Research Article
Level of Study Induced Anxiety among Undergraduate Students Before and After Examination
Hira Irfan, Sidra Manzoor* and Mehwish Niaz
Corresponding Author: Sidra Manzoor, Department of Physical Therapy, CMH medical college, Pakistan
Received: July 03, 2020; Revised: July 27, 2020; Accepted: July 25, 2020 Available Online: August 10, 2020
Citation: Irfan H, Manzoor S & Niaz M. (2022) Level of Study Induced Anxiety among Undergraduate Students Before and After Examination. J Psychiatry Psychol Res, 5(3): 330-334.
Copyrights: ©2022 Irfan H, Manzoor S & Niaz M. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Objective: The objective of the research was to determine the study Induced Anxiety Level among different Undergraduate University Students pre and post examination.

Design: The research design was an observational study design (with two-point readings)

Place and duration: Different departments (DPT, BSCS, BBA, Media Studies) of University of South Asia were selected for the research for four months.

Methods: Three hundred and forty-three students were selected from four departments of the university using random sampling cluster procedure. Westside test anxiety scale was used to determine the level of study-induced anxiety before and after the examination. Results were added on the IBM SPSSV 21 sheet and applied the data was analyzed in mean, standard deviation, frequency, percentage, and ANOVA.

Results: 86.1% of students were not taking any kind of antidepressants. Mean anxiety level in male was 2.943± (SD 0.8), in female mean value were 3.670± (SD 0.8). Among all the students Doctor of physical therapy DPT students had high pre-examination anxiety level and the mean was ±4.309 (SD 0.8). although other departments have low to moderately high anxiety levels. Pre-examination Anxiety level was specifically high among the female students mean value was ±3.670 (SD 2.4) while in male student’s anxiety level mean was comfortably low ±2.943 (SD 0.8).

Conclusion: According to this study, high anxiety levels give a major impact on academic performance. Female and health sciences students showed high anxiety levels. The present study was conducted on the single university level which suggests that regular assessment of anxiety must be done in the institution and counseling services as the intervention of anxiety can be made available to students.

Keywords: Study induced anxiety, Undergraduate university students, Before the examination, After examination


As there was very little work done on anxiety level difference among different departments in university students so this study will contribute to the literature.


Study induced anxiety is a multidimensional phenomenon which combined afraid of failure, an absence of confidence, worry and low morale [1]. A little stress is necessary to make the student's task-oriented but excessive stress may affect the student’s academic goals. According to the previous studies, a large number of students experience study anxiety due to excessive stress near the examination [2,3]. It is considered as one of the major issues among students because it causes low performance and demotivation. Therefore, this study is conducted to evaluate the persistence of study-induced anxiety among Undergraduate students of the University of South Asia before the examination and after the examination. Various research in the US and Canada outlined that student pursuing medical course experience more stress than common population but there is not any past experiment which was done on comparing the depression among different department of private sectors. Study anxiety is associated with low-grade points [4]. Female students are more susceptible to anxiety [5]. It gives the multiple factors which influence future achievements and academic goals. American Psychiatric Association (2000) suggested that person who is suffering from text anxiety may apply for adaptation under Americans with disabilities University students, especially junior semesters are a group which particularly prone to stress and anxiety [6,7]. They are away from home for the first time, keeping the high level of academic goals and make an adjustment into the new atmosphere. Goals for high grades are not the single reason for anxiety; other reasons for anxiety include the difficult presentation, tough assignments, and uncomfortable environment [8,9]. Determination of anxiety level among university students often examined by researchers in which they focus on chronic anxiety in the lives of university students [10]. They found that first-year students score higher than other students this research was conducted to determine the anxiety among different departments of the university. Mental health had shown a great variety among many characteristics in common population of students [11]. There are many benefits of understanding mental health problems among students especially for the academic success Different departments have different levels of anxiety which they experienced in their student life. The need to begin this study is justified. For this research, anxiety is defined as experiences which reduced the quality of academic goals among undergraduate students.



The objective of my research was to determine the study induced anxiety level among undergraduate university students before and after the examination.


Study Design

The research design was an observational study design (with two-point readings).


Different departments (DPT, BSCS, BBA, Media Studies) of the University of South Asia were selected for the research.

Duration of Study

Four months.

Sample Size

Estimated size of the total population of the university was approximately 2500, 95% level of confidence was present, 5% confidence interval (margin of error) was present at the time of research. The sample size was 343 which was calculated through an online website.




Sampling Technique

Sample size was 343 which divided into four (groups) clusters and then selected the students by simple random technique among the different clusters.

Inclusion criteria

Those students who were present in the class on the day of data collection

-         Undergraduate students;

-         Age was between 18-25 years

Exclusion criteria

-         Postgraduate students;

-         Those who were taking any kind of anti-depressants;

-         Students with known causes of depression and anxiety.


