Paraneoplastic Cutaneous Manifestation of Left Atrial Myxoma: Case Report with Review of Literature
Galina Bogoslovskaya* and Yekaterina Jordan
Corresponding Author: Galina Bogoslovskiy, Mankweng Academical Hospital, South Africa.
Revised: February 17, 2023; Available Online: February 17, 2023
Citation: Bogoslovskaya G, Jordan Y. (2023) Paraneoplastic Cutaneous Manifestation of Left Atrial Myxoma: Case Report with Review of Literature. J Cancer Sci Treatment, 5(S1): 05.
Copyrights: ©2023 Bogoslovskaya G, Jordan Y. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Cardiac myxoma is the most common primary cardiac tumor. This tumor characterizes by a wide range of clinical presentations that may mimic a variety of neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions.

Atrial myxomas present with symptoms include systemic embolization, and mitral valve obstruction. Although 10% of patients may be asymptomatic, most patients present with constitutional symptoms such as fever, weight loss, weakness or myalgia, arthralgia. Cardiac symptoms usually manifest as dyspnea, palpitations or syncope. These symptoms are related to obstruction of left ventricular inflow or elevated left atrial pressures. More severe manifestations also have been reported including vasculitis, demyelinating neuropathy, and amyloidosis.

Neurological manifestations are frequent and have been reported in 25-45% of cases. Different types of cutaneous manifestations related to cardiac myxomas including Raynaud’s phenomenon, livedo reticularis, splinter hemorrhages, nonblanching lesions of fingertips, violaceous eruptions with peripheral cyanosis and toe necrosis have been reported as well.

In our case, a patient a 45 years- old female, presented with an erythematous rash on her hands and feet that was associated with burning, numbness, and pruritus. A biopsy revealed medium vessel vasculitis and the patient primary was effectively treated with corticosteroids.

However, she returned several months later with more severe an erythematous rash and cardiac symptoms as well. Left atrial myxoma was diagnosed on echocardiography. After successful resection of left atrial myxoma the erythematous rash resolved.

This review summarizes the recent knowledge regarding paraneoplastic cutaneous manifestation of left atrial myxoma.

Keywords: Cardiac tumor, Paraneoplastic cutaneous manifestation, Atrial myxoma