another measure that had been applied to limit the spread of the Corona virus. Previously, all travelers were required to prove at the border that they had booked accommodation, owned real estate or a boat in Croatia.

Tourism in Croatia, beaches and other secrets

Croatia is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world, as it is ranked 18th in the world: Zagreb - The European Union’s announcement to lift restrictions on travel outside the bloc’s borders from July 1 has sent dreadful hope to owners of thousands of small hotels in Croatia. “Predicting the tourist season is difficult,” said (Nedeljko Penzic), owner of a family hotel on the island of Krk in the northern Adriatic Sea and president of the association that collects similar projects at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce. “European countries are racing to open their doors to foreign visitors, while taking steps to keep their internal tourists,” he added. Under these circumstances, Croatian hoteliers cannot predict with certainty who might come or when. “People are cautious and want to be confident that travel is safe,” said Penzic. Croatia has a lot to offer more than just picturesque beaches, as it is characterized by the diversity and multiplicity of its resorts that provide many treatment and luxury services, as well as mass tourism attractions, in addition to marine tourism. Tourism in Croatia is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world, as it is ranked 18th in the world in terms of popularity. The country reopened its borders to tourists from several European countries after a closure that lasted for many weeks due to the Corona pandemic.

It has a coastline of 1,700 kilometers in length, in addition to more than 1,200 islands, and it is a huge destination for tourists, most of whom are Germans, in addition to citizens of Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Britain, the Czech Republic and Poland.

Croatia contains 444 protected areas covering 9 percent of the country, and there are 8 national parks and 10 nature reserves. Croatia is distinguished by the diversity and multiplicity of its resorts that provide many treatment and luxury services, in addition to marine tourism, and more than half of the services needed by hotels are provided by small family projects, such as the Penzic Family Hotel. Given that many tourists visit again because of the hospitality and attractiveness of the hosts and given that most of them can go to Croatia and return from it with their cars, this is a source of hope that the year can be good. “We all hope that the main tourism season, which started from June 15 to September 15, will recover,” Penzic said. The Gorski Kotar region in northwestern Croatia is one of the last wonderful wilderness areas in Europe. There are about 600 bears roaming around the mountains. However, it is unlikely that you will meet one by chance. Local photographers know good hiding places and wait in them equipped with long focal length lenses, and park rangers also organize bear watching. The white truffle comes in the Mirna Valley as one of the tourist attractions in Croatia, and the cost of one kilo is about a thousand euros (1100 dollars), as this type of truffle cannot be grown, and secondly, it grows exclusively in northern Italy and Croatia. Along the Croatian coast, to help sailors and fishermen find their way back safely, many lighthouses have been constructed over the years. Some are still inhibited, others have been converted into holiday homes, such as the one in Savodriga. It is one of the oldest lighthouses located in the far north overlooking the Adriatic Sea, and it is still in service. The lighthouse was built by order of the Chancellor of the Austrian Empire to be his and his beloved in 1818, and before the lighthouse was finished, his beloved died, and the chancellor never set foot on the lighthouse, but legend says that his spirit inhabits the place to this day. As for the biggest source of concern today, Penzic said, “The biggest concern in Croatia, as is the case everywhere in the region, is a possible new outbreak of the epidemic that will bring us back to zero.” Experts believe that it would be a great success if the tourism sector in Croatia this year achieved half of what it did from last year's profits, which amounted to 10.5 billion euros. On May 28, the Croatian government decided to allow citizens of ten European Union countries to enter without providing proof of the reason for their entry, which raises another measure that had been applied to limit the spread of Corona virus. Previously, all travelers were required to prove at the border that they had booked accommodation, owned real estate or a boat in Croatia.

Saturday, August 22, 2020, Croatia shrinks its expectations about tourism after the resurgence of new cases of Corona. The resurgence of new cases of Coronavirus has reduced expectations in the tourism sector in Croatia, as foreign tourists began packing their luggage and canceling reservations, according to the “HRT” channel. “Unfortunately, we see guests leaving, most of them from Germany, Austria, Slovenia and other countries that have put us on the red list,” said Philippe Kulusic, from the Croatian club, Adriatic International. The TV channel added that reservations are canceled, while queues of German tourists have appeared in front of hospitals to undergo Corona virus tests. “Tourists leave for many reasons - family, politics and jobs. Ultimately, they want to return to their homeland and stay safe.” Austria, Italy and Slovenia had included all regions in Croatia on the red list, with the Corona virus cases in Croatia rising over the years. In the past ten days, Germany has classified two coastal regions as unsafe. Tourists from the four countries make up most of the foreign tourists. Tourism is the most important industry in Croatia, and it contributes more than 20 percent of economic activity. The country opened its doors to tourists on the first of last July and surprisingly recorded strong figures for the number of visitors, until the recent emergence of new cases, according to Al-Germania news.

