An Innovative Design Thinking KLMN SWASTIK Model That Develops Mentalligence in Students Using Mind Pedagogy
Jayaraman Komalalakshmi*
Corresponding Author: Jayaraman Komalalakshmi, Academic Coordinatior, Indira Gandhi college of Special Education, 177, Holy Cross Campus, Thadagam Road, Kanuvai, Coimbatore, India
Accepted: April 24, 2021. Available Online: April 29, 2021
Citation: Komalalakshmi J. (2021) An Innovative Design Thinking KLMN SWASTIK Model That Develops Mentalligence in Students Using Mind Pedagogy. J Neurosurg Imaging Techniques, 6(S1): 07.
Copyrights: ©2021 Komalalakshmi J. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Today’s world is fast growing world and our students are growing in different era with smart phones and technological devices. The Obvious outcome prevailing is habitat destruction and loss of human values and humanity in human. The increased birth ratio of special children signifies that the human beings are marching towards dangerous zone causing ill effect to humanity and ecosystem. The paper proposes the new innovative design thinking called KLMN SWASTIK MODEL that develops the positive mental attitude - Mentalligence in students by removing the bitterness caused by the unexpected unwanted reactions of other humans that damages the individual mind pedagogy. The Results proved that consumer-oriented culture causes such bitterness and it can be removed by inculcating the contributive spirit of giving and sharing for the wellbeing of others. Also nurturing the child with positive characters and values may change the mind pedagogy. The bitterness must be removed and the child is transformed to imbibe the willingness to contribute for its own happy and quality well-being. The data science of man making education process KLMN SWASTIK MODEL ensures the mental development. The model suggests that the nerve –VEPDN that connects the brain portal and heart portal must be identified and proper sufficient healthy visionary inputs must be given to students to remove bitterness and cultivate willingness.  The inputs may be through food, or medicine or educating the visionary inputs from the contributions of our ancient contributive oriented holistic culture. The proposed KLMN SWASTIK uses visual learning type education for mental development ensuring better transformation in students Knowing; learning and mind mapping part from KLMN SWASTIK is processed here when the bitterness is received from outside, the child’s thought process is blocked, making the child to suffer from mental health, that makes the child contributes nothing for his happy well-being. [N- NO CONTRIBUTING]. Obviously in such case, the experts or elders’ contributions become essential that is illustrated in the KLMN SWASTIK LOGO DESIGN structure.  The visual learning model logo uses the mind pedagogy to supply the   sufficient healthy inputs thereby helping the child to take charge and change himself willingly on his own to handle its bitterness. [N-NEW CONTRIBUTING]. The proposed mind pedagogy ensures positive habit formation, with dynamic mental transformation. It assures nurturing a noble man from a child who is then become better active contributor of himself, family, society, nation and nature at large preserving humanity and habitat. 

Keywords: Mentalligence, KLMN SWASTIK, Data science, Design thinking, Bitterness, Willingness


KLMN SWASTIK: Knowing, Learning, Mind mapping, New/No contributing
VEPDN: V-Volatile, E- Erasable, P-Programmable, D-Dynamic, N-Nerve