“A Literature Review in Immuno-Oncology: Pathophysiological and Clinical Features of Colorectal Cancer” and the Role of the Doctor-Patient Interaction
Nicola Sarandria*
Corresponding Author: Nicola Sarandria, Medical Media Services, Italy.
Revised: February 17, 2023; Available Online: February 17, 2023
Citation: Sarandria N. (2023) “A Literature Review in Immuno-Oncology: Pathophysiological and Clinical Features of Colorectal Cancer” and the Role of the Doctor-Patient Interaction. J Cancer Sci Treatment, 5(S1): 09.
Copyrights: ©2023 Sarandria N. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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This abstract is intended to describe the features of colorectal cancer both in terms of pathophysiology and clinical features of the pathology. It also describes the anatomical and clinical features of different primary tumor locations in colorectal cancer. It is also to note how relevant it is to identify rectal cancer and colon cancer as different pathologies due to the clinical, pathophysiological and immuno-oncological features of rectal cancer compared to the ones of colon cancer while remarking the importance of medical doctors in the interaction with oncological patients. In an ever-changing world, where the exponential evolution of technology led to the globalization of virtually everything, including workforce, it is certain that any kind of work environment, in this case, the medical one, will have people with different cultural backgrounds and different ethnicities. It is important to focus on the medical environment as a lack of understanding or of acceptance of other people’s cultures and miscommunication could lead to a loss of lives. As an example, to show how important is the doctor-patient relationship (not just from a clinical standpoint, but also from a more general understanding of the patient’s situation), the author is going to talk about the important topic of intercultural sensitivity.

Background: Colorectal Cancer (CRC) is a major public health problem, representing the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in males and the second in females and it is fundamental to note and discuss doctor-patient interaction, fundamental for proper adherence and psychological status of the oncological patient, when discussing such important and impactful pathologies.

Conclusions: This abstract highlights the possibility of an update in the terminology of Colorectal Cancer (CRC) into different clinically relevant pathologies within the umbrella term colorectal cancer (for instance rectal and colon cancer as different tumors). It also remarks on the importance of medical doctors in the interaction with oncological patients.

Keywords: Rectal cancer, Colon cancer, Colorectal cancer, Patient-doctor relationship, Medical terminology