Through the tourism conditions in the Arab world and European countries, and how much is shown in the two previous cases, and what has been mentioned in the explanation of the emerging world of Corona in the folds of this research paper, we find that travel to Europe shows that countries will open their doors to tourists on terms, including green countries, red countries, etc.

The European Union announced the resumption of domestic travel between member states, after a hiatus of 3 to 5 months since last March, due to the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19). The European Commissioner for Internal Affairs, Elva Johansson, stated that the European Union countries should coordinate entry procedures among its members, and set the appropriate conditions for this in preparation for the opening of airports again to travelers from outside the European Union, with the beginning of next July, as planned in advance. The European Union seeks to set strict rules before taking these steps, for fear of a second wave of the spread of the Corona virus, which may lead to re-closing borders and banning travel again, which will have huge repercussions on the economies of the Union countries and the tourism sector in particular, and many may be forced with it. Airlines to declare bankruptcy, or governments will be forced to intervene by granting huge compensation, as is the case in Greece, Croatia, Jordan, Middle Eastern countries and even America.

The following is a travel map among the most prominent European Union countries:
Germany unrestricted travel: Germany began to open its borders completely, starting Monday, June 22, without any quarantine measures for travelers coming to it, and there is still a ban on reception for travelers from outside the European Union, except for diplomats and employees of international organizations and bodies.

Spain travel is available: Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said that his country will reopen its borders with most of the European Union countries on June 21, with the exception of Portugal, which will start receiving travelers from it on the first of July next at the request of Lisbon, and the authorities do not require quarantine procedures upon entry.

Austria Travel is available according to restrictions and conditions: Austria has opened borders and travel since June 4 for travelers from Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Hungary, provided that they have spent at least two weeks in these countries.

Denmark travel is not available: Denmark will not allow travel to it until September 1, with the exception of tourists from Germany, Norway and Iceland only, who will not be subject to quarantine procedures. It also allows investors who have partnerships with Danish companies from within the European Union to enter and will allow Finns and Swedes who own a summer house in Denmark to travel. And there is still a ban on receiving travelers coming from outside the European Union, except for diplomats and employees of international organizations and bodies.

Belgium Travel is available from within the European Union: Beginning on Monday, June 22, Belgium decided to allow flights from all member states of the European Union and the United Kingdom only, without any quarantine measures or medical tests.

France Travel without requirements: France decided to open all its borders to travelers coming from most of the European Union and European Free Trade Association countries (Iceland, Norway and Switzerland), as well as Monaco, San Marino, the Vatican and Andorra, without any restrictions. In addition, it is not required to present any medical certificate proving that travelers are free of the Coronavirus.

Greece medical tests: Greece will resume its flights to most countries with the beginning of July 2020, with the exception of the countries affected by it as having a high risk of transmission, by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

Cyprus Travel according to controls: Since June 9, Cyprus has allowed travelers from within the European Union to travel to Cyprus, with the requirement to present a negative test certificate for the Coronavirus within the past 72 hours.

Czech Republic conditional travel: The Czech Republic will later announce that the European Union countries will be divided into three parts, according to the colors of the traffic lights (green, orange and red).

Finland Travel is available according to regulations: Finland decided to allow entry to travelers from Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, and some restrictions were imposed on other countries - including Sweden - until next July 14.

Sweden Travel is available: There are no restrictions on entry for travelers to Sweden from the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and the United Kingdom, and this is part of Sweden's unconventional strategy towards the Coronavirus.

Analysis Corona epidemic and its economic danger to Arab countries: The spread of the Corona epidemic inflicts heavy losses in trade and economic cooperation between China and the Arab world, and this will not be limited to the decline in the presence of the Chinese product in the Arab markets, so does this decline constitute an opportunity to revive traditional Arab industries and crafts?

