Think of All of the People You Know Who, When They Were Younger, Took Very Good Care of their Bodies by Exercising Daily, Running, Going to a Gym, Taking Classes (Palates, Yoga, etc.) and What Do They Look Like Now?
Jan Wade Gilbert*
Corresponding Author: Jan Wade Gilbert, DMD, Department of General Dentistry, Lawrence, New York, USA
Received: May 15, 2019; Revised: October 12, 2019; Accepted: June 10, 2019
Citation: Gilbert JW. (2019) Think of All of the People You Know Who, When They Were Younger, Took Very Good Care of their Bodies by Exercising Daily, Running, Going to a Gym, Taking Classes (Palates, Yoga, etc.) and What Do They Look Like Now? J Ageing Restor Med, 2(3): 112.
Copyrights: ©2019 Gilbert JW. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Think of celebrities (Arnold Schwarzenegger, professional boxers, Olympic Stars, major league baseball players, NFL players, etc.). When you see them today, long past their prime years, can you tell they were once svelte and lean or do they look like most everyone else their age? Do they live longer, have fewer ailments and still have a bounce to their step?

However, look at those people who, for most of their lives, ate nutritiously and took good nutrient formulations (not the Madison Avenue hyped junk). Compare them to the group in the previous paragraph and what do you see? These people are healthier, more alert and more in tune with their surroundings and still look fit and trim. That’s because exercise produces a momentary effect that will fade almost as quickly as the stoppage of the effort but the positives of nutritional input will endure and continue to maintain a strong nutritional status, which is the essence of better health.

The building of one’s body via exercise will certainly yield a visible and real result (albeit temporary) when measuring stamina, strength, waistline, biceps and flab. On the other hand, the maintenance of the internal aspects of the body (biochemical pathways, organ tissues, brain health, etc.) will sustain a body for a very long time because the foundation is built from solid and understandably beneficial pieces, the nutrients needed to establish a biological foundation that allows the body and mind to thrive and continuously handle the many inevitable insults such systems must fend off.

While no one knows beforehand the length of anyone’s life, what can be predicted with rather good surety is the quality of life. We know that over 85% of all illnesses have a major malnutrition component so maintaining an elevated nutritional status (it is not related to exercise*) is the best way to avoid diseases and ill health.

And, according to the American Cancer Society, nutritionally strong people can better prevent sun-induced skin cancer (as well as other cancers).


*In fact, exercise produces many damaging and destructive free radicals. Proper nutrition provides the uniquely packaged, made-by-nature anti-oxidants needed to negate and destroy those free radicals and such a nutritional approach is the only way we know to provide such protection. Today we do not rely on food for our nutrients because of the negative things they do to our food before we get it. We rely on food for calories, bulk (fiber), fluids, the physiologic need to chew, taste and socialization at mealtime. We rely on the proven nutritional formulations for the tens of thousands of nutrients (there are over 8000 nutrients in a single apple) we need on a regular and continuing basis.