Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on a Reference Hemophilia Center
Martinez Garcia Maria Fernanda*, Benitez Hidalgo Olga, Alvarez Martinez Eva, Juarez Gimenez Juan-Carlos, Fernandez Sarmiento Carmen, Suito Alcantara Milagros, Soto Bonet Nuria, Cardona Lopez Raquel, Iacoboni Garcia-Calvo Gloria and Gironella Mesa Mercedes
Corresponding Author: Martinez Garcia Maria Fernanda, Hemophilia Unit, Hematology Department, Vall d Hebron Hospital, Barcelona-Spain
Revised: December 12, 2020; Available Online: December 22, 2020
Citation: Fernanda MGM, Olga BH, Eva AM, Juan-Carlos JG, Carmen FS, et al. (2020) Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on a Reference Hemophilia Center. J Infect Dis Res, 3(S3): 15.
Copyrights: ©2020 Fernanda MGM, Olga BH, Eva AM, Juan-Carlos JG, Carmen FS, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has forced hospitals to adapt their work to optimize the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 patients and to avoid new infections. In the case of units in charge of the management of chronic and complex patients such as the Hemophilia Unit (HU) of the Vall d ́Hebron Hospital, safety measures were implemented since march 9th where the staff present at the hospital were reduced to a minimum and the in person visits were restricted, encouraging tele-visits to avoid in-hospital infections. We describe the reorganization and activity change of the HU during the 73-days state of emergency period declared by the hospital because of COVID-19 pandemic. The activity of the HU staff was analyzed, collecting data regarding the number of in-person visits, tele-visits, blood extractions and treatments performed. Obtained data was compared with the activity of the same period during the year before. We also describe the results of the “Home Delivery Program” started by the pharmacy department. We observed a 73% reduction of in-person visits and an increase of 38% of virtual ones, there were 53% less blood extractions and 25% less treatment performed compared with the same period the previous year. The Home Delivery Program was able to deliver 95% of all supplied medication. The shipments involved over 400% more phone calls between the hospital pharmacy team and the patients than the year before. In conclusion, a reduction of in-person attention and an increase of the virtual ones were observed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Pandemic; Blood extraction; Hemophilia unit