Research Article
Effects of Non-Steroid Antirheumatic Drugs on the Cardiovascular System
Giuseppe Cocco* and Philipp Amiet
Corresponding Author: Giuseppe Cocco, M.D., Cardiology Office, Marktgasse 1oA, CH-4310 Rheinfelden,
Received: May 4, 2018; Revised: August 26, 2018; Accepted: May 25, 2018
Citation: Cocco G & Amiet P. (2018) Effects of Non-Steroid Antirheumatic Drugs on the Cardiovascular System. J Cardiol Diagn Res, 1(1): 19-23.
Copyrights: ©2018 Cocco G & Amiet P. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Objective: To assess the effects of non-steroid antirheumatic drugs (NSARDs) on the occurrence of major adverse cardiac events (MACEs) in cardiac patients.

Methods: This is a retrospective observational study. Statistical analysis was performed by self-con­trolled case-series design. All patients had cardiac diseases. Patients who did not use NSARDs were compared to patients who used these drugs. Laboratory and hemodynamic data were compared at baseline and at the end of the observation (occurrence of either a MACE or, 1 year after begin). MACEs were recorded and related to the use of NSARDs.

Results: MACEs were significantly related to the use of ibuprofen plus paracetamol. Diclofenac, lor­noxicam, mefenamin, naproxen, acemetacin, celecoxib and rofecoxib also reduced renal function and increased LDL-C but we did not find an increased risk of MACEs. However, the chance of detecting MACEs is reduced by the fact that these NSARDs were used less frequently than ibuprofen.

The use of NSARDs was associated with decreased renal function and increased blood pressure and LDL-C. NSARDs favored the occurrence of MACEs mainly by reducing renal function.

A confounding condition ought to be considered, because patients taking NSARDs have a reduced physical activity, which is a risk for the occurrence of cardiovascular complications.

Conclusion: Our results confirm previous reports that have shown that the use of NSARDs is associ­ated with an increased risk of MACEs. The regression model analysis shows that MACES are related to the use of ibuprofen plus paracetamol and that this adverse event is statistically related to a de­creased renal function.


Keywords: Non-steroid antirheumatic drugs, Adverse cardiovascular events, Renal function


Non-steroid antirheumatic drugs (NSARDs) are frequently used for the treatment of many conditions and many of these drugs can be bought over the counter. NSARDs differ in chemical structure, phar­macodynamics and pharmacokinetics. These agents block different isoenzymes of cyclooxygenase (COX).The inhibition of COX-1 brings about a decrease of prostaglandins at inflammatory sites. The inhibition of COX-2 is associated with alleviation of pain, partly due to reducing levels of prostaglan­dins in the central nervous system. COX-3 inhibitors interfere with hypothalamic endothelial cells and block COX synthesizing prostaglandins near sensory receptors of sub-diaphragmatic vagal afferents.

It is established that treatment with NSARDs is a potential risk for a decline in renal function and the occurrence of major cardiovascular adverse events (MACEs) [1-3].

The mechanisms of adverse events of NSARDs are not fully deciphered. Yet, it is possible that the imbalance between by-products of the COX-1 (thromboxane A2) and COX-2 (prostaglandin) path­ways, with an increase of the former and a decrease of the latter, may be responsible for vasocon­striction, platelet activation, subsequent hypertension, and accelerated atherosclerosis [1]. The inhibi­tion of renal prostaglandins may also lead to the sodium retention, peripheral edema, and decompen­sation of heart failure [1-5]. COX-1 inhibitors induce adverse gastrointestinal side effects, worsen the renal function and increase the risk of MACEs [1-5]. Patients taking COX-1 inhibitors are on average four times more likely to develop gastrointesti­nal complications than people not taking these drugs [2]. COX-2 inhibitors may also worsen the renal function and favor the occurrence of MACEs [1].

The COX-3 inhibitor paracetamol (acetaminophen) has the potential for hepatic toxicity and, when used at doses of more than 1000 mg, may exert similar adverse events as COX-1 inhibitors [1,6]. The relative risk for the occurrence of MACEs during treatment with NSARDs has been one of the most studied adverse drug reactions and ranges from 1 to 2 [2]. However, the real propensity of dif­ferent NSARDs in inducing MACEs is as yet a matter of debate. Discording results might be explained not only by dissimilar drug use and quality of observational studies, which lead to high heterogeneity among studies and a possible misjudgment of effects [1,2].


The different propensity of NSARDs in inducing MACEs is likely to be explained by dissimilar effects on prostacyclin and thromboxane A2 synthesis, endothelial function, nitric oxide production, blood pressure, volume retention and other renal effects [1]. Furthermore, dissimilar pharmacokinetics may contribute to the toxicity profile because the individual half-lives of NSARDs are likely to interfere with different cardiovascular complications.


