Research Article
Vania Okky Putri*, Wiwik Dwi Pratiwi,
Corresponding Author: Vania Okky Putri, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia.
Received: 23 August 2021; Revised: 12 September 2021; Accepted: 15 September 2021 Available Online: 07 December 2021
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Sekanak Market Area is one of the historical areas in Palembang City which is identical to the heritage buildings of Sultanate and Colonial. Many potential cultures and histories should be conserved by developing them as tourist destinations. This study focuses on heritage tourism development strategy formulation based on five aspects of tourist destination development (attraction, accessibility, amenity, accommodation, and ancillary). The study utilised quantitative description method. The data collected through observation, interviews, questioner, and related official documents. The results indicate that Sekanak Market Area needs the provision, improvement, and also development. The study proposed development strategies includes: (1) Heritage Tourist Attraction Development, (2) Provision of Heritage Tourism Supporting Amenities, (3) Provision of Accommodation, (4) Enhancement of Ancillary, and (5) Tourist Accessibility Development.

Sekanak Market Area is one of old historical area in Palembang City. This area from trading activities on the riverside has certainly inherited many cultures, especially traditional buying and selling culture which is still being conducted by the local community. Even though, Sekanak Market Area condition is increasingly abandoned by traders and community. This issue becomes problem studied in this research. Because of this area is assessed as potential area, this research try to study the area and formulate the recommendation to solve its issue. As the historical area full of cultural heritage, this market area is also potentially to be developed such being a tourism destination.
This research utilised quantitative description method. The data were collected through observation, interviews, questioner, and related official documents. In formulating the recommendation, this study also used theory references and cross tabulation analysis. This research studied about decreasing of visit rate and its common activities, finding the tourism potential and formulating the development strategy based on its potential. So it concerns to development through historical and cultural heritage, elements of traditional market area, and aspects of forming tourist destination in the area by considering local communities perceptions and preferences.
The issue which contains decreasing of visitation is not only caused by compete with other modern market but also lack of community awareness to develop the area. The questionnaires show that Sekanak Market Area condition is well, but the observation shows the deficiency of infrastructures and facilities that should be fix and upgraded. This case associates with the Sense of Place Elements in Sekanak Market Area. Analysis of Physical and Social Factors in this area shows many elements certainly can build the unique atmosphere where visitor have a sight of local daily activity which is dominant in trading and supported by heritage building that authentic with Tionghoa architecture style, Palembang traditional house called Limas, and the strategic location in riverside. Sense of this place can be supported by giving innovation to the local products which can be the vocal point in this area, such as implementation of Palembang traditional fabric called Songket neither utilizing the display products at the shophouses.

After knowing the Sense of Place in Sekanak Market Area, this study shows that to develop this area has to consider the heritage tourism components. The questionnaire also shows how local community supports the development. Start from Conservation, such as Revitalization and Adaptive Reuse which can be implemented in Sekanak Market Area and supported by local community. Information and Interpretation, which facilitate visitors, is also a means of educating historical and cultural knowledge in the Sekanak Market Area. Basically, information can not only be provided through the service of a tour guide, but also through the provision of a TIC (Tourist Information Center) where visitor obtain information services related to tourism in the area or surrounding. Accessibility is not only by the circulation of vehicles, pedestrians, transportation facilities and infrastructure, but also the access of visitors to see, understand and get unique experiences inside. Visitors are given access to enter and tour various heirlooms for taking pictures and asking questions about the object to the building manager. Participation and Cooperation, it is about how the government cooperates with various parties, ranging from the private sector, academia and the media. Quality of Building and Historical Landscape, it provides quality and value to attract visits, where visitors don't get the same experience elsewhere. Research shows that the function of the building is still original. Likewise with the use of land that is still functioned as a market, warehouse and settlement as historically. That way the historical landscape is able to compensate and become an additional value for the quality of heritage buildings. Education, not only about the knowledge gained by visitors, but also needed for tourism service providers in order to develop the mindset of local communities in dealing with tourist’s cultures. Last is Local Economy Activity, which the trading as the main economic activity in Sekanak market area. Utilization of local wisdom through the development of the intangible heritage potential of this area can be developed, such as the process of making Songket, processing Rendang Bread, making kites and how to play it, coffee processing, or making other any crafts.

Analysis that also considers other related aspects, such as heritage potential, sense of place elements, and the heritage tourism components, generates the development strategy which is adapted to the Sekanak Market Area condition that concern to 5As (Attraction, Accessibility, Amenities, Accommodation, and Ancillary). So, this study formulates heritage tourism development strategy for this area, as follows:

Heritage Tourist Attraction Development

As one of the heritage tourism destinations, Sekanak Market Area must be carried out starts from developing various types of heritage tourism attractions by utilizing existing heritage potentials, namely tangible cultural heritage, intangible cultural heritage and natural heritage.

Provision of Heritage Tourism Supporting Amenities

Both in terms of quantity and quality, the provision of these facilities should be able to raise local wisdom to strengthen the character of this historical area. The main facilities are information and interpretation which facilitate visitors to understand the historical and cultural values in it.

Provision of Accommodation

The provision of accommodation can be homestays or other inns. It can utilize the old buildings, which are no longer maintained, in ways such as being repaired, restored, and re-functioned while maintaining the historical or architectural values that existed before. Not only improving slum areas and offering the concept of accommodation with a riverside atmosphere but this arrangement is also expected to foster a healthy environment for residents and visitors.

Enhancement of Ancillary
Through education such as socialization and training, this education can also support the empowerment of local communities, considering many potentials that can be utilized to improve the local economy and welfare. To increase ancillary still requires cooperation between stakeholders, namely regional organizations, private sectors, academics, communities and the media.

Tourist Accessibility Development
Accessibility aspect is still necessary to develop both land and water. Ranging from the provision of safe pedestrian and convenient ways to supply the promenade as well as increasing the number of other small dock beside the main dock provided.

Sekanak Market area which is a historical area in Palembang city is considered to be increased from the infrastructure, facilities and the local community awareness. In addition to solving problems related to the decline in the level of visits, the strategy of developing area as a heritage tourism destination is also expected by researcher that this potential area can have an impact on improving the local economy even advancing Palembang city tourism along with assisting in data collection and preservation of tangible and intangible heritages in this area. So, the results of this study indicate that Sekanak Market Area needs the provision, improvement, and also development. The study proposed development strategies includes: (1) Conservation, attraction, and culture-experience components development, (2) Heritage tourism facilities provision including information and interpretation, street furniture, sanitation, accommodation, parking, finance, and souvenir center, (3) Human resources improvement which covers the community development and education, (4) Sense of place improvement by raising the local wisdom, and (5) Tourism accessibility development which in addition to the arrangement also requires the formation of tourist traditional transportation with its bases.
There are still some weakness of the study which is following:
Technique of taking samples or respondents for distributing questionnaires which based on the Lemeshow formula is considered not fully representative the total population in the research area.
It has not been considered the demand side, where the analysis is only based on the supply side.
The research is not taking up the detail of declining visits issue from the respondents side.
The research has not been related to the Covid-19 pandemic yet.
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