Research Article
Anas Pattaray,Moch Nur Efendi
Corresponding Author: : Anas Pattaray, Lecturer, Lombok Tourism Polytechnic
Received: 28 May 2020; Revised: 17 June 2020; Accepted: 15 June 2020
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The purpose of this study to analyze constraints and expected change of Kota Lama Tourism Area (KLTA). The method used in this study was interpretive structural modeling (ISM). The results indicated that there is a need to improve the ability of human resources and integration of destination governance. Efforts to realize the development to furban tourism in the Old City Region of Surabaya will run well if the city government and the community are able to work together to overcome major obstacles such as the integration of destination governance and incompetent human resources. Completion of these two constraints means resolving the basic problem in developing KLTA.

Keywords: Urban tourism, Surabaya, Integration of destination, Human resources, ISM.



One of the tourist attractions of the city of Surabaya is historical buildings located in the Old City Region. This area has historic buildings that provide its own nuances for the beauty of the city of Surabaya, historical heritage in the form of buildings, architecture, physical infrastructure and other physical objects are tourist as set that gives characteristic of acity. Historical heritage, if supported by the condition of a dynamic region, will “revive the area” (creating urban animation) and attract tourists to carryout tourism activities (Tondobala, 2012).

Developing urban tourism is an effort to increase regional income through hotel taxes, restaurants and simultaneously increase economic activity in urban areas (Utama, 2013). But the tourism sector also causes many problems such as was the management, the economy of the community, changes inland scope and others. So, to maximize the positive impact of the tourism sector, management needs to focus and be serious about all aspects that influence it (Gusdini, 2017). The Old City area has the potential for urban tourism that needs to be developed. 

The Surabaya City Government has a big desire to make KLTA. However, efforts to realize this intention were not as easy as imagined. The mere cultura land monumental heritage was not enough to attract tourists. The efforts of the city government to the community to lift the appeal of history have not produced optimal results. One reason is that the heritage is left to be just a silent witness to history.



The purpose of this study to analyze constraints and expected change of Kota Lama Tourism Area (KLTA).



City Tourism Development will be an interesting trend in the future based on many rational reasons. However, good potential will be more successful if it can be developed and managed with city management that is integrated in the concept of total tourism products that are interrelated with each other with at least four elements namely attractions, amenities, accessibility and ancillaries (Utama, 2013).

Now architects and urban designers are working in collaboration with social sciences discipline in the field of urban tourism. Some examples of cultural, artistic and social activities can be listed as: Re-transformation of port districts, opening of new museums, new additions to the fabric of the historic city, the me park, coastal regulations, re-use of historic structures, innovative approach to accommodation services, production of the metro politan centers, architectural competitions organized by central and local governments, prestige land scapes, innovative, technologica land ecological approaches in architecture, festival, design fashion weeks, guided tours, city walks, local meeting, lectures, courses in art education, concert, sport events, the cultural capitals (Yildiz & Akbulut, 2013).

To identification structuring constrains and principles changing in Kota Tua Tourism Area (KTTA) development with method used Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM). Elements of the study consisted or constraints and the expected changes. The result showed that good governance is the principal element for significant changing of KTTA (Gusdini, 2017).To identify and prioritize the infrastructures of cultural tourism with method ISM technique is used for purpose of prioritization which includes six levels of prioritization for factors of model where the factor of human resources training had the highest priority of influence compared to other infrastructures (As’adi, 2017). Some models of urban tourism development that can be proposed are conservation and preservation models in the context of preservation, urban design guide models, regional revitalization models, models of down town tourism areas, stake-holders cooperation models (Tondobala, 2012).




            Respondents (expert) involved in this model as long as: (i) the researcher relationship among the variables; and (ii) the expert is capable in communicating a holistic sense of the elements related to the research topic. Regarding this study, experts were selected purposively who understand the contextual relationship between Kota Lama and tourism. The study involved ten experts. As well as in the filling in the questioner. To limit bias, some efforts were undertaken, i.e. (i) experts were chosen carefully for their good understanding of the topic the research; (ii) comprehensive and structured questionnaires were designed carefully; (iii) respondents were assisted by giving clear explanation for every question to control consistency of the given answer; and (iv) in-depth interview was undertaken to get knowledge and experience of the experts (Wiranatha & Suryawardani, 2018).

            Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) was used to develop a structural model for Kota Lama Tourism Area development at Surabaya which was gained from the expert opinion. ISM is a tool for analyzing complex situations and solving complex problem by using an interactive learning process involving inter-relationships between variables through the use of expert ideas, opinions and experience, utilizing brain-storming management techniques to develop the contextual relationship among the variables.

  Thus, experts should be well conversant with the problem under consideration. The analysis was based on the decision-support tool that facilitates through understanding of complex situation by linking and organizing ideas in a visual map (Attri & Sharma, 2013; Donna, 2007).The Structural Self-Interaction Matrix (SSIM) is developed based on the contextual relationship computer program “EverVision” Software DDSS Ver.1.0.01 which was conducted to analysis the data.




            The tourism attraction in the Kota Lama Tourism Area (KLTA) can be distinguished into an attraction that is tangible (physical), and non-tangible (non-physical). Physical tourism attractions are historical buildings, village neighborhoods, superior local village products, patrolmusic, and dolananor typical village games. Whereas the non-tangible attraction that still exists is in the form of parikan culture (typical Surabayarhyme) and a strong mutual cooperation culture.

            KLTA is also close to attractions such as Kampong Lawas Maspati which is a long history of Surabaya from the time of the Mataram Palace until the Dutch occupation was recorded in this area, Tugu Pahlawan which is a monument built to honor Surabaya soldiers who were killed during a major battle against allied soldiers, Museum of Sampoerna, a Dutch colonial-style building that has been preserved as a historical site, and Jembatan Merah, which once witnessed the life of the Indonesian army, especially Surabaya heroes who fought against Dutch colonialism.

The results show that the highest driver powers (7) were B1 and B3. The lowest dependence (2) were also B1 and B3 which mean that sub-elements (the lack of integration of destination governance and incompetent HR) (Figure 1).

Are key sub-elements with the highest driver powers to push other elements and lowest dependence to other sub-elements? In addition, the second highest driver powers (5) was B7 the second lowest dependence (3) was also B7 which mean that sub-element (infrastructure that does not support) is the second key sub-elements which has strong driver power to push other sub-elements and has low dependence to other sub-elements.

However, the lowest driver powers (1) were B4, B5 and B6. The highest dependence (5) were also B4, B5 and B6 which mean that sub-elements (unsafe situations, non-optimal publications, less attractive of attraction) have the lowest driver power and have the highest dependence to other sub-elements, therefore all sub element support B4, B5 and B6. Lastly, other sub-elements B2 become linkage sub-elements which link each other and with key sub-elements in order to support B4, B5 and B6. The Structure diagram of sub-elements of program constraints can be seen in Figure 2.




Figure 3 shows the lack of integration of destination governance (B1) and incompetent HR (B3) is the main obstacle. Infrastructure that does not support (B7) is then extobstacle that causes nonstandard service procedures (B2). In addition, it causes unsafe situations (B4), non-optimal publications (B5) and less attractive of attraction (B6) which are constraints that influence each other.




The results show that the highest driver powers (7) E2. The lowest dependence (1) was also E2 which mean that sub-element (increase human resource capacity) is key sub-element with the highest driver powers to push other elements and lowest dependence to other sub-elements. In addition, the second highest driver powers (6) were E4, E5, E6 and E7. The second lowest dependence(5) were also E4, E5, E6 and E7 which mean that sub-elements (improvement of supporting elements, optimization of land use, improvement of infrastructure, improvement of technology) are the second key sub-elements which has strong driver power to push other sub-elements and has low dependence to other sub-elements (Figure 4).



However, the lowest driver powers (1) were E1. The highest dependence (7) was also E1 which mean that sub-element (improvement of small medium enterprise) have the lowest driver power and have the highest dependence to other sub-elements. Therefore, all sub element support E. Lastly, other sub-elements E3 become linkage sub-elements which link each other and with key sub-elements in order to support E. The structural diagram of sub-elements of program expected change can be seen in Figure 3.


Figure 3 shows an increase in human resource capacity (2) is the most expected change in the improvement of supporting elements (4), optimization of land use (5), improvement of infrastructure (6) and improvement of technology (7) which are interrelated changes to one another. In addition, it also supports the increase in value added attraction (3) and improvement of small medium enterprise (SME) (1).





Efforts to realize the development of urban tourism in the old city region of Surabaya will run well if the city government and the community are able to work together to overcome major obstacles such as the integration of destination governance and incompetent human resources. Completion of these two constraints means resolving the basic problem in developing klta.

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