Research Article
Salayev Islombek*
Corresponding Author: Salayev Islombek, Urgench State University, Khorezm Region, R. Uzbekistan.
Received: 14 May 2024; Revised: 20 May 2024; Accepted: 23 May 2024 Available Online: 08 July 2024
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This article discusses the significance of sports and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, particularly for students, in today's world. It emphasizes the importance of physical education and the rejection of harmful habits, promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Keywords: Sports, Physical education, Health, Healthy lifestyle

Socio-economic and political changes often occur in modern society. These changes, of course, pass through a person's consciousness and affect his value orientations. Physical culture is one of the most significant social values in this context. Sociological and psychological research shows that young people are the most susceptible to these changes. In education, physical culture and sports play an essential role, as society places increasing emphasis on the physical aspect of individuals. It is worth noting that physical culture and sport are studied by various fields, such as physiology, pedagogy, psychology, medicine, political science, and sociology. Sociology considers physical culture and sporting activities as a social phenomenon, a means of life for youth, a mechanism for socialization, and a value orientation, respectively. Sport, which creates values of sports culture, has always been a powerful social phenomenon and a means of successful socialization. Scientific data and examples from the lives of many outstanding athletes prove this. According to surveys of modern young people and athletes, sport has significantly influenced their understanding of public life and the world in general. S. Zhukovskaya defines sport as a unique social institution that promotes the development of physical activity, with features such as rivalry, increased motor activity, strengthened immunity, improved performance, and the use of specific techniques and exercise complexes. Serena, it has been revealed that sport is of particular importance in forming a healthy lifestyle for young people and is a means of increasing brain activity during the learning process. According to A. V. Martynenko, sport is a specialized area of activity related to identifying and demonstrating people's physical abilities. Physical culture, in his view, through physical exercise, prepares people for life and work by using natural forces of nature and a whole complex of factors (working regime, lifestyle, rest, hygiene, etc.), which determine human health status and the level of their general and special physical fitness. Physical culture and sport are an important tool in shaping value orientations in the younger generation. Using physical culture and well-being technologies in shaping values among young people shows its effectiveness, as evidenced by the following indicators: mass participation
  • The territory of application, the degree of use of physical culture and sports in the educational activities of educational institutions
  • Promotion of physical culture and sport
  • Degree and nature of use of mass media

Many scientists in research on this issue write about components of the value of sports culture, which, in turn, reflects the values of young people. The first component is the general cultural component, which consists of social processes in the legal, economic, political, information, and educational fields of society. The next component is socio-psychological, which is provided by public consciousness, opinion, interest, motivation, value orientation, and relationships in sports teams. And the last one is a specific component of the value potential of sports culture expressed in the ability of sports to meet human needs for physical improvement, socialization, health formation, self-realization and increasing the social prestige of an individual in society through achieving a high result, victory and record. This group of values is mastered through sports training and education. In general, the development of values of sports culture is only possible in the process of organizing human activity in sports. Considering the role of physical culture and sport in the system of value orientations, it's impossible not to mention sports education, designed to introduce students to sports values, which are recognized in almost all publications dedicated to the analysis of this educational activity. The issue of sports education has been studied by A. Pavlutsky. He characterizes sports education as a system of purposeful individual and collective influence on the personality, which should lead to assimilation of values and norms of sports culture recognized by the social group. Physical education and mass sports contribute to prevention and reduction of diseases, providing opportunities for physical, moral, aesthetic and intellectual development. Physical culture performs specific functions, allowing a person to obtain knowledge and use it in personal and professional life. Correct grammatical errors and typos in this text:

  • Applied - increasing specific physical performance in work and professional sports
  • Sports - achieving maximum results in a chosen sport
  • Recreational - organization of meaningful leisure activities
  • Health and rehabilitation - preventing fatigue and restoring temporarily lost functional abilities of the body.