The accelerating news about the deadly virus Corona and the difficulty of eliminating it catches some of them in a breathtaking manner and threatens to paralyze trade and the economy, the latest news indicates that confronting it is complicated at a time when the World Health Organization declared a state of emergency worldwide. Amidst the increasing number of victims and the stoppage of production and trade in many Chinese regions, the economic losses resulting from the spread of the virus at the level of China and the world cannot be precisely quantified. In reality, however, it amounts to several billion a day, if we take into account only the psychological factor affecting contracts and investments, that China is the world champion in exports, and that its GDP exceeds 14 trillion dollars annually, which constitutes 17 percent of the global product.

For the Arab world, this means daily losses in the hundreds of millions of dollars, because China has become the most important trading partner for all Arab countries except for the Maghreb. The volume of trade exchange between the two parties exceeded 240 billion dollars annually during the past two years, compared to 190 billion dollars in 2011 and 40 billion dollars in 2004. And if these numbers indicate anything, then a breathtaking growth in the aforementioned exchange has reached 20 percent during several years of the decade Ongoing.

Corona and its opportunities to revive agriculture and combat poverty in the Arab countries with the deterioration of agriculture in non-oil Arab countries such as Jordan, the unemployment rate increased and the circle of poverty expanded. However, the Coronavirus pandemic opens an opportunity for it to revive local agriculture and fill a large part of food shortages.

The new Corona virus has killed at least 893,524 people in the world since the WHO office in China reported the emergence of the disease at the end of December 2019. More than 27 million and 387 thousand and 170 cases of the virus have been officially recorded since the start of its outbreak and recovered from them. To date, at least 18 million 115,200 people. And the United States is the country most affected by the number of deaths and injuries, with 189,221 deaths out of 6 million, 301 thousand and 451 injuries, according to the Johns Hopkins University census. At least two million 333,551 people have recovered.

The following is a monitoring of the most prominent developments and news of this pandemic across the world on Tuesday 8 September 2020, according to the time of Makkah:
  • Casualties in Spain rise to 534,000.
  • Coronavirus cases decline steadily in Mexico after the peak.
  • Queen Alia International Airport in Jordan resumes regular flights with great caution to some countries carrying the epidemic.
  • There are concerns in Britain about the increase in infections among young people.
  • Heavy toll in South Africa.
  • The number of confirmed cases of the Kurna virus in South Africa has exceeded 600,000, although the daily rate of infections has been declining since late last month.
  • The highest mortality rate in Morocco.
  • In Morocco, the authorities today counted 42 new deaths due to the Corona virus, which is the highest daily toll since the start of the virus outbreak in the Kingdom.
  • Israel exceeds 100 thousand cases of corona.
  • As the Israeli Ministry of Health announced recently that the total number of cases of Corona virus has exceeded 100,000, after about 1,500 new cases of the virus were recorded during the past 24 hours. The outbreak of Corona in Israel continues at a high rate, amid criticism of the government of Benjamin Netanyahu's handling of the epidemic.
  • Hundreds of new infections in Algeria.
  • As it recently recorded in Algeria 409 new infections with the Corona virus, which raises the total to more than 40 thousand cases, and 7 new deaths were recorded due to the virus, bringing the total deaths to 1418 deaths.
Curfew in southern Tunisia: The authorities in Tunisia decided recently to impose a curfew from five in the evening to five in the morning, starting today in the city of Hamma in the Gabes Governorate (southeast), in an effort to stop the spread of the Corona virus there.

Iran bans prohibited activities in the mosques of Tehran: The Mosque Affairs Follow-up Center in Tehran recently banned the holding of religious activities for the month of Muharram in the mosques of the Iranian capital, due to the Corona virus. The situation in Iran and Iran announced Friday, 10/10/2020, that the death toll from the Corona virus rose to 20 thousand and 376, after 112 deaths were recorded. A spokeswoman for the Iranian Ministry of Health said that the number of new infections with the virus in the last 24 hours reached 2,206, bringing the total to 354,764 cases.

The Kurdistan Region of Iraq eases travel restrictions to Turkey: The Kurdistan region of Iraq announced - Friday - the easing of restrictions on land travel to Turkey, as part of the gradual lifting of the precautionary measures that were taken months ago to limit the outbreak of the Corona virus.

