Short Communication
Initiatives, which Contribute to a Better Health Care System?
Elisabeth van der Gulik*
Corresponding Author: Elisabeth van der Gulik, MD, Dutch Royal Academy of Medicine, Chirurgijn 21, 1188 DK Amstelveen, Utrecht, Netherlands
Received: February 26, 2018; Revised: November 27, 2018; Accepted: March 05, 2018
Citation: van der Gulik E. (2018) Initiatives, which Contribute to a Better Health Care System. Stem Cell Res Th, 3(1): 114
Copyrights: ©2018 van der Gulik E. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Health Care Systems all over the world are subject to difficult times. Exploration of new ways of co-operation leads to new initiatives. Elisabeth van der Gulik, Hon DL, actively retired physician, out of practice, reports.

As a new Member of the Editorial Board I want to bring to the attention of the audience new initiatives, as shown in Europe, United States, but also extending all over the world. Those initiatives are a result of the fact that researchers, doctors and public organizations are aware of many problems which have to be solved before they appear unsolvable in future. They are aware of the incapacity towards the whole of challenges the actual science brings us, for which they need the support from outside [1].

An example of new initiatives is a new conglomeration of researchers in The Netherlands. These researchers have been assembled only on an invitation, after their selection on the capability to fulfil the purpose of the new organization, called “On code”, which has to be seen as a new virtual cancer institute.

When this initiative will appear to be successful, a tight co-operation will have been established, in which different laboratories will be sharing different phases of investigations and different phases may become undertaken in different institutions [2]. Even the profit of new medical findings and medicine will be shared among the members of the new institute, for which have been made fixed conditions.

The process of commercializing will be part of the system, for which the appointment of several business developers will be an important contribution. These co-workers stay in touch with the researchers and reflect about the possibilities of commercializing of different fundamental findings.

Patients will benefit from such collaboration, by the rapid process of bringing new medical findings and medicine to the market.

1.     Golubnitschaja O, Baban B, Boniolo G (2016) Medicine in the early twenty-first century: Paradigm and anticipation. - EPMA position paper 2016. EPMA J 7: 23.

2.             Prstacic M, Dias Allessandrini C, Carvalho MM, Vrkljan M, Eljuga D (2011) Croatian-Brazilian Project: Breast cancer and clinical research on creative and arts-expressive/supportive (Psycho)therapies. Libri Oncol 39: 83-91.