Editorial Board

Prof. Carmen Orte

Prof. Carmen Orte
Chair Professor
Departamento de Pedagogía y Didácticas Específicas
University of the Balearic Island

Biography :

Degree in Psychology, PhD in Education; Chair Professor; 2 decades of teaching at UIB where she has research excellence. IP of family prevention programs. She created the Open University for Seniors (UOM) in UIB, in 1997-1998 and has been its director until July 2013. Director of the Chair of 'Dependency Care and of the Yearbook of Aging; Senior Director of the International Summer Senior University.Deputy Director of the Department of Pedagogy and Didactics.

Research Interest :

Education Research Social Social Skills Child Protection Bullying Adult Learning Assessment Lifelong Learning Science Education Pedagogy and Education Learning Teaching and Learning Research Methods Early Childhood Education Social Behavior Academic Writing Teaching Methodology Pedagogy Teacher Training Curriculum Development Professional Development Teaching Materials Family Conflict Teaching Experience Pedagogics Prevention Social Studies Education Social Education Educational Evaluation Collaborative Learning E-Learning Social Exclusion Online Learning Citizenship Education ICT Information and Communication Technology Higher Education Curriculum Scale Construction Parenting Social Pedagogy Culture Mentoring NVivo SPSS LES DES Education Science Investigation Dissemination