The Effect of a Multidisciplinary Approach of the Patient
Elisabeth van der Gulik*
Corresponding Author: Elisabeth van der Gulik, MD, Dutch Royal Academy of Medicine, Chirurgijn 21, 1188 DK Amstelveen, Utrecht, Netherlands
Received: October 30, 2018; Revised: November 28, 2018; Accepted: November 08, 2018
Citation: van der Gulik E. (2018) The Effect of a Multidisciplinary Approach of the Patient. Stem Cell Res Th, 3(1): 115.
Copyrights: ©2018 van der Gulik E. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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In my Short Communication as it has been published earlier, I explained how researchers started working together in a new organization, as a virtual cancer institute, called “Oncode”, in which results and merchandising of new products will be shared.

This kind of organization brings professionals of scientific centres together as from one discipline, under the assistance of a team of business developers. New is the intention of investigation of combination therapies [1].

The idea to bring new ideas in working procedures has been developed in several new sciences of medicine: personalised medicine, translational medicine, and others, not in the least in precision medicine.

These new sciences find themselves more and more concentrated about the problem, that patients are to be seen as special and unique entities. Patients may pose a complete different response to a medical treatment. Every time a treatment will be installed, the optimum outcome has to be determined, starting over again. To resolve this problem patient and therapist must work together as if they were a team, in which patient and therapist both contribute to recovery. The team may hold several kinds of specialists, general practitioners, pharmacologists, other kind of therapists, all contributing to the best medical treatment possible [1].

Medical law, medical management, rehabilitation projects, integrative solutions and research, may find themselves as well busy in this process of finding the best way of recovery for the same unique patients. In this multidisciplinary approach therapists and developers, who are part of it, need to be capable in consulting with others. Together a new way of medical system has born: the Precision Medicine. The effect will be an optimal chance to the patient’s recovery. 

1.       Gulik E (2018) Initiatives, which contribute to a better health care system. Stem Cell Res Ther 3: 114.