Case Report
The Role of Teachers of Children with Learning Disabilities, In Educational Process of Primary Schools
Ghoti Ravindra Mersing*
Corresponding Author: Ghoti Ravindra Mersing, Shivaji Art’s, Commerce & Science College, Kannad, Dist, Aurangabad Maharashtra, India
Received: February 6, 2020; Accepted: February 25, 2020 Available Online: February 27, 2020
Citation: Mersing GR. (2022) The Role of Teachers of Children with Learning Disabilities, In Educational Process of Primary Schools. J Psychiatry Psychol Res, 5(1): 292-294.
Copyrights: ©2022 Mersing GR. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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The present study has been conducted to investigate the role of teachers of children with learning disabilities in educational process of primary schools in Indian context. Study includes the 100 students will select for this study from primary school in Aurangabad District. The stratified randomize sample taken into consideration for the study consisted of 100 Students. The efforts will be made to have the sample as representative as possible in terms of area of living. Here researcher was taken Low academic achievements students’ selection. To assess the IQ of the Students the Standard Progressive Matrices by J Raven J C Raven and J H Court and NIMHANS Index for Specific Learning Disabilities Format. Proposed statistical procedure is descriptive statistics i.e. Mean, S.D, will be computed and ‘t’ test. Conclusion in this study on the basis of data and discussion of results, the hypotheses were tested and verified. Learning disabilities of students tends to show reduced by teachers’ guidance and counseling.

Keywords: Learning disabilities, Students teachers’ guidance and counseling


Learning disabilities are one of the important issues in primary care in India. India is thought to have approximately ninety million people with varying degrees of learning disabilities and an average class in schools has about five students with learning disabilities out of 55 children in the class. Learning disability refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by specific and persistent difficulties in the acquisition and use of efficient reading, writing or mathematical abilities despite conventional instructions, intact senses, normal intelligence and proper motivation and adequate socio-cultural opportunities. Learning disabilities are diagnosed when the individual’s achievement on individually administered, standardized tests in reading, mathematics, or written expression is substantially below that expected for age, schooling, and level of intelligence (DSM-IV).

In India, prevalence of learning disabilities of various types was reported to be 3-10 per cent among the student population. In our country, many classroom teachers in regular mainstream schools have limited knowledge of Specific Learning Disability. Since teachers have the task of identifying students’ difficulties, their knowledge of learning disabilities and understanding of their students influence the provision of support. In one report, administrators from at least five cities stated that education and professional development for teachers was necessary because many teachers were unsure if their student’s disabilities.

The present study has been conducted to investigate the role of teachers of children with learning disabilities in educational process of primary schools in Indian context.


Poorna Shukla and Gaurav Agrawal (2015)

This study attempts to investigate the knowledge and awareness of learning disabilities among teachers of primary schools. Learning disabilities are very big challenge for schools and teachers. If the learning disabilities are ignored, unnoticed and unanswered such children’s needs are not met in regular classrooms or special education within the school; we cannot fulfill the aim of universalization of elementary education and equalization of educational opportunity. The aim of the study to assess the level of and awareness of LD among teachers of primary schools. In this explorative research 68 primary school teachers in 15 schools were selected based on lottery method in Haridwar region. The study found the low level of knowledge and awareness about learning disabilities among teachers of primary schools [1].


Vranda Mysore Narasimha (2016)

This study of special needs of children with learning disabilities are not met, it can lead to scholastic backwardness and related psycho-socio problems. Hence, early identification by teachers is crucial. It would, therefore, be important to assess the attitudes of teachers toward children with learning disabilities [2-4].

Methods: The current study aimed at assessing the attitude of primary school teachers towards children with learning disabilities using Teachers’ Attitude about Learning Disabilities (PSTALD) scale. The sample for the study consisted of 200 primary school teachers in Bangalore South from 16 schools.

Results: The teachers had less favorable attitude towards inclusion of children with learning disabilities in regular schools. Female teachers had favorable attitude towards helping children with learning disabilities on overall scores of PSTALD scale compared to male counterparts. Apart from this, unaided school teachers and teachers with higher education had statistically significant positive (p < 0.05) attitude on all the domains of PSTALD scale compared to other categories. Conclusion: The findings of the research highlight the need for bringing awareness to change the attitude towards inclusion and bringing children with learning disabilities into the educational mainstream [5-10].


·         The importance is given to the study of children with learning disabilities from rural area.

·         This research helps to understand the existing problem of learning disabilities among the students from the rural areas.

·         This research helps to assess the level of awareness in the Teachers about the existing problem of learning disabilities in the children.



  • To ascertain that there are children with learning disabilities in rural schools.
  • To find out the ratio of existing children with learning disabilities in the primary schools.
  • To interact with the primary school children and categorize them into the types of learning disabilities existing in the primary school children.
  • To interact with the teachers of the children with learning disabilities and find out the level of knowledge and awareness they have about their children with learning disabilities.


Learning disabilities of students can be reduced by teacher’s guidance and counseling.


The sample of this research will be the students from primary schools from the rural area of Aurangabad district. The sample consists of 100 students coming from the same social-economic status. The sample will be randomly taken from the selected schools. The sample will be divided into male and female category e.g. 50 males and 50 females [11-14].


1. Description of the self-information schedule: This schedule was saturated by to collect the following facts about the student. Personal Information: Name, Sex, Age, Caste, occupation and yearly income.

2. Standard Progressive Matrices by J Raven J C Raven and J H Court.

3. Nimhans Index for Specific Learning Disabilities Format.

Design (Table 1).


Descriptive statistics i.e. Mean, S.D, will be compute and ‘t’ test.



Learning disabilities of students can be reduced by teachers’ guidance and counseling.

There are significant a difference between mean score of Students Pre-test on IQ. (105) is comparatively lower than the mean score of Students post-test on IQ (35.5.). ‘t’ value significant (t=6.13, P < 0.001 & 0.005 Level) difference between students’ pre-test and post-test on IQ.

There is a significant difference between mean score of Students Pre-test on Learning disabilities. (35) is comparatively lower than the mean score of student’s post-tests on learning disabilities (25). ‘t’ value significant (t=3.56, P < 0.001 & 0.005 Level) difference between Students Pre-test and Post-test on Learning disabilities.


·         On the basis of data and discussion of results, the hypotheses were tested and verified. Some hypotheses were partially retained and some were rejected and following conclusions were drawn.

·         Learning Disabilities of Students tends to show reduced by teachers’ guidance and counseling.


Some limitations inherent in this study are

·         The population was limited areas restricted Aurangabad Dist. only. It can be spread into other areas also.


·         The sample of the study was small. The study can also be done by taking large sample size.



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