Concise Communications
Female Genital Mutilation: Slow Progress?
John Simister*
Corresponding Author: Simister J, Department of Economics, Policy and International Business, Manchester Metropolitan University, M15 6BH, UK
Received: October 01, 2018; Revised: December 26, 2018; Accepted: October 24, 2018
Citation: Simister J. (2018) Female Genital Mutilation: Slow Progress? J Womens Health Safety Res, 2(1): 29-32.
Copyrights: ©2018 Simister J. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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This paper gives an overview of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) prevalence rates [1], following impressive research by Koski and Heyman [2]. Rawat [3], Shell-Duncan and Hernlund [4] and Simister [5] claimed estimates of FGM prevalence “are tentative, since nationally representative data do not exist for many countries”. UNICEF [6] wrote “Together, DHS and MICS allow a comprehensive picture to be constructed of the current global prevalence rates among women and daughters. They provide valid data on the occurrence of FGM/C practice”. Yoder and Wang [7] wrote “National level prevalence data on FGC from population-based surveys are now available for 27 countries in Africa as well as Yemen and Iraq”. Koski and Heyman [2] analyzed DHS data from 22 countries; this paper adds Guyana and Sudan, using all DHS FGM data available in October 2018 (DHS restrict data access in some surveys: Eritrea, Ghana, Mauritania and Yemen).

FGM is associated with African cultures; there are many versions, practiced in different countries [4]. Each ethnic group which practices FGM does so in their own way: some groups impose FGM on babies or very young children, whereas other ethnic groups implement FGM when the girl/woman is a teenager or adult – usually before marriage [5]. FGM is typically carried out by women rather than men.

FGM is a “manifestation of structural inequality and violates universally recognized human-rights principles of equality and non-discrimination” [6]. “Used as a way to control women’s sexuality, FGM/C is a main manifestation of gender inequality and discrimination” [6]. FGM might be intended to limit women’s freedom (perhaps a woman is less likely to be unfaithful to her husband, if she finds sex less enjoyable due to clitoridectomy).


Table 1 reports FGM prevalence and number of women who answered FGM questions, for all DHS surveys with FGM data available to the public.

Shell-Duncan and Hernlund [4] claimed FGM is seen as “entrenched”, having been “practiced for thousands of years in parts of Africa”. “Despite global prevention programs and laws operating for several decades and some hopeful signs of abandonment, one in eight or nine girls from practicing countries is currently at risk of being circumcised” [1]. For this paper, the author divides countries subjectively into countries where FGM prevalence fell (Chart 1) and countries not improving (Chart 2).
Chart 1 shows FGM prevalence falling in 15 countries; but Chart 2 shows less change – each line is approximately horizontal. UNICEF [6] reports “Governments have sometimes been reluctant to address FGM/C”; but many countries where it occurs passed legislation against FGM. Current laws seem insufficient: “Community norms are often seen to be more important than the legal restrictions or laws against FGM, thus stalling the progress of the various national and international agencies working to improve women and girls’ health and rights” [3].


UNICEF, UNFPA and WHO released a joint statement in 1997, intended to bring about substantial decline in FGM in 10 years and end FGM within 3 generations. Koski and Heyman [2] report “Slow progress is being made toward reducing the prevalence of FGM but the practice remains nearly universal in some countries”; this paper confirms their findings. This paper divides countries into two groups: Chart 1 countries made progress, whereas Chart 2 countries apparently made little or no improvement. Many activists and campaigners work to eliminate FGM in their community; this paper may encourage them. There is a lot more work to be done.

1.       Costello S (2015) Female genital mutilation/cutting: Risk management and strategies for social workers and health care professionals. Risk Manag Healthc Policy 8: 225-233.

2.       Koski A, Heyman J (2017) Thirty-year trends in the prevalence and severity of female genital mutilation: A comparison of 22 countries. BMJ Glob Health 2: 1-8.

3.       Rawat R (2017) The association between economic development, education and FGM in six selected African countries. Afr J Midwifery Womens Health 11: 137-146.

4.       Shell-Duncan B, Hernlund Y (2000) Female circumcision in Africa: Culture, controversy and change. USA: Lynne Rienner.

5.       Simister J (2018) Impact of age on harm risks of female genital mutilation: Analysis of demographic and health surveys. MOJ Womens Health 7: 31-40.

6.       UNICEF (2005) Female genital mutilation/cutting: A statistical exploration. Available at:

7.               Yoder PS, Wang S (2013) Female genital cutting: The interpretation of recent DHS data. DHS Comparative Report 33. Calverton, Maryland, USA: ICF International. Available at: