Research Article
Renoldy L Papilaya,Hillary Jesajas
Corresponding Author: Renoldy L. Papilaya, Lecturer of Social Economics Fisheries and Marine Science, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science – Pattimura University Ambon, Indonesia
Received: 25 February 2020; Revised: 25 March 2020; Accepted: 23 March 2020
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Darwin-Ambon Yacht Race is an important annual tourism event conducted in collaboration with the Twin Cities (Sister City) between the governments of Ambon City (Indonesia) and Darwin City (Australia). Increasing the attractiveness of Amahusu coastal tourism destination as the main location of the event must be seriously managed so that the race can be continuously carried out. Besides, local community participation also needs to be continuously improved. The purpose of this study was to analyze the perceptions of foreign tourists in the attractiveness of the Darwin-Ambon Yacht Race in Amahusu. A survey method was used in which primary and secondary data were collected. The sampling method for choosing Amahusu was purposive sampling, whereas respondents (tourists) were selected using accidental sampling method. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative and quantitative, namely Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The results of Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) calculation showed that although overall tourists were very satisfied (80.80%) of the Darwin-Ambon Yacht Race competition, but the cleanliness attributes of the coastal and marine areas were not fulfilled the tourist’s expectation because not optimally managed.

Keywords: Perception, Attraction, Darwin-Ambon Yacht Race, Amahusu.

Ambon City is a tourist destination that has a wide variety of maritime and cultural tourist attractions with the nickname “Ambon Manise”. Ambon City is the gateway to the Province of Maluku which has natural beauty, cultural and historical heritage, as a land of kings, old places of worship, fortresses, and many more that are second to none. Various cultural art works and ancestral relics in this region are attractive assets for tourists. Therefore, the development of the tourism sector in the city of Ambon must also have the potential as an economic resource for the development of the city of Ambon in particular and Maluku in general (Papilaya, 2018). Seeing the potential there was also urged the Ambon City Government to hold various events nationally and internationally. One of the international events held by the Ambon City Government is the Darwin-Ambon sailboat competition. This international event is an important annual tourism event carried out in collaboration with the Twin Cities (City Government) between the Ambon City Government (Indonesia) and Darwin City Government (Australia). Historically, the Ambon City and Darwin City Governments have been friends for more than 25 years since the Victoria and RAAF 13th Squadrons from Darwin were carrying Ambon Island during World War II.


Darwin-Ambon yacht race took place since 1976 until now. This competition received international attention in 1998 as the number of participants participating in the race was up to 102 ships from approximately 15 countries. In 1999, the Maluku conflict caused a sailboat race to be canceled for 8 years. This competition is motivated by the historical values of the twin cities and a tourist visit to the Australian Army WWII grave park, so through the initiatives of the Maluku Provincial Government and the Maluku Tourism Office intending to make this sailboat trip safe and at the same time as an Ambon event and for that year 2006 an MOU was signed with Dinah Beach Cruising Yacht Association Incorporated to re-run the Darwin-Ambon Yacht competition. The Dinah Beach Shipping Association endorsed this relationship on July 21, 2007. Thus, the post-conflict sailboat began to be implemented again in 2008 until now. So, the Darwin-Ambon Yacht competition every year is one form of strengthening the relations between the cities of Darwin and Ambon, which is expected to bring motivation to prosperity, culture, and especially the people's economy (DBCYA Handbook, 2016).


Increasing the attractiveness of Amahusu village beach tourist destinations as the main location of the Darwin-Ambon Yacht race must be full in order for the race to be carried out and run according to the needs of the people in Ambon City. The construction of facilities and service quality at the Amahusu Beach tourist destination, the final berth, needs serious attention from the government. In addition, the community also needs to be improved. The interest of foreign tourists joining the Darwin-Ambon Yacht race from the beginning was carried out until now fluctuating from year to year and had stopped in 1999- 2006 during the riots in which a picture of the city of Ambon as a city that is not safe for tourists to visit. But after 2007, the appreciation of participants in the Darwin-Ambon sailboat race increased until 2019. Many factors made tourists interested in and took part in the regatta, especially, the friendliness of the people, history and local culture and delicious food.


This study aims to analyze tourist perceptions of the attractiveness of Amahusu village as the main location of the Darwin-Ambon Yacht Competition.