One of the most important functions of physical culture and sports is meeting the natural need for physical activity. Scientists Toropov V.A. and Dubchik V.I. discuss physical culture and sport as a complex, multifunctional phenomenon in modern youth's lives. According to them, first, sport is a means for a person to reflect the world around them and, therefore, a way to understand that world and oneself. Sport reflects real-life values and is linked to certain social systems. Second, it helps organize free time efficiently. Nowadays, it is necessary to focus on the increasing role of physical culture and sports in shaping health and a healthy lifestyle in our country. The number of sports sections, sports clubs and playgrounds is increasing recently, and the popularity of sports has come with the mass promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Motivational banners can be seen on the streets, and various websites, social media groups and online coaches are dedicated to promoting sports and healthy lifestyles on the internet. However, such methods of promotion are effective in urban areas, but difficulties arise for young people in rural areas when it comes to accessibility to sports. By studying the question of "the role of physical culture and sports in the system of value orientations for young people", we concluded that it is growing every year. Programs are being developed and projects are implemented, and sports grounds are being built to promote mass sports. Therefore, physical education and sports has always been considered a valuable activity. The study and implementation of physical culture as an important social technology for shaping the value orientations of young people is necessary, not only now but also in decades to come. Physical culture and sports will continue to be relevant and popular. It is important to make full use of all the potential of physical activity for the benefit of young people's development, paying attention to all groups of young people, including those in rural areas.

The modern life of a person is entirely about movement. Aristotle famously said, "Life is movement!", and this phrase is becoming more relevant every year. Especially in terms of physical education and sports, movement is essential. Movement underlies all physiological functions of the body and ensures its close interaction with the environment. Development of the human body is only possible when biological needs for movement are fully met. If these conditions are not met, defects in physical development and hidden pathologies can arise. Nowadays, there is not a single aspect of human existence that is not connected to sports and physical activity. Everyone understands that regular exercise or sports not only help to strengthen and maintain our physical health, but also have a significant impact on our mental well-being. They help us to get rid of negative thoughts, lift our spirits, cope with insomnia and significantly reduce the risk of various health problems. Exercise also increases the activity of our metabolism, improves our metabolism and gives our bodies energy. Physical education and sports play an important role in a person's life at all stages. They hold a special place in the lives of young people, as they contribute to the development of healthy habits, form strong willpower and endurance, and help to get rid of harmful habits. Physical activity also instills the need for moral development, not just physical development.

Physical education and sports not only promote physical fitness and health, but also contribute to the social, work, and creative development of young people who can significantly influence the social culture of society. The implementation of their professional and social roles often depends on their physical fitness, health, and level of efficiency. Physical culture and sport are complex social and cultural phenomena that go beyond the mere physical development of individuals. They fulfill various needs in modern society, including educational, moral, aesthetic and contribute to public consciousness. These activities have a significant influence on human behavior, both in school, work and at home. Their importance in the lives of young people is undeniable, as they serve as an impetus and driving force for the overall development of the younger generation's personality. Sports activities provide numerous social situations that allow young people to gain valuable life experience, develop their own systems of values and attitudes, and establish their identity. The ideal of modern society is a well-rounded individual - a unique person who combines spiritual richness, intellectual excellence, and physical fitness in a harmonious whole. Sports and physical education are essential for the successful development of young people. Unfortunately, the number of people who lead a healthy lifestyle is low. This is due to various factors, including lack of suitable facilities, insufficient infrastructure, and lack of professional coaches.

Young people are the future of society, and they should receive quality physical education and learn basic sports skills. It is important to motivate them to participate in sports and exercise regularly. Governments and organizations should allocate financial resources to create optimal conditions for sports and physical activity, such as building sports facilities, training qualified coaches, and purchasing necessary equipment. Thus, sports and physical activity are a multifunctional tool for improving health, promoting self-expression, and realizing one's potential. Recently, the significance of physical education and sports within the framework of human values and contemporary culture has grown significantly. It is essential to maintain good health and engage in regular exercise. Proper nutrition, a daily routine, and regular physical activity - all these components form the basis of a healthy, energetic, and joyful life. Sports and physical education represent a healthy lifestyle. Correct grammatical errors and typos in this text:

Thanks to which, a person is provided with more and more opportunities to realize themselves as strong personalities. This is a bright future that every adequate person strives for, so that his life can be rich and productive, bringing joy not only to himself but also to others around him.

