Review on Parental Care and Psychological Wellbeing of Indian Adolescent Students
Kezia R*
Corresponding Author: Kezia R, Assistant Professor, Loyola College of Education, Chennai, India.
Received: April 10, 2020; Revised: December 29, 2020; Accepted: February 04, 2021 Available Online: April 18, 2021
Citation: Kezia R. (2024) Review on Parental Care and Psychological Wellbeing of Indian Adolescent Students. J Psychiatry Psychol Res, 7(1): 549-550.
Copyrights: ©2024 Kezia R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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There are around 1.2 billion young people around the world. Adolescence has been a period of transformation to emerge as an individual in the society. It’s the age that resembles butterfly coming out of cocoon through the struggle of metamorphosis. Studies reveal that 50% of mental and psychological issues begin at the age of 14. Home environment and the parental care plays a significant role in shaping the perspective of the world of the child and determines the well-being of the child. This paper thus aims to study and analyze the factors that affect the psychological well-being of adolescent children.

Keywords: Parental care, Adolescence, Psychological well-being

In the current scenario, with the rise of technology and the fast forward of modern generation, the psychological well-being of Gen Z kids is at risk due to their growth and environmental factors. Parenting has become a voluminous task in midst of the busy schedule of modern families. Parental care plays a crucial role in shaping the students mentally. Research shows that students of today’s generation are likely to show more anxiety, depression and suicidal tendency and were not able to face and cope up with their life because of the way they were brought up. This paper discusses in detail, the factors that affect the psychological well-being based on the parental care given to their children.

Need of the study

There are around 1.2 billion young people around the world. Adolescence has been a period of transformation with stress factors to emerge as an individual in the society. It is a critical period. It’s the age that resembles butterfly coming out of cocoon through the struggle of metamorphosis. Studies reveal that 50% of mental and psychological issues begin at the age of 14 [1]. Home environment and the parental care plays a significant role in shaping the perspective of the world of the child and determines the well-being of the child. Thus, psychological well-being has a paramount significance in the successful growth of the children.


Parenting is defined as “the process of raising children and providing them with protection and care in order to ensure the healthy development of their children into adulthood” (Britanica). The strong relationship between parents and children is significant and has a lasting impact in the child’s life. Parenting shapes child’s appearance, behaviors and their social lifestyle. Health and Human service report says that Positive parent-child relationships are associated with ‘higher level of adolescent’s self-esteem, happiness and life satisfaction’ [2].


Psychological well-being signifies ‘being content with life and abundance of positive emotions. The Psychological well-being is affected by the social, economic and environmental factors. WHO estimates that one in five experiences ‘developmental, emotional and behavioral problem’? Psychological well-being in this study is measured using RYFF, which covers the six main aspects of Psychological well- being: autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, Positive relations with others, purpose in life and self -acceptance [3].

This study analyses the important factors that contribute to the significant difference in the psychological well-being of the adolescent children in Indian schools.

Factor 1: Working status of mother

Participation of women in work sphere has grown to 24% and has been growing day by day. Reports also say that 50% of women quit their job once they have children. Study shows that working mothers do not spend quality time with their children which affect their psychological well-being. This study also supports the case that children have good psychological well-being based on the time parents spend with their children, especially mothers.

Factor 2: Type of institution

Type of institution determines the environmental factor that affects the psychological well-being of the children. In India, there is a huge wall in the quality of education which discriminates between government and private institutions. Studies show that Children studying in private institution has low psychological well-being, since Education is more of knowledge in private schools and they focus on ranks and grades, which is assumed to determine the secure future of the children. They scarcely think about the emotional aspect of the children. Whereas, government and aided school liberalizes the way of learning for students which makes them independent individual and give more freedom in learning things, thus their psychological well-being results higher than that of children in private institutions.

Factor 3: Parent’s qualification

This study shows that parents need to be educated in order to raise their children well. Children whose parents are literate are psychologically well when compared to the children of illiterate parents. This may be due to the knowledge of parents in supporting and guiding children in a right way and the awareness parents have in parenting the child especially during adolescence.


Irrespective of the qualification, the well-being of children depends largely on parenting. In the current generation where we have more single-children, children are pampered, and they are likely to face more emotional and behavioral problem while confronting the society. On the other hand, the psychological well-being is affected when children were not properly attended by their parents. Thus, parenting has a paramount significance in shaping the individuals.
  1. Kezia R (2018) Study on Parental care and Psychological Wellbeing of IX Standard Students. Int J Indian Psychol 6(3): 172-177.
  2. Parenting: Preparing for Adolescence. American academy of Child and Adolescence psychiatry (2015) Retrieved from:
  3. Seifert TA (2005) The Ryff Scales of Psychological Wellbeing. Retrieved from: