Change in Gonadotropins in Post-Menopausal Women: Effects of Parity
Ekhator CN*, Omorogiuwa A, Akpamu U and Shelu OJ
Corresponding Author: Ekhator CN, Ambrose Alli University, Nigeria
Revised: August 30, 2019;
Citation: Ekhator CN, Omorogiuwa A, Akpamu U & Shelu OJ. (2019) Change in Gonadotropins in Post-Menopausal Women: Effects of Parity. Oncol Clin Res, 1(S1): 09.
Copyrights: ©2019 Ekhator CN, Omorogiuwa A, Akpamu U & Shelu OJ. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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This report assessed the effect of parity on gonadotropins pattern in postmenopausal women. We studied 280 post-menopausal women (40 each grouped into nuliparous to para 6). Although there was no significant different in their ages, serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) appeared to correlate negatively with parity. Thus, the levels of gonadotropins may vary with parity in post-menopausal women. Endocrinologically, female aging caused a progressive increase and decrease in FSH and estrogen levels, respectively. However, reports showed that FSH secretion varies with individual’s characteristics and only a few studies have investigated the effect of age, body mass index, lifestyle factors and ethnic differences. This report was to assess the effect of parity on gonadotropins changes in post-menopausal women. The study was conducted among 280 post-menopausal women attending clinic at Saint Philomena Catholic Hospital in Benin City, Nigeria. They consisted of 40 subjects each with natural menopause transition, devoid of medical, surgical or pathological influence and classified from nuliparous to para 6. After inform consent and approval was given, medical history and blood sample were obtained for serum FSH and luteinizing hormone levels. The mean age of the women ranges from 56.05 ± 6.91 to 59.25 ± 5.45 years parous post-menopausal women. Parity seems to negatively correlate with FSH and LH levels in post-menopausal women. Based on the results, serum gonadotropin levels may vary with parity as with age, BMI, lifestyle and ethnicity.