The modern rhythm of life demands more physical activity and fitness. Increasing life pressures that weigh heavily on the younger generation require them to attain higher physical perfection, which can only be achieved through physical exercise and sports. In the 21st century, the topic of a healthy lifestyle is very relevant, associated with environmental degradation, the replacement of natural products with synthetics and the rhythm of modern life that negatively affects people's health. The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, social, and mental well-being. Sports is a complex approach to solving not all but many of these problems. Sports promotes health, teaches the basics of physical culture, and helps achieve an optimal level of fitness. It also contributes to a person's psychological development, helping them become more passionate, resilient, and confident in their abilities. Sport is an integral part of our lives. It is difficult to live without physical activity, and sometimes it is almost impossible. Of course, we are not talking about professional sports here, but about exercise that everyone can do. The quality of our health also depends on it.

People who play sports have a huge advantage over those who are away from sports. First, it's a healthy, slim and beautiful body. Health improves and diseases disappear. Exercise is used as a prevention, which has been proven many times in life. Even after serious illnesses, rehabilitation often takes place with exercise or exercise equipment, such as a bicycle.

Through sports, a person becomes more comfortable and confident, not only in body, but also in mind. In many countries, the population, including young people, prefers a healthy lifestyle and active leisure. They realize that treatment will cost more than prevention. It has become fashionable to play sports, and various training centers are opening everywhere. Tournaments and competitions are held for ordinary people who don't play professionally. Effective programs for the development of youth sport are being implemented, creating new models of physical culture and well-being. Behavioral programs with low costs are being introduced, aimed at fostering individual responsibility for health and lifestyle. Students are also involved in sports. Correct grammatical errors and typos in this text:

For sports events, such as interuniversity competitions and games held in Uzbekistan and abroad, the country is interested in ensuring the health and athleticism of the younger generation. The future of the nation depends on the support of the state more than ever. Students who show great success in sports receive increased scholarships, awards, and various other incentives. All universities have sports sections that any student can attend if they have no medical contraindications. Specialized health groups are created for students with disabilities, where they engage in physical therapy with the guidance of a specially trained teacher. Thus, every student understands a healthy lifestyle and how health and physical activity are connected. In addition, sports are not the only way for young people to spend their leisure time. Modern life has also brought a lot of challenges to human life. With changes in political, economic, and social conditions, human health and life are the most important values, and physical fitness and sports are essential to maintain them. Physical culture and sport are an important part of modern society and do not ignore the youth. However, the positive impact can only be achieved in conjunction with the scientific basis of physical education theory, which is related to physiology, hygiene, anatomy, and other fields. The change in the socio-political system has led to significant changes in socio-cultural continuity among generations. The most important components, such as education and upbringing, have been noticeably reduced in the system of youth socialization by institutions and mass culture's values. "The phenomenon of an excessive desire for material goods without an equivalent desire to produce them has been formed," says K. Myalo. This has had a decisive impact. Correct grammatical errors and typos in this English text:

The influence of value changes among generations that grew up in the conditions of market reform, which is thoroughly confirmed by sociological surveys of various categories of young people. This resulted in dehumanization and immorality.

Students lead a busy life - 7-8 h of study a day. Next, they spend free time on entertainment, which they call "rest". What does "rest" mean to students? Their leisure time consists of passive and active activities. The former can include reading, watching videos, and listening to music, as well as folk crafts. Some compose poetry or prose. However, the majority of "progressive youth" are occupied with computers (usually playing games). New information technologies in the field of education have opened up vast possibilities, with the computer becoming a medium of communication. However, computerization has also brought new challenges: the “computer syndrome”, which was identified by specialists, including teachers, psychologists, and physical educators. Three sets of exercises were proposed to prevent the syndrome: for those with vision problems, to reduce static load on the spine, and for carpal tunnel syndrome, which allows for an intensified learning process through both organized and independent methods, as well as introducing effective teaching techniques. The student's time is not completely dedicated to work, but there is also an opportunity for leisure, creative activity and personal development. However, the young man often suffers from the lack of time management skills. Sociological studies show that only 48.7% of young people feel completely satisfied with the opportunities in the field of spiritual culture. Nevertheless, about half of students still prefer active use of their free time, such as sports, attending mass events, and family communication. The work of a modern specialist, mainly expressed through intellectual efforts and long-term stress associated with processing large amounts of information, significantly differs from purely physical labor. Muscle fatigue is a physiological condition that has evolved as a protective mechanism for the body against overload. Mental work is the result of higher stages of evolution, to which humans have not yet fully adapted. No "response" mechanisms have yet developed to protect the central nervous system from overstress, so nervous fatigue does not automatically stop work but instead causes overexcitement and neurotic shifts that can lead to illness. In a person who is in a state of relative rest, the muscles do almost no work. This condition greatly reduces the volume of blood flowing through the muscles. Only 15-20% of blood flows to the muscles and the rest flows through vessels to other organs such as the liver and brain. With 160 billion capillaries in the body, only 10% are active when muscles are at rest.