Selected random clusters of different department students including physiotherapy in the University of South Asia. The departments which were included media studies, management sciences (BBA), health sciences (DPT) and computer sciences (BSCS) Those students who filled the consent form were eligible to participate in the study. Collection of data was started before one week of examination and after one week of the examination. Students were requested to complete the self-reported questionnaire after that calculated the total score of the questionnaire and divide the total score with 10 points.

Test anxiety score

1.0 - 1.9 Low test anxiety

2.0 - 2.5 Average test anxiety

2.5 - 2.9 Normal test anxiety

3.0 - 3.4 Moderately high (some items rated 4=high)

3.5 - 3.9 High test anxiety (half or more of the items rated 4=high)

4.0 - 5.0 Extremely high anxiety (items rated 4=high and 5=extreme)


Westside Test Anxiety Scale

West Side Text Anxiety Scale was a valid and reliable tool for the measurement of anxiety disorder. The scale was brief and easily administered. It was free of cost and easily available for the students. The items of the scale easily cover the self-analyzed anxiety which impairs the performance. Validity and reliability. An alpha value of reliability was 0.89 by using Cronbach’s.

Statistical Analysis

Data was collected by the self-administered questionnaire and entered on the IBM SPSS V 21 sheet while analyzed by the mean, standard deviation, frequency, percentage, and ANOVA.


Independent variables: Age, Gender, Examination

Dependent variable: Anxiety


According to the results 98.5% students, age was between 18-25 years an equal number of male 50% and female students 50% DPT and BBA students were 25.1 % who participate in the research 24.9% of students of BSCS and Media studies which take participate in the research. 28.7% students of 4th semester, 84.7% of students had the GPA 2.6 and more than that, 86.1% of students were not taking antidepressants (Table 1).

Mean anxiety level in male was 2.943± (SD 0.8), in female mean value were 3.670± (SD 0.8), F value was 12.927 and the signs were 0.00 in pre-examination anxiety levels According to the results the female students had high anxiety levels than male students (Table 2).



Mean anxiety level in male was 1.956 ± (SD 0.6), in female mean value were 2.113 ± (SD 0.7), F value was 4.382 and the signs were 0.037 in post-examination anxiety levels Significant showed that there was no difference in the post-examination anxiety level (Table 3).

DPT students showed mean value 4.309 ± (SD 0.8), BSCS students mean value 3.484± (SD 3.3), BBA students mean value 2.814± (SD 0.6), MEDIA STUDIES students mean value 2.613± (SD 0.5), F value was 15.75 and significant was 0.00 in pre-examination anxiety level.

According to the results, the DPT students showed a high anxiety level than the other departments of the university (Table 4).


 DPT students showed mean value 2.064± (SD 0.8), BSCS students mean value 2.086± (SD 0.5), BBA students mean value 2.22± (SD 0.5), MEDIA STUDIES students mean value 1.76 (SD 0.6), F value was 7.020 and significant was 0.00 in post-examination anxiety level (Table 5).

According to the result, the post-examination anxiety level was almost equal.


The current study outlined high anxiety levels among female students as compared to male students. A previous study by Erdem also revealed that female students had high anxiety levels than male students [12]. Also revealed the same results. female often show more anxiety symptoms as compared to the male [13]. In this study, results showed that stress for scoring high, fear of failure and lack of concentration for exams cause high anxiety levels. Worrying about the exams cannot be regarded as high scores, in fact, it only raises the anxiety levels. Another possible reason for high anxiety levels among females was due to narrow mind attitude of people in Pakistan where lack of freedom for the female to participate in other activities to relax their mind High level of study induced anxiety may be due to fear of failure, disappointment and lack of facilities. According to my study results, there were high anxiety levels among DPT as compared to other department students. Medical student life can be very stressful. Normal to a high level of test anxiety were outlined in previous studies [14] other than that end of the semester time just before the examination students showed psychological issue which also raised the anxiety level (Med Educ,1991) also stated the similar results [15,9]. This research revealed the different levels of study induced anxiety among the students of the different department at the University of South Asia. Literature support that medical students had a high anxiety level due to academic stress. DPT department showed high anxiety levels while other departments had low to moderately high anxiety.Physiological factors showed the variation among students which may affect the results. The environment of the university also affects the anxiety level of the student's high anxiety levels directly lowers the academic performance of the students and research also support this. Hembree stated in 1997 that the test anxiety caused poor education in a meta-analysis of 562. Richard and Davis also revealed the same results about the high anxiety and low academic performance [16]. Guardians and friends can help the students by keeping them motivated to perform well without getting the stress. Different types of training can be given to the students to minimize their anxiety level by providing them problem-solving ways in their education life.



According to the present study, the conclusion is that anxiety is one of the major issues in student academic life specifically for female and science students. It mainly gave a negative impact on academic performance. Although the majority of male students have low anxiety levels many of them have a high level of anxiety.




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