Editorial Board

Prof. Yoshinori Muto Ph.D.

Prof. Yoshinori Muto Ph.D.
Biochemistry and Molecular Evolutionary Informatics
Gifu University

Biography :

Dr. Yoshinori Muto received a B.S. in Biology at Kochi University and an M.S. in Developmental Biology at Ehime University in Japan. He then obtained his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Gifu University in 1985. While studying for his Ph.D., he investigated the signal transduction of Tetrahymena cells under the supervision of Professor Yoshinori Nozawa. Dr. Muto worked as an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Anaerobic Bacteriology, Gifu University (1986-1992) and as an Associate Professor at College of Medical Sciences, Gifu University (1992-2005).Dr. Muto is currently a Professor of Biochemistry at Department of Functional Bioscience, the Gifu University School of Medicine, and holds a joint appointment at United Graduate School of Drug Discovery and Medical Information Sciences, Gifu University.

Research Interest :

1. Molecular evolution of protein family 2. Comparative genomics of positively selected genes 3. Gene co-expression network and its evolution