The study was conducted on August-September, 2019. The research was located in the village of Amahusu, Nusaniwe District, Ambon City, specifically the Amahusu beach where the Darwin Ambon Yacht race took place (Figure 1). To obtain tourists’ perceptions of the attractiveness of the Darwin-Ambon screen in the Amahusu country with the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) methods, the research began with a preliminary survey, problem identification, literature study, data collection methods, sample selection and questionnaire collection, validity and reliability testing, data collection, data analysis (IPA and CSI), and collection and conclusions and suggestions. The research stage begins with a preliminary survey to study the conditions of the location of the Darwin-Ambon regatta. After conducting a preliminary survey, the topic discussed about the attractiveness of Darwin-Ambon sails in Amahusu was the satisfaction of foreign tourists with the attractiveness of Darwin-Ambon sailboats in the Amahusu village. Literature study is then conducted to find information that discusses the research material.

The next step is to collect data by agreeing to the questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire contained questions about the identity of the respondents as well as questions about rating tourists and assessing the level of expectation and level of perception of each variable.

The sample in this study was tourists (participants) Darwin-Ambon sailboat race as respondents with criteria of at least more than one contest following this consideration can answer questions and give questions to the questionnaire. Sampling is done by accidental sampling method or respondents are chosen according to their willingness to fill out questionnaires and interviews. The number of research samples were 20 respondents, based on calculations by the Slovin method.

The results of collecting data are then analyzed using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The first stage in the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method is to determine the suitability level of satisfaction and interests of tourists in accordance with the attributes of the questions or responses raised in connection with obtaining a satisfaction score and score of importance. The suitability formula used is (Santoso, 2011):

Tki=(Xi/Yi)  ×100                                                                              (1) 


Tki = Compatibility level

Xi = Satisfaction rating score

Yi = Score of importance assessment


The second step is to calculate the average for each attribute perceived by tourists, using the formula:

       (Xl) ̅=  (∑Xl)/n                  (2)


     (Yl) ̅=  (∑Yl)/n                      (3)


          X = The average score of the level of satisfaction of all attributes

Y = The average score of the importance of all the attributes that

         Influence tourist satisfaction

 k = Number of attributes that can affect tourist satisfaction


The final stage is the description of each attribute in the Cartesian diagram (Figure 2). The strategies that can be carried out with regard to the position of each variable in the four quadrants can be explained as follows:

1)  Quadrant 1 (concentrate these)

This is an area that contains factors that are considered important by tourists, but in reality, these factors are not in line with tourist expectations (the level of satisfaction obtained is still low). The variables included in this quadrant must be increased.

2)  Quadrant 2 (keep up the good work)

This is an area that contains factors that are considered important by tourists, and factors that are considered tourists are in accordance with what he feels so that the level of satisfaction is relatively higher. The variables included in this quadrant must be maintained because all of these variables make the Darwin Ambon sailboat race excel in the eyes of tourists.

3)  Quadrant 3 (low priority)

This is an area that contains factors that are considered less important by tourists, and in fact the performance is not too special. The increase in the variables included in this quadrant can be reconsidered because the effect on the benefits felt by tourists is very small.

4)  Quadrant 4 (possible overkill)


This is an area that contains factors that are considered less important by tourists and is felt to be too excessive. The variables included in this quadrant can be reduced.

Tourist satisfaction is then calculated using the CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) method with the following stages:

1)  1)Calculate the weighting factor (WF)

That is changing the average value of importance to a percentage of the total average importance of all the attributes tested, so that a total WF of 100% is obtained.

2)  2)Calculate the weight score (WS)

Namely assessing the multiplication between the average value of the level of satisfaction of each attribute with the WF of each attribute.

3)  3)Calculate total weight (WT)

Namely summing the WS of all attributes.

4)  4)Calculate the Satisfaction Index

Namely Weighted Total divided by the maximum scale used (in this study the maximum scale used is

5) 5) then multiplied by 100%.


The level of overall tourist satisfaction can be seen from the level of satisfaction criteria. The CSI equation according to (Putri and Romano, 2017) is:

 CSI=(T/5Y)  ×100%                                                           (4)


                        T = total score

                        Y = Total Interest

                        5 = Number of Likert scales used





Characteristics of respondents


Characteristics of respondents in this study were divided into 6 (six) categories, namely: age, sex, education, occupation, income, and citizenship. The number of tourists used as respondents is 20 people (Table 1).

