The Paradoxical Effects of Covid-19 in Italian Systemic Practice: Clinical and Teaching ‘Insights’
Trotta Barbara* and Mosconi Andrea
Corresponding Author: Barbara Trotta, Paduan Centre for Family Therapy, via Martiri della Libertà 1, Italy
Accepted: May 19, 2021 Available Online: May 28, 2021
Citation: Barbara Trotta, Paduan Centre for Family Therapy, via Martiri della Libertà 1, Italy, Email: barbara.trotta74@gmail.com
Copyrights: Boucher BJ. (2021) The Paradoxical Effects of Covid-19 in Italian Systemic Practice: Clinical and Teaching ‘Insights’. J Infect Dis Res, 4(S1): 03.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the personal and professional lives of all of us and has laid the bases for a social and cultural change that has involved the therapeutic practice. The video will highlight the main points expressed in our article “The paradoxical effects of Covid-19 in Italian Systemic practice: clinical and teaching “insights”” published in the Australian & New Zeland Journal of Family Therapy, March 2021. The article is a reflection on the effects of the “viral phenomenon” in term of opportunities and changes arising from the use of online sessions with the screen as the medium to conduct the therapy and training sessions. The pandemic has increased the use of video calling platforms that is expanding our possibilities as systemic therapists and trainers. Technology has now entered the therapy rooms and is an additional instrument that we can use to expand our toolbox. The COVID emergency, precisely because of its unpredictability, requires greater flexibility in interventions and the online setting is an evidence of this phenomena. So, we will talk about the contributions that technology may bring to our practices as an integration and enrichment to therapist's and trainer's tools on different levels: non-verbal behaviour, activation of resources and reflective function, as setting, on the diagnostic level.

Keywords: COVID 19, Paradoxical effects, Online setting, Online therapy, Online teaching