When muscles are engaged in work, their demand for energy substances and oxygen increases immediately. Various physiological mechanisms take effect to enhance the activity of the heart and improve the nutrition of working muscle tissue. At the same time, reserve capillaries are opened and atrophy is reduced. All these processes help increase the fitness of heart muscles, which can only be achieved when the muscular apparatus in the human body is active. With the "arrival" of modern information technology in the educational process, new opportunities have opened in education. Computers have also become a means of communication, with the constant exchange of information through the Internet. However, like every new phase of progress in society, computerization brings new challenges. Today, these are the so-called "computer syndromes," such as visual or carpal tunnel syndromes, which have been attracting the attention of educators, psychologists, ergonomists, and specialists in physical education. As more and more people become active users of the internet, receiving information from it, this should be used to promote healthy lifestyles and increase awareness of disease prevention. For three months, one site posted brief information on the negative impact of working on a computer, while another site proposed three sets of physical exercises to prevent visual impairments, reduce static loads on the spine, and carpal tunnel syndrome. The use of computer technologies for the prevention of computer syndrome allows for an intensified learning process in both organized and independent forms, as well as the introduction of effective teaching methods.

However, students, even with a heavy academic load, always have time for leisure and pleasure, which allows for creativity and personal development. After all, students are creative individuals who know how to "get by" and remain the most carefree people in the world while learning.

The possibilities of a computer network take up a significant place in a student's life, and not being able to work on the internet is considered bad manners. Then, with a small margin, studies in literature, history, art history, and sports follow. The issue of utilizing free time is particularly acute among young people, as this segment of society, with significant free time on average (5 h per day), suffers from an inability to manage it rationally, resulting in dissatisfaction, which is supported by sociological studies. Only 48.7% of young people are fully satisfied with their demands in the area of spiritual culture. Health and physical activity, and health and muscle load are related concepts. The trends in the development of physical education and sports indicate a strengthening of cultural and educational approaches to sports practice and organization of physical education. As a result, society's demands for physical education and sport are changing.

The role of exercise in human life cannot be underestimated. It is about health, developing one's character, and reducing psychological stress. According to modern scientists Khagai & Barsagaeva, (2017) students who play sports regularly, even during exams, are 5-7% more likely to complete a semester successfully. This is due to physical education at every faculty of every university. During the examination periods, about 90% of students become virtually "reclusive", as a result, their time outdoors is reduced to no more than 30 minutes a day. There is a lack of sleep and irregular meals, and then this phase ends with... holidays! A rest! And some people get sick and other health issues. Alas, this is not an accident! It seems that "ordinary" illnesses (flu, sore throats, acute respiratory infections, etc.) occur as a result of decreased immunity due to stress during the exam period, significant disruptions in the proper regimen of academic work and daily life, and a general lack of physical activity. However, it is also true that students who play sports regularly and do not stop physical education or sports even during exams go through these challenges of student life with few health problems! The student's choice of almost any form of motor activity - a variety of physical labor, dancing, physical education, and various sports - is positive for the body. It reduces the deficit of motor activity and contributes to the normal functioning of various body systems and strengthens health. Modern society tends to lead a healthy lifestyle, which means giving up bad habits, proper nutrition, and physical activity - most often in the form of physical education and sports, as well as "fashionable sports lifestyles" among young people. This society is characterized by an understanding of the social and personal importance of physical education and sports, which are considered to be the most significant components of a shared culture and significant factors in social adaptation and promoting health. The integration of physical education into various aspects of society, such as economics, culture, health, and religion, is intensively developing. Physical education and sports represent powerful social forces that shape and influence the existing reality and individual identity, functioning as a distinct social institution with the following objectives:

  • Performs clearly defined social roles, including education, upbringing, and health promotion.
  • Has a well-developed infrastructure, including stadiums, gymnasiums, swimming pools, and other facilities?
  • Provides training for professional personnel through Olympic reserve schools, colleges, and academic institutions. Both professional and amateur sports are developing more and more. They are especially preferred by younger generations. Sport helps prepare people for work, meets the spiritual needs of society, strengthens and extends international relations, and is an essential means of ethical and aesthetic education. It is the best way to strengthen human health and keep it intact.

