Editorial Board

Dr. Enes AKYUZ

Dr. Enes AKYUZ
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biophysics,
Yozgat Bozok University

Biography :

I am graduated from Istanbul University, Physics Department in 2011. Then I did my master in theoretical nuclear physics in 2013. After that I changed my direction from Physics to medicine. I did my PhD. at the deparment of Biophysics in faculty of medicine, Marmara University. I worked as research assistant in Bezmialem Vakif University for almos 5 years. Now, I am working as assistant professor at the Biophysics department in Medical Faculty, Yozgat Bozok University. My thesis was about expression of cardiac inwardly rectifying potassium channels in epilepsy. I am also interested in genetic rare diseases and their relationship with channelopathy. My research interest is epilepsy, cancer and inwardly rectifying potassium channels (Kir channels). I used electrophysiological and molecular methods to clarify role of Kir channels on epilepsy. My aim is to show role of Kir channels in several pathophysiology such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. One of the most important career goals of me is to bring together Biophysics and Medical Genetics via patch-clamp methodology.

Research Interest :

Neurocardiology, Neurological Disorders, Medical Genetic, Cancer, Ion Channels