Research Article
Ahmad Gashamoglu
Corresponding Author: Ahmad Gashamoglu, Institute of Philosophy, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan
Received: 12 June 2020; Revised: 17 June 2020; Accepted: 15 June 2020
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The key thesis of the Science of Ahangyol is that if the universe exists and acts with harmony principles for billions of years, then the activity of any being existing in the universe, regardless of his/her/its sizes, may be regarded purposeful then when this activity contribute to the increase of harmony around him/her and in the universe. According to the Author, if modern economic theories and economic mechanisms are also formed according to this principle, more successful results may be achieved. The Thesis analyzes the key principles of modern economic theories and discusses the aspects, of which consideration is important. At the present time, one of the most topical issues in the entire world, and in economic projects is the speedy population increase rate in the world. The Thesis argues that the regulation of the population increase in the world is not performed successfully at the present time. A new model in this regard, based on the natural development rules of society, is proposed through the Science of Ahangyol. It is scientifically grounded that the modern economic theories may be further improved through the consideration of this model and with the assistance of the Science of Ahangyol, which may in its turn contribute to more harmonic development of every society.


Keywords: Economy, Ahangyol (Way of Harmony), Population and Development, Population Increase, Eastern Philosophy, Social Management.

The latest processes happening in relation to the corona virus in the world have once again proved the theses of the Science of Ahangyol. One of the key theses of the Science of Ahangyol is that if the universe exists and acts with harmony principles, then any activity breaching the harmony will inevitably cause problems. It is similar to, for instance, any intervention to a human body, which is inconsistent with the principles of existence and action of this body. Then, the occurrence of problems in the intervened organ and in the body in total will be surely unavoidable. So, a question may arise: How we can concretely determine the principles of harmony? The answer is simple. Every existing being has a concrete purpose (mission). If a being acts in accordance with his/her/its purpose, he/she/it is in more harmony. The more this being draws away from his/her/its action under the conditions complying with his/her/its purpose, the more he/she/it draws away from the conditions of harmony. When the objects moved away from the conditions of harmony interact with each other, the breach of harmony further increases. When there is no human interference, all the beings in the nature act in accordance with their purposes, and their actions directly or indirectly contribute to the harmony of the nature. Let’s name it as the natural harmony. When human beings create anything contributing to the breach of the harmony through their cognitive activity, this created thing will also have harmony principles. That is, this thing will also breach the natural harmony more as it acts in accordance with its purpose. According to the thesis on hierarchic influence of the Science of Ahangyol, when the harmony is breached in any sub-system in the natural universe, upper systems go into action to restore this harmony. Either an action to restore this harmony starts or if it is impossible to restore the harmony, that sub-system is cancelled. Considering this we can say that anything that human beings create towards the breach of the harmony through the cognitive way causes conflicts with the upper systems in addition to breaching the harmony in the world (Gashamoglu, 2019).


Taking an action by the upper systems to restore the harmony causes further increase in conflicts and stress in the world. As the number of human beings and the number of tools breaching the natural harmony in the world increase, these conflicts and stress further increase. Therefore, any activity of human beings in the world should be performed by considering these mentioned things. And no economic theories and economic mechanisms created without considering these mentioned things may bring long-term success. Unfortunately, at the present time, a stressful situation has arisen in the world as a result of these mistakes.

In order to create any economic theory and economic mechanisms accurately, we should first have precise visions about the essence of human beings, as the economy is a tool for ensuring the activity of human beings. The economy is not the key goal of human beings but is a supportive tool for them to live and act. That is, besides needing for air, water and food, human beings also need the economy. As the breathing, drinking water and eating are not the key, primary goal in a human life, increasing of material wealth may also not be this. It is impossible to establish any economic theory, economic mechanism correctly unless the essence of human beings is not imagined correctly, properly. The Science of Ahangyol argues that the approach of accepting human beings as a biosocial, psychological being up to now in scientific literature is a one-sided approach. Human beings should also be approached as a particle of the universe, an object of influence of the universe, and it should be taken into account. Finally, it would be more purposeful to accept human beings as a cosmo-bio-psycho-socio being. This approach may be more successful if it is taken into consideration in the foundation of more advanced economic theories. The more the globalization process accelerates, the more the society gets complicated gradually, the more the essence of human beings rises to the surface. The necessity to take this essence into consideration becomes more visible.

One of the key theses of the Science of Ahangyol is that the key purpose of every being in the universe is to contribute to the increase of harmony within the system to which he/she/it belongs to. For instance, if we compare the universe with a human body, the key purpose of each organ in our body is to contribute to the generation of harmony in its sub-system. Through this, it increases the harmony in the full body and the body becomes healthier. That is, a finger, by increasing the harmony in the hand system to which it belongs contributes to the health of the arm system, which in turn contributes to the health of the full system, that is, the increase of its harmony. And the key purpose of the tissues in the finger is to act so that to make the finger healthy, and etc. This example is true for every being in the universe. And the key purpose of every planet, every atom is this. Otherwise, the order, the harmony gets breached. The upper systems take an action to restore the harmony. Conflicts arise. The object causing the conflict ‘is either forced’ to make harmony or is destroyed.