Corona statistics in Kuwait: Recently, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Health announced the registration of 502 new cases of Coronavirus and two deaths during the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of virus infections recorded in the country to 79,269 cases, and the number of deaths to 511 cases.

Casualties in Qatar: The Ministry of Public Health in Qatar recently announced the registration of 257 new confirmed cases of the Corona virus, and the recovery of 292 cases in the last 24 hours of 9/10/2020, bringing the total number of people recovering from the disease in the State of Qatar to 113,216.

As for the outcome of Corona in Pakistan: Pakistan today, Friday, 9/10/2020, recorded 630 new cases of Coronavirus, bringing the total number of infections in the country to 291,588, according to the Pakistani Geo News network today. The country also recorded 10 deaths in the past 24 hours, bringing the death toll to 6219.

The Philippines ranks highest in Southeast Asia: Today, Friday, 9/10/2020, the Philippines announced the registration of more than 4,786 new cases of Corona virus, bringing the number of confirmed cases to 182,365 since the start of the pandemic, the highest in Southeast Asia. And the Ministry of Health stated that 59 people died of the disease, bringing the total death toll there to 2,940. Today, Friday, Health Minister Francisco Duque said that “the infection rate is increasing because the virus strain mutates.”

As for Indonesia, on 9/10/2020, high cases and deaths were recorded: As Indonesia recorded 2,197new cases of Corona virus today, Friday, with a total number of 149,408 cases, according to the Indonesian Ministry of Health data. According to the new data, 82 new deaths were recorded, bringing the total number of victims to 6,500, the highest number of deaths in Southeast Asia.

But on 9/10/2020, Poland recorded a record in Corona: Where the Polish Ministry of Health stated on its Twitter account - today, Friday, 9/10/2020 - that the country recorded 903 new infections with the emerging Coronavirus, in the highest daily increase ever there since the start of the pandemic. Poland has recorded 60,281 cases of the disease and 1938 deaths so far.

There is a new phase of closure in Lebanon due to Corona: On Friday morning, 9/10/2020, the Lebanese entered a new phase of closure in Lebanon. On Friday morning, the Lebanese entered a new phase of general closure, with the aim of facing the record numbers of infections and hospitals filling up with new Corona virus patients, and the injured after the Beirut Port explosion. The authorities issued a decree that came into effect on Friday, to reinstate the closure for more than two weeks, accompanied by a daily curfew from 18:00 to 06:00 local time. The Lebanese Minister of Health, Hamad Hassan, warned that the country - which has officially registered at least 9,758 cases of the new Corona virus so far.

But Russia scored fourth in the world: Today, Friday, 10/9/2020, Russia announced the registration of 4,870 new cases of the emerging Corona virus, which brought the total number of cases to 946,976, which is the fourth largest in the world. The authorities added that they had recorded 90 other deaths in the past 24 hours, raising the official death toll to 16,189.

British Stone Policy: British Transport Minister Grant Shapes said that he does not want to present a false hope that tests at airports for the Corona virus will be an alternative to the quarantine policy followed on Friday, 10/10/2020. This comes after Heathrow Airport announced its readiness in the event that the British government agreed to change the rule and allow two tests, one upon arrival and the other a few days later, to cut off the two-week quarantine period currently followed. The number of confirmed cases of the new Corona virus in the United Kingdom reached 324,203 as of Friday morning, compared to 323,8 cases 24 hours ago, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University and Bloomberg News. The data indicated that the number of deaths in the United Kingdom due to the virus increased by 6 deaths, at the same time yesterday to 41,489.

Go to the UAE night ban: A spokesman for the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority in the UAE said that his country may re-apply the national sterilization program, which includes a de facto ban on night-time wandering in some areas, if there is a high increase in HIV cases. This week of the month of nine, the country witnessed a daily increase in infections that exceeded 400 cases for the first time since mid-July. And 461 injuries and two deaths were recorded within 24 hours until Thursday, 10/8/2020. The UAE recorded 65,802 cases in total and 369 deaths.

As the cases of Jordan, it closes schools and mosques, and thousands of injuries in America and most countries in the world again, and “Global Health” raises a warning cry. The statistical details about the spread of corona virus in the country of Jordan is given in Table 1 and shown in Figure 2.

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