The emergence of new sports and activities is very interesting to young people, who see it as an essential part of life. At this point, sport can be considered one of the most important activities in the world and plays a significant role in society. Sports not only help maintain and preserve health but also combat alcoholism, drug addiction, and other anti-social behaviors, particularly among young people. The interviewed youth noted that the most important values in modern society are manifested through sports, such as the equality of chances for success, the desire to be first, to win, and, most importantly, sports fights stress. Modern young people are very susceptible to various stressful situations, and many factors affect their mental state.

  • "These include both studying and working."
  • "If you do not deal with stress, it can lead to depression or a nervous breakdown."
  • "Therefore, quite often, young people subconsciously seek a way to release tension."
  • "Most often, this leads to the use of alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes."
  • "However, in such situations, sports can provide an outlet."
  • "During sports, hormones are produced that help combat stress."
  • "Secondly, blood circulation and brain function improve."
  • "It is therefore important to do simple physical exercises periodically to increase blood flow through the body."
  • "This in turn activates the brain and nervous system."
  • "Thirdly, team sports (such as football or basketball) provide a sense of community.

"Thus, it can be concluded that mass participation in youth sports is a necessary condition for the successful development of modern Russian society and the achievement of national goals. Here are some current trends in sports development:

  • Sport as a "school of character, courage and will". If sports are organically integrated into a well-functioning socio-educational system, they are one of the most effective tools for personal development, especially in physical education.
  • Young people play sports more frequently, in a wider variety and for longer periods of time. Society is becoming increasingly athletic, but at the same time, the original importance of sport as a means to maintain physical fitness and improve tone has been lost, as young people prefer a freer lifestyle that allows them to participate in sports activities outside of class time. For the formation of a harmoniously developed personality and overall culture of youth, physical education is an important part of education. Physical activity helps to form a person's character, confirming the saying "A healthy body equals a healthy mind". Modern stadiums and swimming pools are being built, and schools and universities are being equipped with everything needed for physical education and sports. The trend towards a sedentary lifestyle among young people is decreasing, though it must be acknowledged that some students still prefer computers or phones to active activities. The government is pursuing a strategy to promote physical fitness among young people. However, there are also contradictions, such as the sedentary lifestyles of office workers and increased computer addiction, as well as the lack of sports infrastructure in some regions. What sports do young people enjoy?

Popular sports among young people include athletics (especially running), football, hockey and basketball, which allow them to participate even at an amateur level. Extreme sports have become increasingly popular according to (Tonoyan,2009). and are considered particularly beneficial because they allow individuals to release their emotions, competently satisfy their instincts for self-preservation and destruction, and also develop willpower and stamina.

I conducted a survey among students at the University of Urgench, and found that only 35% engage in sports regularly, while 28% do so occasionally, and 37% have virtually eliminated physical activity from their daily lives. There are three main reasons why sports are not popular among modern youth: the commercial aspect of sports facilities, the lack of time and money for sports, and the pressure to focus on academic success. Another reason is the wide variety of entertainment options: cafes, clubs, cinemas, and other establishments where students can "unwind" without considering the depletion of their bodies (excessive noise adversely affects hearing and hinders the harmonious development of a healthy personality). However, many students believe it's better to meet with friends in a café than to exercise at the gym. As a result, today's youth frequent clubs, stroll in parks, and often drink alcoholic beverages, smoke, and even use drugs as a means to relieve stress and find comfort! Thus, the tendency to reduce the number of young people engaging in gyms arises due to both economic conditions and the expansion of a range of activities that are attractive to young people, as well as the possibility to choose alternative leisure activities. Previously, sports served as an incentive for advancement within a certain social group and as a means to relax from mental stress and entertain oneself, and also as an opportunity to "show oneself", but now this has been replaced by entertainment centres and drinks (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Diagram of attitudes to physical culture.


