Animal as a Living System
Martin Vlček*
Corresponding Author: Martin Vlček, eFunctionality, Prague, Czech Republic
Received: May 22, 2020; Revised: May 31, 2020; Accepted: May 29, 2020 Available Online: July 21, 2020
Citation: Vlček M. (2020). Animal as a Living System. BioMed Res J, 5(1): 287-288.
Copyrights: ©2020 Vlček M. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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A living system is described as a generalization of model work on economic systems. Even these are then understandable as living systems, i.e., among other things, and above all - able to make decisions based on the degree of their own existence. You could say - having an instinct for self-preservation.

The essential requirement is therefore the presence in the system of the part which is this measure, and a comparison of the systems shows that it must be the part which has “integrity” as an essential characteristic. This is then measurable, and if it reflects the characteristics associated with existence - the satisfaction of the elements and their migration trend, it can be used to monitor existence.

Each system must be synchronized, controlled as a whole. At the beginning of the activity of a living system, there is an event in the degree of its existence, which then triggers its activity. But how should the evaluating part of the degree of existence be managed? “Who's going to guard the guards?”


Results of model work on human systems are also used to understand the animal system. The principle of the living system is extended by a more or less suspected structure of dark matter. Dark matter as a rather astronomical term is interpreted as a fundamental part of the structure of living systems. Its function is connected with the materialization and control of the concept of existence [1-2].


Using data on the development of US stocks and a computer model, a structure was gradually created that best predicted further developments. This structure has proven to have the properties of a living object, although this is a systemically uncertain concept. On the other hand, based on the knowledge of cybernetic systems, today's concept of a living system was born.


Living systems evaluate their existence on the basis of the satisfaction of their elements, and therefore on their (migratory) tendency to leave the system - the object. The degree of tendency is, in a certain simplification, the degree of existence.

The living object constantly evaluates the development of its own existence, and if it identifies an event known to it that announces the decline of existence, it activates the systemic means of reconstruction. They first evaluate the distribution of activities in the system and then activate the reconstruction part. As a result of its activities, there will be a change in the distribution of satisfaction and thus the required change in the existence of the object [3].

However, the living system thus described is only a part of it in normal matter. Dark matter then realizes its connection with other objects, in the realm of existence. Above all, due to dark matter, the living object is activated in the evaluation of its existence. The evaluation of the existence of a living object occurs only in times that are defined by dark matter, no universal time is available. Dark matter at this time acts as a pace-maker.

The feedback to dark matter is then the existence of one's own living system, which occurs when the object as a whole is activated. At the same time, the distribution of success and the reconstruction of relationships are evaluated in such a way that the stress in satisfaction is also solved by reducing the stress in normal matter.

The object exists at the moment when its structure is activated in normal matter and also at this moment satisfaction is defined at all its levels. It is defined through this structure, and dark matter, through the abilities of its parts, is able to identify it.


In the case of an animal, the elements removed from the normal mass are cells entering the cerebrospinal fluid through lymphatic vessels. From the animal's point of view, they are also dead, apostate elements, but the important thing is that their experience with involvement in normal matter, including its connection to dark matter, is used, thus creating a higher order structure also connected to dark matter. These are two interconnected units - the aggregate, cerebrospinal fluid volume and tension and the system of hydrogen and water, or electronic structures in it. These structures are taken from the original, living cells, which were added to the cerebrospinal fluid - liquor - through the lymph and probably with the help of leukocytes.

Taken from the original cells based on the dynamics of hydrogen, respectively free electron, performs in the new, object structure the same function as it performed in these cells - it activates normal matter, specifically the part that evaluates the degree of existence of the whole object - the animal and triggers the whole living system.

The simplified scheme of animal functioning is then such. Apart from the episodic, non-systemic activities of parts of the system, systemic activity arises in the liquor, in its hydroxonium structure. This is due to the influence of the dark matter. In the observed systems, these structures are connected with the materialization of existence - satisfaction, and for that reason they can be influenced by dark matter. Because it is a uniform, holistic influence throughout the liquor, the response is also uniform, systemic.

The activity of fine hydroxonium structures of liquor in connection with its dynamics as a whole trigger’s activity in cells, inter alia, pia mater. The influence from liquor thus gradually passes into these cells and their cytoplasmic, similarly hydroxonium system, and controls their activity. Here, however, it is already a matter of normal matter and the penetration of dark matter into it. In subsequent parts of the nervous system, this triggering activity then spreads and normal observable activity occurs as a result of already known nerve connections.


Since the assumption of unity of not only material but also principles in different levels of organization of matter in mutual cooperation of normal and dark matter is made, it is possible to ask how transferable are possible experiences, procedures, events, intelligence between levels in general.

If so, it would be interesting to observe and get to know more distant systems and understand their life principles and use them in systems such as humans. This would probably be more useful than examining systems as close as possible, which are the easiest to understand but all the less beneficial.

However, it is probable that the interconnectedness of the existence of various living systems through dark matter is, among other things, the transfer of this intelligence between levels with a single goal - maximizing global existence. 

1.      Martin Vlček (2018) Dark Matter in our Ordinary Life. Amazon in Wroclaw, ISBN 9781718882836.

2.      Martin Vlček (2020) The Existence. Clin Rev Cases.

3.      Martin Vlček (2020) Virus as a Living Object. Am J Virol Dis.