Short Communication
“Gene” of Mind and “Gene” of Soul
Tapan K Chaudhuri*, Tushar K Chowdhury, Tandra R Chaudhuri, Taposh K Chowdhury and Bulu R Chowdhury
Corresponding Author: Tapan K Chaudhuri, Chaudhuri Spiritual Research Center, Hampton, VA, USA
Received: June 07th, 2019; Revised: June 27th, 2019; Accepted: June 25th, 2019
Citation: Chaudhuri TK, Chowdhury TK, Chaudhuri TR, Chowdhury TK & Chowdhury BR. (2019) “Gene” of Mind and “Gene” of Soul. J Genomic Med Pharmacogenomics, 4(1): 382-383.
Copyrights: ©2019 Chaudhuri TK, Chowdhury TK, Chaudhuri TR, Chowdhury TK & Chowdhury BR. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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The human being is composed of three parts – Physical body, mind and soul. The modern science has explained how the physical body is formed - by the science of Biology and Embryology [1] - union of sperm with ovum followed by cell division and cell differentiation to form different tissues, organs and systems - which is controlled by Gene –> Chromosome –> DNA.

However, the modern science has not been able to explain the mechanism of formation of human Mind and Soul until now. A group of scientists, doctor, divine mentor and spiritual gurus have discovered the scientific mechanism of formation of human mind and soul by virtue of their spiritual research, meditational research and near-death experience research [2,3].  


The information presented in this paper was first conceived by one of the authors, the Divine Mentor (Sree Taposh K Chowdhury) during his worship, prayer, meditation and near-death experience with close encounter with God, seeing the physical appearance of the God, hearing the voices of God’s teaching how the mind and soul are formed and hearing order from the God to disseminate this knowledge to the people on the earth. Subsequently the other four authors of this paper also conceived the same divine message through their near-death experiences.


Since this is theoretical research, not a laboratory bench research, no data are available. The authors propose that the mechanism of formation of human mind and soul is mediated through the science of particle physics and quantum physics of Electromagnetic Energy (EME) of the Human Mind (Figures 1 and 2). The authors name these EME particles as ‘Mene” (“gene” of Mind) and “Sene” (“gene” of Soul) to conform to the name Gene for physical body.

Figure 3 depicts how the “gene” of mind works. When there is a physical union between father and mother, the EME of Father’s mind and the EME of Mother’s mind collide each other to create a third energy which forms the mind of the child. The mind of the child is the mirror-image of the mind of the parents. Figure 4 depicts how the “gene” of soul works. There are all kinds of soul floating in the space - great soul, good soul to bad soul and evil soul. During the physical union of the father and mother, one of these souls is downloaded in the newly created human being depending on the worship, prayer and meditation of the parents during the creation of the new human being.



While the mechanism of formation of the physical body of the newly created human being is mediated  through the science of physiology, biochemistry and biophysics controlled by the biological molecule - Gene -> Chromosomes -> DNA, the mechanism of formation of mind (atomic body) and soul (subatomic body) is mediated through the physics particles – the Electromagnetic Energy of the Human Mind. The new information presented here would be of great benefit to humankind.

1.       Moore KL, Persaud TVN, Torchia MG (2016) In the developing human: Clinically oriented embryology. 10th Edn. Elsevier Inc.: Philadelphia, USA.

2.       Chowdhury TK (2019) Near death experience with direct encounter with God – Hearing the voices of God and order from the God. Personal Communication, Unpublished data.

3.       William VG, Edo S, Dunn TJ (2018) Meditation-induced near-death experiences - A 3 year longitudinal study. Mindfulness 9: 1794-1806.