Management of Scalp Psoriasis by Ayurveda: A Case Study
Sanika Pandit* and Rajesh Kolarkar
Corresponding Author: Sanika Pandit, P.G. Scholar, Ayurved Samhita and siddhanta Department. YMT. Ayurvedic college, Kharghar, India
Revised: March 01, 2021; Available Online: March 14, 2021
Citation: Pandit S & Kolarkar R. (2021) Management of Scalp Psoriasis by Ayurveda: A Case Study. Dermatol Clin Res, S(1): 10.
Copyrights: ©2021 Pandit S & Kolarkar R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Nowadays the percentage of people suffering from Auto Immune diseases is increasing day by day. Though the exact cause for these diseases is unknown many blame it on some bacteria or fungii who trigger changes in the immune system; stress genes and cold being the triggering factor. Psoriasis is one such disease in which skin cells multiply ten times faster than normal. Although Psoriasis is a chronic condition with no known cure, with appropriate treatment and management techniques it can be kept well controlled avoiding serious flares. Genetic and environmental factors have a significant role in this disease. Frequently affected sites include scalp, palm, sole, elbows and knees. This disease presents itself with scaly patches, silvery white scales, vigorous itching, dry scalp, flake formation, redness and burning.

Ayurvedic management of such diseases gives promising results and cure. As per Ayurveda, all skin diseases are included under a common heading ‘Kushtha’. Although the heading is common for all skin diseases there is further classification and nomenclature of skin diseases as per the doshas as they play a vital role in deciding the line of treatment of the disease. Causative factors are unhealthy lifestyle, no exercise, suppression of natural urges, eating wrong combination of foods, excessive salt intake, spice intake etc. Clinically scalp psoriasiscan be compared to Kitibh Kushtha mentioned in the Granthas.

In the present study, a 78 year old male patient was treated for scalp psoriasis who presented with symptoms of dandruff like flaking, silvery white scales, pinkish plaque and severe itching. He was treated with Arogyawardhini, Sukshma Triphala, Panchatikta Ghrut internally and Karanjatel for local application externally. The treatment was given for a period of 4 months. The patient reported clinically significant improvement in signs and symptoms.

Keywords: Auto immune diseases, Scalppsoriasis, Kushtha, Arogyawardhini, Panchatiktaghrut, Karanjatel