A human is also a being. His/her key purpose is also to act so that to make harmony within the system in which s/he is, such as, his/her family, organization, country, world and etc. This does not mean that the human being should not demonstrate his/her attitude in any system to which s/he belongs. Contrarily, every human being should call those who breach the harmony in the system to which s/he belongs to maintain the harmony. This may cause a conflict between them. Any conflict is desirable, useful when it ultimately contributes to the restoration of the harmony and the strengthening of the harmony in the system. The Science of Ahangyol argues that every human may only accomplish to act in accordance with his/her purpose when the following 3 qualities make harmony mutually within him/her: (i) physical health; (ii) moral richness; and (iii) high level of the demand for creative attitude to labor. If we accept these mentioned, then it becomes clear that every economic measure should contribute to the strengthening of these 3 signs and to them to make mutual harmony. That is, if any economic transaction, economic project to be implemented will hinder human beings’ physical health, moral richness and demand for creative attitude to labor, it would be wrong to consider this measure, project purposeful. Many persons hearing these said thoughts may object. They may give examples from many economic achievements. Surely, these economic achievements have happened. But if we analyze deeply, we can see that they have been pseudo achievements. Although they have contributed to the generation of harmony in any sphere at the first glance, however, in general, it has taken place at the expense of breach of the harmony in a broad sense. As the globalization ‘transforms the world into a small village’, the previous achievements already become impossible. It was possible to get those achievements previously due to the fact that the world had not become a united system then as it is now. The transformations in the sub-systems were not significantly influencing the total. But now, all countries have been tied so closely with each other through economic ties that any events happening in one country may influence the full system. And any events happening in giant countries cause serious transformations all over the world. Some people may think that the globalization process will weaken after the corona-virus period. It may seem so at the first glance. The globalization is also a natural-historical process. It will continue. But its nature will change.

There is a significant need for the change of the nature of the subjective intervention to the globalization process, which has existed up to now. Considering the below mentioned as well, we can say that the subjective intervention to the globalization process may only and only be successful if it does not breach the principle of harmoniousness in accordance with the essence of society. As is an intervention of a surgeon to a human body. This intervention has been made mainly according to interests of various power centers up to now. And this is similar to the situation where various persons come to a house and dismantle the stones they like from the wall and make a bed place for them. When dismantling a next stone, all of them may stay under the debris of the wall. Therefore, every state, power center must maintain the harmony principles when implementing their plans. This demand becomes more topical day by day in the world which is transforming to a village as time goes on. That is, we must think about the danger of taking of any step that may cause to the breach of the harmony in the entire world.

Taking these mentioned into account, let’s consider current economic theories, economic projects. The current economic theories have been mainly established on the basis of doctrines of Adam Smith and David Ricardo. And all the modern economic theories have developed based on this foundation. The general substance of today’s economic worldview is that there are limited resources in the world, while the needs of humans are unlimited. Ways are searched for to meet the needs of human beings maximally. As the population increases in the world, the solution for the situation when this issue is raised in this way is becoming more complicated gradually. If the population increased a bit more, this solution would be impossible. And the key reason for the disturbances expressed with regard to the population increase in the world today is just this. What to do in this situation? Again, making interventions contrary to the orders of the world, nature? There is no doubt that such interventions will ultimately strike a blow to the entire world (Economic theory).

It has been already thousands of years that all religious books, prophets and wise people call us to not breaching the harmony of the world. And the theses of the Science of Ahangyol allow us to say that there is a need to reconsider the modern scientific theories, economic doctrines. The key canons of today’s science and economic theories have formed based on the principles of rationalism and pragmatism. The consideration of important factors that are not rational but influence our lives has become secondary. In order to justify the said thought, let’s consider the key principles of the modern economy in detail (Gashamoglu, 2019).

Are the resources in the world limited? Religious books say that God also created the food of those he created. This thought may seem absurdly at the first glance. It may also be assessed as a religious tosh. But now, let’s find out how optimally today’s economy, the economic projects implemented use the resources of the world? We will see a very tragic scene. Let’s imagine a one-year old child. What would happen if we put many meals in a big tray before this child and step aside? A little after, the child will spread out the meals onto the table or carpet and maybe will enter into the tray and sit there. But s/he will cry for being hungry. Today’s economy has made the situation of people as that of this child. Although the capacity of the world is used unprofessionally and sometimes cruelly, the available result is disgraceful for the humanity. There are many people dying from starvation or not being able to eat sufficiently in the world. But there may be an absolutely different view. If people developed such spheres of science that might enable them to use global resources more optimally, then there would be an absolutely different view. For instance, if we could find and use the wind power, water power, earth power, nanotechnologies and some power sources that we have not perceived yet, then absolutely different economic opportunities would appear. That is, if we could involve irrational factors into scientific researches as well, instead of increasing economic resources by making wars, implementing various policies, the resources available in the world for human beings would be so much more than the current amount.

