Hypochlorous Acid/Surgical Gauze: An Effective Simplified Wound Treatment Protocol
Hendrik Roos*
Corresponding Author: Hendrik Roos, Director, Trifectiv (Pty) Ltd, South Africa.
Revised: June 07, 2023; Available Online: June 07, 2023
Citation: Roos H. (2023) Hypochlorous Acid/Surgical Gauze: An Effective Simplified Wound Treatment Protocol. J Cancer Sci Treatment, 5(S2): 01.
Copyrights: ©2023 Roos H. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Chronic wounds are some of the most complicated wounds to manage as control of infection (including biofilm formation) is critical to healing. Furthermore, control of inflammation is as important, ensuring the wound will heal expediently, with limited scarring. The standard of care in wound management has included dressings for control of infection, or the early debridement and closure of the wound through various methods including grafting of the wound. The removal of damaged contaminated tissue followed by a rapid closure of the wound decreases infectious risk. We present a simplified yet effective wound treatment protocol that is inexpensive and delivers fast and predictable results, using only hypochlorous acid, surgical gauze and crepe bandages. The wound treatment protocol can be taught to the patient, which increases compliance. Special reference to the importance of debridement of devitalized tissues, and the control of infection, as well as inflammation of wounds are illustrated. This presentation also explores the use of a pure medical-grade solution of HOCl to facilitate wound healing.