Editorial Board

Prof. Byong H. Lee

Prof. Byong H. Lee
Distinguished Professor
Food Science and Biotechnology
Kangwon National University

Biography :

Dr. Byong (Byron) Lee is currently Invited Distinguished Professor in Food Science and Biotechnology at Kangwon National University, Advisor at MSC Co, Ltd. (South Korea) as well as at SportBiomics (US). Dr. Lee is a Professor associated in Microbiology/Immunology Department at McGill University. He previously worked as a Research Director at Champlain Industry (Sensient Flavor) in Canada and a Senior/Principal Scientist and Head of Biotechnology at Food R/D Center at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) in St-Hyacinthe and then Professor (AAFC Chair) in Departments of Microbiology/Immunology and Food Science at McGill University in Montreal, Canada for about 32 years until 2011. He received his degrees at the University of British Columbia (Microbiology/Immunology), McGill University (Food Microbiology) and Laval University (PhD in Food Biotechnology) in Canada after his PhD studies in Microbiology/Immunology at Hahnemann Medical College and University of Pennsylvania in US.

Research Interest :

Molecular microbiology, Probiotics; Prebiotics; Microbiome; Enzyme biotechnology; Hyperthermophiles; Biotherapeutics; Bioingredients.