Research Article
Li-Wei Lin* and Su-Rong Yan
Corresponding Author: Li-Wei Lin, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, Dongfang College, Haining, China
Received: 30 January 2020; Revised: 25 July 2020; Accepted: 17 February 2020
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In 2020, China began to implement 5G systems in metropolises. This study mainly investigates whether the speed of 5G will affect consumers to use the platform and purchase goods more quickly in the electronic shopping mall. The stability, ease of use and quick response of 5G systems will cause consumers to make impulse purchases. Our research found that the 5G network speed of e-commerce malls in the future will make consumers more impulsive buying behavior. The results of the study show that system stability, ease of use, and quick response links will quickly allow consumers to make impulse purchase decisions.

Keywords: System stability, Ease of use, Quick response, Impulse purchase.


          The construction of 5G systems is an important construction platform for Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places in mainland China. 5G will change consumers’ shopping habits and ideas in the future, which is why it is necessary to establish product systems such as 5G systems.

               In the first-tier cities of mainland China, the income level of major consumers has reached a basic salary of 6000 RMB per month, which is worthy of discussion relative to consumer purchase behavior. Maheswaran & Shavitt (2000) pointed out that due to the increasing enthusiasm of international commodity transactions, consumer purchase behavior is more worthy of discussion and analysis. Han & Shavitt (1994) proposed the concept of impulse buying, mainly because consumers’ personal thoughts led to impulse buying. Through the introduction of the 5G system, we analyzed whether consumers will buy products because of the system upgrade, which makes consumers more impulsive. Freud (1956) proposed that the main reasons for impulse purchases came from the principle of happiness and reality.

             Why mainland China started to promote 5G equipment, mainly because consumers like to buy things online and pay online, which has led to the need for continuous improvement of the overall equipment.

According to Dahlberg, Guo & Ondrus (2015), many consumers today use mobile devices to pay for any goods. Such a quick response can make consumers more likely to use this device to pay quickly. Koenig-Lewis et al. (2015) mentioned that perceived ease of use and social influence can affect consumers’ use of this device in the process of using mobile payments. Papasratorn (2015) also mentioned that usefulness and ease of use can lead to consumers’ intention to use mobile payments in the purchase process.


           We can learn from the literature that 5G technology can affect consumers’ impulse purchases. System stability, system ease of use, fast response connections and consumer impulse purchases will affect the use of 5G equipment in the entire consumer market.

                Chin, Diehl & Norman (1988) mentioned the concept of customer satisfaction with ease of use. The ease of use of the system will lead to whether consumers will continue to use it on 5G. The concept of system ease of use will allow consumers to continuously consider whether impulsive purchases will be made in e-commerce shopping. We all know that in the 4G era, sometimes the unstable network speed leads to consumers not wanting to buy in shopping malls. Such factors will greatly change the original situation in the 5G era. Moroni, Talamo & Dimitri (2015) investigated the factors that affect the intention of using NFC mobile payments and found that the perceived ease of use and perceived compatibility are important predictors of NFC mobile adoption.

               Consumers can receive different internet messages on the internet and use these internet messages to decide whether to buy this product. News on the market can be quickly responded to consumers through 5G equipment. Cachon & Swinney (2011) pointed out that the use of QRS can quickly understand the products that consumers want and it is mainly collected on the market through fast network response links.



                 The proliferation of information relies mainly on network equipment to pass information to the outside. 5G equipment allows buyers and sellers to exchange and communicate with external communication messages through such network platforms. Donohue (2000) built a two-cycle model and discussed supply chain systems that can have optimized forecasts.

                 In the process of purchasing, consumers will mainly receive information on the internet, or related factors such as emotion. Emotional factors may lead to impulse purchases. Jones et al. (2003) mentioned that many consumers buy directly without any thought. Verhagen & van Dolen (2011) found that many consumers make impulse purchases during the purchase process. We want to know whether consumers will impulse purchases due to the rapid increase in 5G network speeds.




              This research is mainly aimed at the introduction of 5G equipment to design the overall model architecture. We have designed three hypothetical relationships, which are:

H1: System stability affects fast-reaction connections with a positive correlation

H2: The system’s ease of use will affect the rapid response link has a positive correlation

H3: Quick-Response links affect consumers’ impulsive purchasing positivity 



          This research mainly investigates consumers who use shopping network on e-commerce platforms in mainland China. Mainly through questionnaires to investigate whether e-commerce consumers in mainland China will use 5G equipment to cause consumers to make impulse purchases and will not cause consumers not to buy because of the unstable internet speed any product. We mainly surveyed the consumers of Taobao, Tmall and other well-known shopping networks as the main survey objects to do a series of statistical data analysis.




               This research is mainly applied in the main mainland China market and investigates whether consumers are going to shopping malls to buy goods faster using 5G systems. 5G is mainly for consumers to accelerate the purchase of goods and consumers will not want to buy because of unstable network speed. This is an interesting issue. For consumers, the speed of the internet will lead to consumers’ impulse purchases. This is combined with consumer psychology for analysis and research. Consumers will mainly look for materials and information on some websites during the purchase process, or communicate with some friends through some communication platforms. This internet effect is an important factor and concept for consumers. The introduction of 5G in 2020 will make consumers more impulsive to buy and order any product in the future. In this way, the coming of the era is a direction and index worthy of research for future researchers.



This research was supported by the NSF Grant Nos. 61972337 and 61502414.

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