All respondents are engaged in physical education in universities and secondary schools, but those who exercise independently do so by visiting a fitness center, doing morning gymnastics, going to a gym, or jogging. Regardless of gender, most people set aesthetic goals such as achieving muscle relief or weight loss. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and being interested in sports are common indicators. And this is despite the development of sports infrastructure in the city, with sports complexes and stadiums and sports grounds with basketball and football fields in nearly every courtyard. Most young people who are involved in sports emphasize that sport provides an initial understanding of life, society and the world. In sports, the most important values of modern society such as equal chances of success, achieving success and the desire to be first are manifested in a vivid and colorful way. However, their attitudes towards health and sports as a significant value have not yet been fully formed. Sports occupy a low position in the value system of young people. The number of young people participating in sports is relatively small (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Motivation diagram for classes.


Convenient forms of sports include sports clubs, sports sections and health groups. This is especially important for college and university students, as during their student years, the foundations of a healthy lifestyle are being formed and laid. This is particularly important with a heavy academic workload on students, which affects their general physical and mental well-being, negatively impacting the process of personal development, which coincides with the time spent at an educational institution. It is necessary to consider the concept of "physical culture" as a combination of the student's physical development, the state of his physical and mental health, and actual "physical culture", as a component of cultural development. In universities, physical education is presented as an essential basic component in the formation of students' general culture, a means for creating a harmonious personality (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Motivation for studying.


The relevance of this issue stems from a new course in social and, particularly, youth policy that gives priority to all aspects of "improving society." The current situation makes it possible for young people to engage in sports actively and raise the level of their physical fitness. There is a viewpoint that argues that the lack of attention to physical activity can lead to poor health outcomes and decreased quality of life.1. In 2017, an adequate level of sports development and the promotion of physical culture generate an increasing spread of "diseases of society", such as nicotine addiction, alcoholism (including "beer alcoholism") and drug addiction, mainly among young people. The demographic and economic situation in the country may depend on the level of physical activity of the population.



One of them is that it is the only main factor in maintaining health. However, it should be noted that sports are only one component of a healthy lifestyle, which also includes environmental conditions, diet, quality of nutrition, bad habits, standard of living and heredity. Recently, new sports have been emerging, especially extreme sports, which sometimes replace the classic ones - skiing, athletics, gymnastics. But the choice of what sport to engage in and knowledge of your own body remains free. And the presence of physical strength in a person allows them to get out of difficult situations with less damage to health. It also helps to simulate problematic situations and find ways to overcome them. Therefore, the level of sporting achievements is a personal decision. The contradiction between sports and athletes' health can be resolved by improving sports facilities, competition rules, modern materials and equipment, health safety measures, and coaches' professionalism. However, there is still a contradiction in the issue of "sport and health": the "rejuvenation" of many sports occurs without considering the age-related indicators of a young athlete's development (especially when a child is chosen for sports). This creates serious psychological stress for children and parents and often pushes them away from sports. Strengthening and intensifying the development of sports culture could significantly increase the potential of modern sport and form a positive attitude towards it, which would allow finding new ways to involve young people, especially students, in sports. The process of personality formation and choice of professional activity depend on various conditions, setting students the task to improve their physical condition and health. Significant effect of physical education can be achieved only if complex (long-term and intensive) physical exercise corresponds to individual capabilities, life and work conditions. Physical education plays an important role throughout one's life, and it is difficult to overestimate the importance of sports and physical culture for health, development, and overall well-being of young people. Since childhood, children are told by parents, teachers and the media that physical activity is beneficial, which leads them to sports clubs, outdoor playgrounds and ice rinks. At this age, sports activities usually take place under the supervision of experienced coaches and specialists, who monitor the correct and balanced development of a growing child. Physical education teachers are responsible for these classes. When self-awareness is fully formed at about the age of 16, sports turn into serious activities that bring joy. In addition, sports contribute to the development of social skills, help get rid of complexes, and liberate. They also have a positive effect on mental work, which can be beneficial for students' success. Along with that, there is a need for independent assessment of physical capabilities and the ability to calculate one's strength. Students learn about the patterns of developing physical qualities and motor skills by doing physical exercises and acquire knowledge about the body's structure and functions, which enhances their educational level. Physical education is a complex and multifunctional psychophysiological process that is especially important in conditions where people do not pay enough attention to physical activity. Physical activity, as a part of the curriculum in colleges and universities, contributes to the overall physical health and well-being of students. Sports activities help prevent various diseases, such as hypertension and coronary heart disease, which are often seen in technical professionals and require long-term treatment. However, prevention is more effective than treatment. Exercise increases performance, allowing people to do more work in a shorter period of time. This increase in performance also reduces heart rate during rest, reducing fatigue and improving overall health. Rest and, above all, sleep are fully activated by the body. Professional activity of university students also involves physical work, which requires a good physical shape and excellent health. This can be achieved by regularly doing physical education and sports. Science plays an important role in creating pedagogical technologies that are adequate to the level of public knowledge. I've analyzed and developed physical education technologies with a positive impact on physical fitness, health, and the development of motor skills. Physical education teachers foster interest in physical exercise and a healthy lifestyle by using non-traditional forms of classes such as dancing, yoga, games, as well as innovative teaching methods and wellness technologies like aerobics and step aerobics. The importance of students' physical fitness is due to the need for an effective workforce and is becoming increasingly important. In addition, physical education and sports contribute to a person's physical perfection, giving them strength and shaping their spirit, increasing the level of their moral qualities.

