Case Report
HpSA Test Diagnose Acid Peptic Disease
Dwijesh Kumar Panda*
Corresponding Author: Dwijesh Kumar Panda, Department of Pathology and Medicine, Sanaria Filaria Clinic and Research Centre, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Received: September 03, 2019; Revised: October 26, 2019; Accepted: October 04, 2019
Citation: Panda DK. (2019) HpSA Test Diagnose Acid Peptic Disease. Int J Med Clin Imaging, 4(2): 64-68.
Copyrights: ©2019 Panda DK. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Helicobacter pylori are the most prevalent chronic bacterial infection. It is associated with peptic ulcer disease, chronic gastritis, gastric adenocarcinoma and gastric Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Disease (MALT) lymphoma. HpSA Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) is an in vitro qualitative procedure for the detection of Helicobacter pylori antigens in human stool. Test results are intended to aid in the diagnosis of H. pylori infection and to monitor response during and post therapy in patients.


Keywords: HpSA, Endoscopy, PPI, UBT


Helicobacter pylori are the most prevalent chronic bacterial infection and are associated with peptic ulcer disease, chronic gastritis, gastric adenocarcinoma and gastric Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT) lymphoma [1,2]. It is a Gram-negative, microaerophilic bacterium usually found in the stomach. The Australian scientists Barry Marshall and Robin Warren found it in the stomach of a person in 1982 with chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers. It was not previously believed to have a microbial cause [3]. It is also linked to the development of duodenal ulcers and stomach cancer [4]. However, over 80% of individuals infected with the bacterium are asymptomatic. In recognition of their discovery, Marshall and Warren were awarded the 2005 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Upto 90% of people infected with H. pylori never experience symptoms [5]. Acute infection may appear as an acute gastritis with abdominal pain or nausea. This develops into chronic gastritis and non-ulcer dyspepsia: stomach pains, nausea, bloating, belching and sometimes vomiting or black stool [6].


A 65 year old female was suffering from acid peptic disease with epigastric pain since last 20 years. She was treated with proton-pump inhibitors such as omeprazole. She was afraid of taking any spicy or non-vegetarian food which increased the symptoms. She was not tolerating citrus fruits and milk products except curd. She was a non-diabetic and moderately hypertensive. Ultrasound scanning of whole abdomen was done. No significant abnormality was detected. Upper GI endoscopy suggested mucosal hyperemia with erosions in the antrum and multiple tiny superficial ulcers with nodularity over anterior and superficial wall in the first part of duodenum. The rapid urease test was found positive. Enzyme immunoassay for the detection of monoclonal antigens of Helicobacter pylori in stool found positive in high titer. Two courses of triple drug therapy were given at two weeks interval. The HpSA test became negative.


Helicobacter pylori is now recognized as one of the most common and medically important pathogen worldwide [7]. The diagnostic test for H. pylori can be categorized as invasive (endoscopy, biopsy, culture) or non-invasive (stool antigen test, carbon urea breath test and blood antibody tests). An endoscopic biopsy is an invasive means to test H. pylori infection. Low level of infection can be missed by biopsy. So multiple samples are recommended. The most accurate method for detecting the bacteria is with histological examination from two sites after endoscopy biopsy, combined with either a rapid urease test or microbial culture [8].

Non-invasive tests for H. pylori infection may be suitable and include stool antigen tests or the carbon urea breath tests. The stool antigen assay detects bacterial antigen indicating an ongoing H. pylori infection. The test can therefore be used to establish the initial diagnosis and to confirm eradication [9]. Of the available tests, stool antigen testing is the most cost-effective in areas of low to intermediate prevalence of H. pylori.

An endoscopy biopsy is an invasive means to test for H. pylori infection. Low-level infections can be missed by biopsy, so multiple samples are recommended. The most accurate method for detecting H. pylori infection is histological examination from two sites combined with rapid urease test [10].

Urea breath testing is based upon the hydrolysis of urea by H. pylori to produce CO2 and ammonia. Urea with a labeled carbon isotope is given by mouth. The liberated CO2 is detected in breath samples. The tests can be performed in 15-20 min and have similar cost and accuracy. This method is not preferred in young children and pregnant women though the dose of radiation is small [11,12].

Stool antigen assay detect H. pylori infection. The monoclonal enzyme immunoassay is highly sensitive (94-97%). Stool antigen testing can therefore be used to establish the initial diagnosis of H. pylori and to confirm eradication [13,14]. Among all the available tests, stool antigen testing is the most cost-effective in areas of low to intermediate prevalence of H. pylori. This test is predictive of eradication as early as seven days after completion of therapy. False negative results can be avoided by stop taking antibiotics for four weeks and PPIs for one to two weeks prior to testing (Table 1 and Figures 1-7).


Endoscopy is not indicated solely for the purpose of establishing H. pylori status. Stool antigen test is the choice of test for diagnosis and eradication of the bacteria .It is the most cost effective test in areas of low to intermediate prevalence of H. pylori.

1.       Chang AH, Parsonnet J (2010) Role of bacteria in oncogenesis. Clin Microbiol Rev 23: 837-857.

2.       Center for Disease Control (2017) Helicobacter pylori. Available at: 

3.       (2018) The Nobel prize in physiology or medicine 2005.

4.       Amieva M, Peek RM (2016) Pathobiology of Helicobacter pylori - Induced gastric cancer. Gastroenterology 150: 64-78.

5.       Bytzer P, Dahlerup JF, Eriksen JR, Jarbøl DE, Rosenstock S, et al. (2011) Diagnosis and treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection. Dan Med Bull 58: C4271.

6.       Wang YK, Kuo FC, Liu CJ, Wu MC, Shih HY, et al. (2015) Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection: Current options and developments. World J Gastroenterol 21: 11221-11235.

7.       Granstrom M, Lehours P, Bengtsson C, Mégraud F (2008) Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori. Helicobacter 13: 7-12.

8.       Ricci C, Holton J, Vaira D (2007) Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori: Invasive and non-invasive tests. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 21: 299-313.

9.       Monteiro L, de Mascarel A, Sarrasqueta AM, Bergey B, Barberis C, et al. (2001) Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection: Non-invasive methods compared to invasive methods and evaluation of two new tests. Am J Gastroenterol 96: 353-358.

10.    Megraud F, Lehours P (2007) Helicobacter pylori detection and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Clin Microbiol Rev 20: 280.

11.    Atherton JC, Spiller RC (1994) The urea breath test for Helicobacter pylori. Gut 35: 723-725.

12.    Perri F, Manes G, Neri M, Vaira D, Nardone G (2002) Helicobacter pylori antigen stool test and 13C-urea breathe test in patients after eradication treatments. Am J Gastroenterol 97: 2756-2762.

13.    Shimoyama T (2013) Stool antigen tests for the management of Helicobacter pylori infection. World J Gastroenterol 19: 8188-8191.

14.    Gisbert JP, De La Morena F, Abraira V (2006) Accuracy of monoclonal stool antigen test for the diagnosis of H. pylori infection: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Gastroenterol 101: 1921-1930.