Systematic reviews have highlighted apparent differences in cardiovascular risk between COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitors. Yet, data on the impact of COX-2 inhibitors on the occurrence of MACEs are con­flicting. Indeed, previous studies [6] claimed that the use of COX-2 inhibitors is associated with an increased risk of MACEs. In contrast, a recent meta-analysis [2] found no clear relation between COX-2 inhibitors and MACEs. Furthermore, it is unlikely that an increased cardiovascular risk is a class effect of COX-2 inhibitors, because COX-2 inhibitors may exert different effects on the COX system [1-5]. Indeed, the frequency of MACEs is increased by rofecoxib but is seems to be decreased by celecoxib [4]. A possible explanation for the contrasting effect of these two COX-2 inhibitors might be related to their different pharmacokinetics, the half-life of rofecoxib being long and that of celecoxib short.


Cardiac patients frequently use NSARDs, mostly because of rheumatic pathologies. On the basis of uncertain data on the propensity of NSARDs in inducing MACEs we analyzed the effect of the use of NSARDs in our cardiac patients.



This is a retrospective observational study. We analyzed data from January 1998 till January 2017.


Population and Definitions

We studied 406 patients with cardiovascular pathologies: coronary artery disease (CAD), arterial hy­pertension, valval heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias, and peripheral arterial disease. CAD was dia­gnosed by presence of a relevant stenosis in the coronary arteries, and/or a myocardial infarction, in most cases with previous revascularization. Arterial hypertension was classified according to the 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines [7]. Valval heart disease was diagnosed by the presence of hemodynamically relevant aortic stenosis and/or regurgitation, and of mitral regurgitation. Cardiac arrhythmias were diagnosed from symptomatic premature beats or atrial fibrillation. Peripheral arterial disease was di­agnosed from relevant stenosis in non-coronary arteries (e.g. carotid, abdominal aorta and leg arte­ries).


'Traditional' cardiovascular risk factors were: age, sex, smoking status, blood pressure, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), glucose, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), body weight and family hi­story for cardiovascular diseases. Patients who never smoked or stopped since >3 years were consi­dered non-smokers. Physical activity was assessed recording the daily walking steps. Rheumatic pa­thologies, pulmonary diseases, cancer, thyroid dysfunction, cerebral stroke, psychic disorders, liver pathologies, hemoglobin disorders and psoriasis may influence the occurrence of cardiovascular events and were recorded. Hepatic dysfunction was defined by >3 fold normal values for ASAT / ALAT.


MACEs were defined as all-cause events or re hospitalization or death for a cardiovascular related illness (myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, cerebral stroke).

The patients were divided into two groups: a) control group (COGR), 254 patients (63%) who did not or less than twice per month used NSARDs, and b) observational group (OBGR), 152 patients (37%) who used NSARDs on a regular basis.



Analysis was performed with Statgraphics Centurion software. All statistical tests were two-tailed, and P values of <0.05 were considered to indicate statistical significance. The statistical analysis was ba­sed on the self-controlled case-series design [8]. Baseline data were compared to those of the obser­vation period, i.e., the interval from before the use of NSARDs and either the occurrence of MACEs or after 1 year. The observation time was truncated in this manner to minimize time varying confounding, since the self-controlled case-series design does not control for time varying confounding. We in­cluded in our analysis patients who had at least one MACE during the observation period.




Demographics (Table 1)

Sex: 100 COGR patients (39%) were male and 154 (61%) female. 62 OBGR patients (41%) were male and 90 (59 %) female. The female/male ratio is similar in both groups. Age was similar in both groups (60 to 63 years).

Weight: in both groups males were significantly (p <00001) heavier than females. The male/female weight difference was similar in both groups.

Smoking status: 64 COGR patients (15%) and 40 OBGR patients (16%) were smokers. Family history: in both groups 28% of patients had a positive family history for cardiovascular patholo­gies.

Concomitant pathologies (Table 2)

47 COGR patients (19%) had degenerative rheumatic pathologies. All OBGR patients had rheumatic disorders. 150 (98%) had degenerative pathologies and 2 (1%) had rheumatoid arthritis.


Lung pathologies (chronic obstructive lung disease, or asthma, or overlap syndrome) were present in 55 COGR patients (22%) and in 35 OBGR patients (23%).


13 COGR patients (5%) had cancer: prostatic cancer(1 man) orchronic lymphopoietic cancers (1man and 8women). 6 OGRP patients (4%) had cancer: prostatic cancer (1 man) or chronic lymphopoietic cancers (6 women).


Thyroid pathology: 28 COGR patients (11%) had a dysfunction,. A man had hyperthyroidism and 27 patients (3 men and 24 women) had hypothyroidism. 15 OBGR patients (10%) (1 man, 14 women) had hypothyroidism. In both groups hypothyroidism was more frequent in females than in males.