Physical culture also assumes enormous importance in the formation of a personality, influencing it from various sides, shaping moral qualities and spirit, as well as affecting physical condition, encouraging a new approach to life and work and leading to new achievements. To make an informed conclusion about the importance of physical culture and sports, students need to understand its place in their lives in order to realize the "price" of health.

Physical education is a purposeful process of influencing a person's physical improvement, development, and education. It is considered a set of knowledge acquired through social interaction, which is a specific form of socialization. According to Shevchenko, Romanenko, (2014); Sitak, (2004) sports and physical education not only promote a healthy lifestyle but also lead to a completely normal life that opens up new opportunities for the realization of personal strengths and talents, making it a path that a rational person would take in order for their life to be fulfilling and joyful. The progressive rhythm of life requires more and more physical activity and preparedness from young people. Increasing loads that fall on younger generations throughout their lives call for higher physical perfection, which can be achieved through physical education and sports.

Any person, regardless of age, wants to be happy and healthy. Sports and physical education help in this, as health cannot be bought or received as a gift, so you need to take care of it. Due to an incorrect lifestyle, people often develop nervous disorders, various diseases and problems at work or home. However, if we build our lifestyle correctly, we can avoid trips to the doctor. Physical culture implements its educational and developmental functions most fully through the purposeful pedagogical process of physical education. This contributes to the formation of moral and volitional qualities and improves social adaptation. It also effectively resists negative consequences of stress and nervous tension.

Society is obliged to ensure this right through cooperation with all organizations interested in physical education and sports. Young people should be provided with opportunities for physical activity and sports participation.


The possibility of achieving this goal is sports activities aimed at developing mental, physical, and social qualities. Teaching ethical values such as justice and discipline, fostering respect for oneself and others, including minority groups. Promoting tolerance, responsibility, self-control, positive personality traits, and a healthy lifestyle are all important aspects of youth sports programs that should reflect the needs of all young people, regardless of age or level of development. Youth sport is essential for the successful development of society and achievement of strategic national interests. While knowledge about a healthy lifestyle may not yet be a part of most young people's beliefs, the importance of maintaining good health can serve as sufficient motivation. Correct grammatical errors and typos in this English text:

Young people, as the future of any society, should receive physical education and acquire basic sports skills. Therefore, they should be involved in sports and daily physical exercise. It is proved that state support and a steady upward trend in the social role of physical culture and sport will help attract the younger generation to systematic physical exercise and sports, as well as create the foundations for preserving and improving the physical and mental health of not only young people, but everyone, to form a solid basis for the further development of youth sport, and restore the best traditions of physical culture. Now, more than ever, it is necessary to improve the content, structure, and regulatory framework of youth sports. It is also important to increase the economic potential and social support for sports workers. Additionally, promoting sports among younger generations and popularizing sports and a healthy lifestyle through media are essential. Financially stimulating those actively engaged in physical culture and sports will also help.

Fortunately, young people engage in sports more diverse and for longer periods today. Society is becoming increasingly athletic, but at the same time, the original importance of sports as a way to maintain physical fitness and improve tone is being lost. The growing sports movement may become more autonomous and able to actively defend its interests and prioritize its activities given the increasing importance of sport in young people's lives. Sport can be seen as the joyful personal activity of millions of young people!

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  2. Shevchenko S.V. & Romanenko E.S. (2014). A Professional Model of a Students Personality in the Field of Environmental Culture Formation (2014). Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Science 3-4.
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