Comprehensive Digital Medicine Leads to Health Promotion by Perfectly Curing Diseases of Various Organs, as well as of Immune, Endocrine and Nervous Systems, of Human Body, and has Potential to Lead to Health Promotion of Humankind and Rapid Economic Growth of the World
Abhijit Biswas* and Krishnan Ramasubramanian
Corresponding Author: Abhijit Biswas, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 2A, Raja S. C. Mullick Road, Calcutta 700 032, India.
Revised: April 17, 2024; Available Online: April 17, 2024
Citation: Biswas A & Ramasubramanian K. (2024) Comprehensive Digital Medicine Leads to Health Promotion by Perfectly Curing Diseases of Various Organs, as well as of Immune, Endocrine and Nervous Systems, of Human Body, and has Potential to Lead to Health Promotion of Humankind and Rapid Economic Growth of the World. J Infect Dis Res, 7(S1): 01.
Copyrights: ©2024 Biswas A & Ramasubramanian K. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Working for a few decades, Prof. Korotkov of St. Petersburg University, Russia has innovatively developed GDV (Gas-Discharge-Visualization) scanner, in 1995. This sophisticated GDV diagnostic-device generates a chart that represents the health conditions of about thirty organs/glands/systems (including the Immune, Endocrine and Nervous systems, and spleen) of human body, within a scale range of -2 to 3. Analysis of these data reveals that a person’s perception of symptom(s) usually starts at a disease-level from 1 to 1.5, which is usually the most commonly observed disease-level of organs/systems of apparently healthy persons. This GDV device is being used by us as a tool for generating Digital-medicine by feeding an electromagnetic signal from this device to the medicine preparation device, involving very low cost. This medicine if taken regularly, helps to achieve near-zero disease-levels in the various organs (including Spleen) as well as the Immune, Endocrine and Nervous systems of human body, that leads to Health promotion. In a paper published in peer-reviewed international journal (IJAM-3935), we presented the Diagnostic-chart of AB, who has undergone Health promotion using “Comprehensive Digital-medicine”, for fifteen-years regularly, leading to a feeling and appearance of twenty-years agereduction and corresponding improvement in physical and mental stamina. His healthy immune system values in the Diagnostic-chart are: -0.29 and -0.50; and for Spleen: 0.02 and -0.23. In bodies of persons having near-zero disease-levels in their various organs/glands/systems and the Immune (including Spleen) system, even cancer cells will not be able to hide from, or trick, the immune system into helping cancer cells stay alive and grow.

Preventive medicines also may be required, viz., for Flu/Bird-Flu/Swine-Flu/COVID/Dengue/Chikungunya and their mutants, Eupatorium Perfoliatum 6 and Influenzinum 30; one or two doses per day depending on the severity of situation. Health promotion of Humankind using Digital-medicine, has Potential to lead to rapid Economic-growth. But, it needs to be funded initially on a mass-scale by UN/WHO/World-Bank/IMF and insurance companies (by offering lower insurance premium for persons covered by regular Comprehensive Digital-medicine schemes), etc. A few years later increased global GDP (expected to increase to 5% per-annum {from present 3%}) will itself be able to fund it.

Keywords: Digital medicine, Health promotion, Preventive medicine, Economic growth