Impact of Using a Primitive Teaching Method for the Development of Students’ Attitude towards the Subject and the Respective Subject-Teacher
Catherene Nithya S*
Corresponding Author: Catherene Nithya S, Vidya Sagar College of Special Education, No. 6A, First Street, Secretariat Colony, Kilpauk, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Received: February 12, 2020; Accepted: March 05, 2020 Available Online: July 09, 2020
Citation: Nithya SC (2021) Impact of Using a Primitive Teaching Method for the Development of Students’ Attitude towards the Subject and the Respective Subject-Teacher. J Psychiatry Psychol Res, 4(1): 224-225.
Copyrights: ©2021 Nithya SC. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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This involves an experimental study which was done with a total of 40 students from the standard 12, chosen from a reputed girls higher secondary school located at Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The area of interest or the subjects taken by the investigator was Computer Science and Computer Applications. A simple random sampling was performed to choose the 40 students among which 15 students were from Computer Science Group and the remaining 25 students were from Commerce Group. A tool containing 30 items was used in the process and it was customized by the investigator in the year 2019. A pre-test was conducted before conducting the experimental study and a post-test was conducted after using the primitive teaching method for a duration of 1 month. The basic statistical methods were employed to analyze the student responses. The findings of the study revealed that there is a positive increase in the attitude towards the subject and the subject-teacher with the adoption of the primitive teaching method.


This study was undertaken by the investigator under the controlled environment of a Girls Higher Secondary School, Chennai. The investigator herself has worked with the students for a month for this experiment. Since this is an experimental study, a lot of other variables had to be considered before taking up the project itself. The independent variable was the primitive teaching method that was introduced by the investigator. The dependent variables were the students’ attitude towards the subject and the respective subject teacher. The uncontrollable or the extraneous variables were the important points to ponder upon; those variables were the time taken (the first two hours of the school session in the morning) and the excitement of having a new teacher around. In the first two hours, the students will usually be active and enthusiastic, in turn which helps them to acquire more information and understand what is being thought during the teaching-learning process. It is easier to gain the attention of the students during those two hours. Secondly, a new teacher in class will generally arouse a common excitement and interest towards what the teacher would say or do in the classroom. The students will try to obtain as much information about their new teacher.

The independent variable or the core topic of this study was the primitive teaching method as proposed by the investigator. The primitive teaching method was proposed by the investigator. It encourages both the teacher- centered and student- centered approaches in teaching [2]. The breakdown of this proposed style of teaching is:

From the teacher-centered approach point of view – The teacher

·       Has the complete control of classroom management.

·       Uses a lot of realistic examples and parables to teach a particular topic.

·       Uses a lot of diagrams and flowcharts.

·       Does not use any form of technology for explaining.

·       Gives notes as he/she takes his/her class.

·       Helps with the book-back questions.

Takes some time to talk about the general topics or issues in the class.

·       Uses the skill of questioning while she teaches the class.

·       Respects the students and views them as common partners in the teaching-learning process.

From the learner-centered approach point of view – The learner(s)

·       Has the authority to stop anywhere during the class for a pause, or a break.

·       Can ask any doubt at any time during the class.

·       Can ask the teacher to repeat the topic or concept if he/she is not able to understand.

·       Finds the answers or solutions to the book-back questions by himself/herself.

·       Are allowed to discuss with their peers about the topic.

·       Had the choice in taking down the notes.

·       Are allowed to raise alert in case of any kind of misinformation while teaching.

·       Provide feedback to the teacher at the end of the class.

There by this method the teacher or the student would not lose respect in class. Both the teacher and the student would play active roles in the teaching-learning process [3].

The dependent variables were the students’ attitude towards the teacher and the subject. This promises that students’ attitude will change if the independent variable or the primitive teaching style is introduced in the classroom setting.

The results prove that there is a positive attitude of the students towards the subject and the subject teacher invariably. The level of teaching is evaluated only through the level of understanding of the topic by the student [4]. Through every student has a different learning style, but an average number of students require a more focused and a comfortable environment to actually learn something in the class. The students’ positive attitude towards the subject and their respect towards the teacher can be attained only through a good teaching method [5]. A good teaching method can only be evaluated through the degree of how much a student has understood the topic the teacher has taught.

1.         Catherene NS (2019) Effect of a primitive teaching method on students’ attitude towards the subject and towards subject-teacher: An experimental study. IJIP 7: 349-354.

2.         Ganyaupfu EM (2013) Teaching methods and students’ academic performance. IJHSSI 2: 29-35.

3.         Muema JS (2018) Relationship between teaching method and Students Performance in Mathematics in Public Secondary Schools in Dadaab Sub County, Garissa County; Kenya. IOSR-JRME 8: 59-63.

4.         Jalbani LN (2014) The Impact of Effective Teaching Strategies on the Students’ Academic Performance and Learning Outcome. GRIN, Verlag.

5.         Gupta P (2017) Study the effect of teaching method on the academic achievement of school going children of Semiurban Area, S Schools of Lucknow city. Int J Homesci 3: 447-453.