Analysis of importance and satisfaction


Level of conformity of interest and satisfaction: The results of the suitability level are used to determine the priority order of increasing factors that influence tourist satisfaction with the Darwin Ambon Yacht race. This suitability level is analyzed by importance performance analysis (IPA). The results of the suitability calculation are presented in the following Table 2.

According to Sukardi and Cholidis cited Anggraini (2015), if the value of the suitability level is close to 100% and is above the average, it can be said that the suitability level is good. Based on the calculation results, it appears that the lowest suitability level is the cleanliness area of 83.33%. This means that the suitability level is quite good. And the highest level of conformity is activities in destination of 98.82%.

Inequality of interest and satisfaction

Satisfaction and importance scores are obtained from the average tourist rating answers on each implementation attribute. The gap between satisfaction with the interests of respondents, tourists, can be seen in Table 3.


Based on Table 3 it can be seen that the average gap value is ‘-0.21’. This means that the attributes of the implementation of the race that has a gap value above -0.21 need to get priority for improvement in performance by the Darwin-Ambon Yacht committee. Where the attributes of the implementation of the race that has a value below the average value of the gap include attraction of destination that is - 0.15, accessibility of destination is -0.10, amenities are -0.10, available package is -0.05, and activities in destination namely -0.05. While the attributes that have a gap value above the average value of the gap are ancillary services that is -0.25 and the area of cleanliness is -0.75.

Cartesian diagram

The final stage is the description of each attribute in the Cartesian diagram. The average score of tourists' satisfaction and interests (all attributes) towards the Darwin-Ambon Yacht Race in Table 3 is then included in the Cartesian diagram.

1) 1) Quadrant 1

The attributes included in quadrant 1, in order of their priority level are the cleanliness area attributes. This means that these attributes are considered important by tourists, but in reality, these attributes are not in line with tourist expectations, so improvements to the cleanliness area must be improved. Improvements to the cleanliness area that can be done are by separating organic and inorganic waste, recycling waste, on the coastal markets need to use a net to prevent garbage from spreading to other areas, and there are garbage officers who use small boats to collect garbage that has been netted or already already spread. But more than all of that, public awareness to throw garbage into the sea is the main strategy in the management of waste in sustainable laur.

2)  2)Quadrant 2

Attributes in quadrant 2 can also be sorted according to the priority level to be maintained are attributes of destination, accessibility of destination, and activities in destination. Means attraction of destination, accessibility of destination, and activities in destination are considered important by tourists, and considered tourists are appropriate. Improvement of attraction of destination, accessibility of destination, and activities in destination that can be done is to develop tourist attraction objects supporting natural tourist attraction objects (coastal ecosystems) such as social cultural tourism attraction objects and special interest tourism attraction objects. Objects of social and cultural tourism attractions that need to be developed are museums, historical relics, traditional ceremonies, performance arts and crafts. While the object of attraction is special interest in the form of fruit agro- tourism in Ambon City.

3)  3)Quadrant 3

The order of attributes according to the priority level to be improved is the attributes of amenities, ancillary services, and available packages. Improvements to the attributes of amenities, ancillary services, and available packages can be reconsidered because the effect on satisfaction felt by tourists is very small. This shows that the attributes of amenities, ancillary services, and available packages do not need to be improved.

4)  4)Quadrant 4

Based on the Cartesian diagram (Figure 3), there are no attributes included in this category because they are considered less important by tourists and are felt to be too excessive.

Tourist satisfaction (customer satisfaction index)

CSI is used to determine the level of satisfaction of the attributes of the statement of perception of tourists. In this calculation an average score of satisfaction and interests of tourists is required based on 7 (seven) attributes of the Importance Performance Analysis (Table 4).

From the results of the calculation of determining the value of CSI, the CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) value is 80.80% and is included in the very satisfied category with an interval of 0.81% - 1.00%. This means that the overall attributes of tourist perception can be said to be very satisfying. 



Most of the tourist respondents (participants) in the Darwin-Ambon sailboat race in 2019 who were willing to be interviewed were women, Australian citizens, of productive age, educated with bachelor's degree and working part-time in their home country. Although the results of the calculation of the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) overall, tourists were very satisfied (80.80%) of the Darwin- Ambon sailboat competition, but the cleanliness attributes of the coastal and marine areas (area cleanliness) were seen as not meeting tourist expectations because they had not been managed optimally.




The government needs to pay attention and improve tourist attractions, especially in terms of cleanliness of the sea and coast so that during the implementation of the Darwin-Ambon sailboat race next year tourists can feel comfortable during the race.

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