Let’s move on the issue of being of human needs unlimited, accepted in modern economic theories. Why needs of human beings should be unlimited? Yet, if we look at all religious books, consider the Eastern Philosophy, in particular the Islamic Philosophy of the Middle Ages, we can clarify that human needs may not be unlimited! Why? If we remember the idea that the key purpose (mission) of every being, including human beings is to make harmony in the systems to which they belong, we can conclude that the key purpose of human beings is not to realize their needs more. This need should be in such amount to enable that person to make more harmony with his/her activity. That is, if human beings were valued for the fact how much progressive harmony, they make around them with their activity, everything would be ok (Economic theory). Then, a billionaire person may firstly earn his/her billion with his/her harmonic activity which may contribute to the increase of the harmony considerably. Then, that billionaire may spend his/her money on making more harmony for the sake of humanity. In this case, people will be proud of and get distinguished with their actions for making harmonic relationships in the life, not the number of their villas, cars or aircrafts. Hence, there is also lack of awareness-raising activity in this regard in today’s economic theories. Whereas, there are many examples of the generation of such theories in the works of Islamic scientists of the Middle Ages. We can give as an example the work ‘Ahlagi-Nasiri’ (Nasiri’s Morality, 1992) by N. Tusi for them. This book may significantly contribute to the development of many spheres of science, including Economics, Sociology, Pedagogy, Social Management and etc. The book discusses many practical methods of educating the flesh, needs. So, if we want to establish an economic theory that is normal, practical and adequate to human essence, then, we should create serious doctrines also for the education of needs, that is, for them to contribute to making more harmonic relationships.

Let’s pay attention. If we accepted as true these two issues: (i) Resources in the world are limited and (ii) Needs of human beings are unlimited, on which the modern economy bases, then, all the wars and violence in the world would be justified. Because, if there is a limited amount of breads in a city, then, people will pick all type quarrels to meet the needs of their families for the bread. Just accepting of these principles as true contributes to the breach of the harmony and the increase of stress. Rationally, these principles are deterrent and not natural.

And now, let’s move on the issue of the population increase in the world, disturbing futurologists, demographists, politicians, economists, sociologists and others since the 1970s. Calculations made and scientific analyzes conducted have showed that a significant increase in the number of the population in the world was expected in the future 50 to 70 years. It also became clear that that increase would still happen at the expense of the population increase in mainly low developed countries. Such a situation set new duties for politicians, demographists, sociologists and also, first of all, economists. The current, modern science of economy was not ready to find successful solutions for that situation. International organizations, first of all, the UN exercised its control over the happening processes. Really, there was a great need for prevention of that speedy population increase. UN preferred the method of awareness-raising to decrease the increase rate of the population. Also, a range of other methods were also started to be applied. However, the increase rate of the world population is still at the disturbing level. A messy situation has arisen.

If we make analyses according to the theses of the Science of Ahangyol, we can conclude that the measures taken to prevent the increase rate of the population over the last 50 years have not been chosen successfully. These measures have been chosen unprofessionally and have not been taken by determining harmonic development principles.

In fact, methods that the world took from the natural approbation had to be used to decrease the population increase rate. As mentioned in the above example, when a surgeon intervenes a body, the result may only be successful then when s/he acts in accordance with the orders of the body system. The world itself has proved naturally that the population increase rate in any country or region decreases when the education, cultural level of its population gradually increases, and every human prefers to live not only for his/her children as it is in low developed countries, but also for himself/herself. That is, when the education, culture increases, the issue of population increase is regulated automatically. If the funds that are spent on arms were spent on the improvement of the education, knowledge and cultural level of the population all over the world, and in parallel, awareness-raising and international legal control were performed, then the population increase rate would be much lower than the current level. The international legal control may mean, for example, taking of an international obligation by every country to regulate its population increase rate, and controlling over the fulfillment of this obligation. We may also think about other options.

It is clear that that developed population would contribute to further benefitting from the natural resources of their regions. High achievements that science would gain in the sphere of the use of natural resources would enable the resources in the world to be so much more that the current level. The population in the entire world would gradually decrease by the natural way, as in many European countries, and natural resources that are used at the expense of the development of science and technologies would further increase. The science and culture would significantly develop in the world. This reality would be perceived by everyone that when moral values contributing to harmonic development in every social system are preferred, that social system regulates itself harmonically. Otherwise, conflicts, contradictions, confrontation increase day by day. The globalization would give very useful outcomes. The armament, the demonstration of power would not be accepted as an advance but would be criticized as a sign of backwardness in the global environment and it would be prevented more successfully. Absolutely new moral-ethical relationships, policies would get formed. Unfortunately, it did not happen and now, the world is in its current deplorable situation.

But as it is said, not all chances have been lost yet. If power centers, great countries, significant scientific centers decided to search for natural, harmonic development ways for the world, positive changes would happen in the forthcoming decades. The Science of Ahangyol may be very useful in this regard. 

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