Cerebral stroke: 38 COGR patients (15%) and 19 OBGR patients (13%) had a previous cerebral stroke.


32 COGR patients (13%) and 20 OBGR patients (13%) had psychic disorders (anxiety or depressive mood): In both groups women were thrice more frequent than men.


10 COGR patients (4%) and 5 OBGR patients (3%) had mild hepatic dysfunction.


15 COGR patients (6%) and 9 OBGR patients (6%) had psoriasis.

Concomitant medications (Table 3)

Except for NSARDs concomitant medications were similar in the two groups.

NSARDs (Table 4)

110 OBGR patients (88%) took COX-1 inhibitors. 86 patients (58%) took ibuprofen, and 2 took dexi­buprofen. 33 patients (22%) took diclofenac and 2 lomoxicam; 30 patients(20%) took acemetacin; 10 patients (7%) took naproxen; and 6 (4%) mefenamin.


70 patients (46%) took COX-2 inhibitors. 42 patients (28%) celecoxib and 3 patients (3%) took rofecoxib. 50 patients (33%) took paracetamol in combination with celecoxib, and 2 patients (1.4%) in combination with rofecoxib.

Variables (Table 5)

Blood pressure at baseline was similar in both groups. At follow-up blood pressure was unchanged in the COGR but increased significantly (p = 0.0001) in the OBGR.


Heart rate at baseline was similar in both groups. It decreased significantly (p <0.00001) in both groups, but significantly (p <0.00001) less in the OBGR.


Serum glucose a baseline was similar in both groups and it did not change during the follow-up.


LDL-C at baseline was similar in both groups. At follow-up it did not change in the COGR but in­creased significantly (p = 0.0002) in the OBGR.


Hemoglobin at baseline was similar in the two groups. At follow-up it decreased significantly (p <0.5) in the OBGR.

GFR at baseline was similar in both groups. At follow-up it did not change in the COGR but decreased highly significantly (p <0.00001) in the OBGR.


Physical activity was significantly smaller (p <0.00001) at baseline in the OBGR and decreased signifi­cantly at follow-up.

6 MACES occurred in the COGR: 3 hospital admissions for acute coronary syndromes, 1 for cerebral embolic stroke and 1 for congestive heart failure. 10 MACEs occurred in the OBGR: 5 hospital admis­sions for acute coronary syndromes, 2 for cerebral embolic stroke and 3 for congestive heart failure. The occurrence of MACES was statistically significantly different (p< 0.05) in the two groups. In the OBGR all MACEs occurred in patients taking ibuprofen plus paracetamol. The P value for the Poisson regression analysis of variance between GFR and MACEs is <0.05, showing a statistically significant relationship between the variables at the 95% confidence level. We found a significant association between the use of ibuprofen plus paracetamol and the occurrence of MACEs.


Two COGR patients with cancer and 2 OBGR patients with cancer died for non-cardiac reasons.


Our data confirm previous reports [1-3] based on observational evidence, that NSARDs increase si­gnificantly blood pressure and LDL-C and decrease highly significantly GFR. The regression analysis of variance between GFR and MACEs is statistically significant for the use of ibuprofen plus parace­tamol and the occurrence of MACEs. Our data confirm the results of the meta-analysis by Damman and Testani [10] that NSARDs increase the risk of MACEs by reducing the renal function [1-3]. The heart and the kidneys are interdependent in regulating salt and water of the body. Irrespective of cause, a decline in GFR is associated with a 60 up to 80% higher all-cause mortality [11]. Not only the extent, but also the timing and the duration of decline of renal function are important [12].


Diclofenac, lornoxicam, mefenamin, naproxen, acemetacin, celecoxib and rofecoxib also increased blood pressure and LDL-C and reduced the GFR, but we did not find a significant association with the occurrence of MACEs. However, these NSARDS were only used in small numbers of patients which is certainly insufficient to assess their possible triggering effect on MACEs. Therefore, our data should not be interpreted to assume that these NSARDs are safe in cardiovascular patients.


A confounding factor ought to be considered: probably because of the rheumatic pathologies physical activity was significantly smaller than in patients using NSARDs and decreased significantly at follow-up,. Reduced physical activity might be a risk factor for the occurrence of MACEs in rheumatic patients with cardiovascular pathologies.


Our results are based on evidence from a retrospective observational study. We have sufficient data for the combined use of ibuprofen and paracetamol. It is recommended to have retrospective prospec­tive observational data for more comprehensive evaluation of adverse cardiovascular effects of NSARDs. Nonetheless, lacking prospective data we feel that our data provide evidence on the effects of NSARDs on the cardiovascular system.



The authors thank Mrs. J. Bugmann for technical and secretarial help.

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