Conscious Connection? A Research Article on Para Psychology
V R Shyanbhag*
Corresponding Author: V R Shyanbhag, Department of Psychology, Dr. A.V. Baliga College of Arts & Science, Kumta, Dist: Uttara Kannada, Karnataka State, India
Received: March 31, 2020; Revised: December 31, 2020; Accepted: February 21, 2021 Available Online: April 18, 2021
Citation: Shyanbhag VR. (2024) Conscious Connection? A Research Article on Para Psychology. J Psychiatry Psychol Res, 7(1): 545-548.
Copyrights: ©2024 Shyanbhag VR. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Actions happen through consciousness. British researchers believe that experimental findings suggest consciousness could exist in the absence of a functioning brain. Many seekers testify to this observation that the microcosm is the macrocosm in miniature [1-3].

Growth in the real sense enables a person to ‘see’ (or experience) the untapped potential. Energy can take many forms and may be transformed into various other forms. They may be electromagnetic physical waves or psychic waves. The combined unified electro-magnetic waves plus psychic waves which are termed as “Psycho electromagnetic Waves”.

Keywords: Consciousness, Microcosm, Psycho electromagnetic waves
Actions happen through consciousness. British researchers believe that experimental findings suggest consciousness could exist in the absence of a functioning brain. Many seekers testify to this observation that the microcosm is the macrocosm in miniature [1-3].

Growth in the real sense enables a person to ‘see’ (or experience) the untapped potential. Energy can take many forms and may be transformed into various other forms. They may be electromagnetic physical waves or psychic waves. The combined unified electro-magnetic waves plus psychic waves which are termed as “Psycho electromagnetic Waves”.

  1. Those who believe it can see conscious experience as an emergent property of complex computation in networks of brain neurons. In these approaches’ consciousness is viewed as a higher order effect emerging from lower level, non-conscious entities.
  2. Others believe consciousness cannot be accommodated within present day or future science. A modern version of dualism is ‘mysterianism,’ or cognitive closure, which suggests that consciousness, exists within science but cannot be understood by conscious beings.
Conscious Connection as a typical perceptual ability that allows the occurrence of proto-conscious experience arising from a future point in space-time. Can conscious experience - feelings, phenomenal qualia, our ‘inner life’ (panpsychism) - be accommodated within present-day science?

Applying an information-based reality to neutral monism, some theories in which information has both (a) psychological and (b) physical/material aspects.

The Conscious Connection: A Psycho-physical Bridge between Brain and Pan-experiential Quantum Geometry.
In this paper, I define Conscious Connection as a typical perceptual ability that allows the occurrence of proto-conscious experience arising from a future point in space-time.

Applying an information-based reality to neutral monism, some theories in which information has both (a) psychological and (b) physical/material aspects.
But the question remains: How, specifically, are these two aspects related? What is the connection between them?
The Multiphasic Model of Precognition (MMPC) Model identifies two distinct phases:
  • The first is the physics domain (PD), quantum space-time geometry - a possible repository of proto-conscious experience - and brain processes regulating consciousness [4-7].
  • The second is the neuroscience domain (ND), which addresses the acquisition and interpretation of retro causal signals. The model is Comprehensive, brain-based, and provides a new direction for research requiring multidisciplinary expertise.
It is experimentally possible to superimpose psycho-electromagnetic waves on any individual consciousness, thereby to make him experience during the halfway stage between full waking consciousness and sleep in more natural condition.

What interests me here is, during this experimental phenomenon, which brain centers are activated in both the experimenter & the subject who are being experienced [8-10].

Neurophysiologic studies using technologies of the day, including electroencephalography (EEG), magneto encephalography (MEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) have been used to investigate the cortical correlates of PC.

To summarize the results of May and associates,
  • There were no stable concomitant neural activities that seemed to occur during the point of time when PC was supposed to have occurred. As understanding of the phenomena increased, they realized that this was probably due to the fact that we could not determine [11].
  • When exactly the participant had received the information that he was providing (i.e., before or during the test situation); (b) we were, and are, still not sure about the form of energy carrier for RC signals. This implies that we were, and are, essentially searching for the proverbial needle in the haystack of neural pathways. For starters, Persinger’s (2015) extensive studies with PC-abled participants have implicated the right temporoparietal lobe as instrumental in their abilities.
As in the PD, we first must consider what data the ND of the model must be capable of explaining. We begin, therefore, with the appropriate observables assumed true: Specifically, PC ability is seen in varying levels of proficiency across the population, and no stable. CNS and psychological correlates aside from a performance-based measure on a PC task have been observed [12-16].

Phase II of the model refers to the processes that occurrence the signals from any external source, including RC signals, have reached the percipient’s CNS, and the processes that occur from perception to cognition of that data. This phase is primarily an implicit process.

 The MMPC deconstructs this domain into three discrete but fluid stages:
  1. Stage 1-perception of RC signals from an energy carrier
  2. Stage 2-cortical processing of RC signals
  3. Stage 3-cognition.
One aspect of our model is that Stages1 and 2 are critically different from normal perception in PC, following which, in Stage 3, normal processing occurs as it does for any other sensory input. Figure 1 illustrates the process of PC.

It is experimentally possible to superimpose psycho-electromagnetic waves on any individual consciousness, thereby to make him experience during the halfway stage between full waking consciousness and sleep.
What interests me here is, during this experimental phenomenon, which brain centers are activated in both the experimenter & the subject who are being experienced [17-19].


Cognitive brain functions, including sensory processing and motor control of behavior, are often non-conscious - terms like ‘easy problems,’ ‘zombie modes,’ or ‘auto-pilot’ apply here. These non-conscious functions are explained by synaptic neuro computation in axonal-dendritic networks, i.e., the brain’s neuronal firings and synaptic transmissions acting like ‘bit states’ and switches in computers. They are not really easy, but at least approachable through neuro computation. Consciousness, however, does not naturally derive from neuro computation-hence the ‘hard problem.’

But consciousness and non-conscious cognition are not separable. At times, habitual auto-pilot modes become driven or accompanied by conscious experience. We often walk or drive while daydreaming, seemingly on auto-pilot with consciousness somewhere else. When novelty occurs, we consciously perceive the scene and assume conscious control. So rather than a distinction between non-conscious auto-pilot modes on the one hand, and conscious experience on the other, the essential distinction is between non-conscious modes which at any given moment are, or are not, accompanied by some added fleeting feature which conveys conscious experience and choice. That feature, the neural correlate of consciousness (NCC), appears to involve spatio-temporal envelopes of gamma synchronized dendrite activity moving through input layers in the brain’s neurocomputational networks. Dendritic synchrony conveys a ‘conscious agent’ able to experience and control - tune into and take over - otherwise non-conscious neurocomputation.
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