Research Article
Quality Analysis and Popularity on Turbo brunneus meat Pickle
VB Solanki, Ketul Patel, NK Suyani* and RJ Vasava
Corresponding Author: N. K. Suyani, College of Fisheries Science, Junagadh Agricultural University, Veraval, Gujarat, India
Received: April 24, 2020; Revised: May 23, 2020; Accepted: May 21, 2020 Available Online: September 20, 2020
Citation: VB Solanki, Patel K, NK Suyani & RJ Vasava. (2021) Quality Analysis and Popularity on Turbo brunneus meat Pickle. Food Nutr Current Res, 3(1): 249-258.
Copyrights: ©2021 VB Solanki, Patel K, NK Suyani & RJ Vasava. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Mollusks have been recognized as seafood of high nutritive value and good delicacy. A pickle was prepared from Turbo brunneus. This study designed to prepare pickle from two different oils using underutilized mollusks resource. The study was conducted for a period of 7 days. Results indicated that pickle prepared from groundnut oil showed better quality compared to pickle prepared from mustard oil. The present work also demonstrated to popularize the T. brunneus pickle using small amounts of ingredients.


Keywords: Gastropods, Groundnut oil, Pickle, Quality Turbo


Pickling is one of the traditional age-old practice of food preservation. It is one of the easy and safe method of putting up fish and shellfish for preservation. Pickled products are considered as a good appetizer and important side dish. Pickling protects the food from spoiling due to reduced pH or acidic environment and also helps to retain its wholesomeness and nutritive value for a longer period of time [1]. Total marine fish landings of India in 2018 were 3.49 million tons, Out of which 6.5% was contributed by mollusks landings which included 2,773 tons of gastropods landings [2]. Number of mollusks species have been used for preparation of pickle by different authors such as clams, green mussel, blood clams, oyster, chunk, gastropods Chicoreus ramosus and Babylonia spirata [3-8]. But so far none of the studies have been carried out on preparation of turbo pickle. Edibility of Turbo intercostalis in India was earlier mentioned by Chari and Unny [9]. Thus the aim of this study was to prepare pickle from Turbo brunneus meat using different oils and its effect on chemical and sensorial quality.


Sample collection and experimental condition

Initially 6 kg live T. brunneus were collected from Jaleshwar seacoast, Veraval during low tide condition. T.brunneus samples were packed in icebox and transported to the laboratory at College of Fisheries Science, Veraval.

Pickle preparation

Firstly, the samples were washed thoroughly with tap water. Afterwards the samples were boiled for 30 min for easy removal of meat from hard shell. Once after removal of meat from the shell dressing was done to remove the intestine and other unwanted organs and washed thrice with potable water and weighed. The washed meat was then marinated with turmeric powder, salt and vinegar for 1 h to enhance the texture of the Turbo meat. After weighing Turbo meat were divided into 2 groups, one group was fried using groundnut oil and second group was fried using mustard oil and were named as T1 and T2 respectively. The fried meat was used for the preparation of pickle using the ingredients listed in Table 1.

Once after preparation of pickle it was allowed to cool and extra oil, vinegar and masala were added based on taste. It was then packed in plastic bottle and sealed and kept at room temperature for further analysis.

Analytical methods

Yield (%) was calculated for the Turbo meat processing by weight differences at each step of processing. Peroxide value (PV) was determined at 0 and 7 days of storage for T1 and T2 according to the method descried by Nielsen [10]. pH of the pickle was also measured at 0 and 7 days of storage using digital pH meter. Sensorial quality was analyzed only after 7 days of storage based on the organoleptic test by scoring taste, odor, color and overall acceptability of T1 and T2 pickles. The evaluation of Turbo pickles were based on 9-point hedonic scale when 1, extremely dislike; 2, very much dislike; 3, moderately dislike; 4, slightly dislike; 5, neither like nor dislike; 6, slightly like; 7, moderately like; 8, very much like; 9, extremely like [11].

Process flow chart (Figure 1)

Statistical analysis

All the statistical analysis was carried out in triplicates and data obtained were compared and analyzed using Microsoft Excel Version 2013 software.


Yield (%)

Referring to Table 2, it could be observed that yield (%) was very less in T. brunneus processing because in most of the molluscs the shell forms a huge proportion of body weight [12].

Peroxide value

The changes of PV as primary products of lipid oxidation are shown in Table 3. The PV content significantly increased in both the treatments during the 7 days storage. The highest value (2.47±0.03 mEq/kg) of peroxide was recorded for the pickle prepared from mustard oil (T2), while the lowest value (2.24±0.13 mEq/kg) was observed in the pickle prepared from groundnut oil. Since rancidity is inversely proportional to PV, it is inferential that the pickle prepared from groundnut oil was effective in slowing down the primary peroxidation compared to mustard oil [13]. Same values were recorded by Gupta and Basu [4] for the pickle prepared from Blood Clam in which at 0 days of storage no PV was detected, and it suddenly increased to 5.34 after 15 days of storage.

pH value

The changes in pH value of T1 and T2 pickle are shown in Table 3. After 7 days of storage period it was observed that the pH of the pickle decreased in both the treatments, but it was statistically significant in case of T2, where pH value decreased from 4.37±0.06 (0 days) to 3.92 ±0.10 (7 days).

Sensory evaluation

Organoleptic evaluations of T1 and T2 pickle are shown in Table 4. Sensory qualities of the pickle showed that the pickle prepared from groundnut oil (T1) was having a good characteristic flavor, odor and taste compared to pickle prepared from mustard oil (T2).


From the results it is apparent that the pickle prepared from groundnut oil showed a very good result in terms of taste, color and odor compared to mustard oil. Also pickle prepared from groundnut oil showed less peroxide value which indicates low level of lipid oxidation and thereby enhancing tenderness of seafood by restricting protein denaturation. However, more studies are still required to optimize the process for longer period of storage.



The present study highlights the T. brunneus meat as an important meat pickle source that can be utilized just like other seafood and indicates the potential of underutilized fishery resources.


The authors are thankful to Department of Fish Processing Technology, College of Fisheries Science, Junagadh Agricultural University, Veraval, Gujarat for providing all the facilities and carry out research work successfully. 

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